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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. I'd love to get me a CF-1J
  2. For dog's sake, this topic has been done to death. I sense the approach of mods.....
  3. The Armored Core, I mean, new destroid.
  4. Looks great. I passed over the Hikaru 1A, so I'll probably go for one of these.
  5. Great mods! I did your previous mods on my 1/60 hikaru, and they came out great.
  6. I don't like it. Way too busy looking. I love the simplicity of the 1/48 package.
  7. No one's gonna help you out with M+, it's freely available on domestic DVD.
  8. Man, it really is ACish. I hope it'll make a cameo in the next version of AC......
  9. You're not the only one, has any company ever come out with this other than in model kit form? I've already trashed one Yamato 1/60 trying to make a custom, I'm in the process of trashing yet another one If I get this one right, I'll try it on a 1/48... I'm definitely picking up a couple of YF-19s and then I will start collecting donations to collect the M0 line. Sadly enough, yes. Toynami released a Max 1-A Super Poseable as part of their limited edition Macross boxed lineup.
  10. That would be pretty cool, I'd use it for my desktop.
  11. Hmmm....too bad Yamto doesn't have the M7 license, otherwise, imagine having a little Fire Bomber stage diorama! Now, any chance of a Low Viz YF-19?"
  12. The VF-17 is such a cool Battroid. I love the D model especially. That glowing red eye is so badass looking.
  13. I was trying to figure the same thing out myself. It looks almost more like the 1/60, though. And what's with the yellow lettering on the gunpod?
  14. How's the quality of that thing? Any diecast? It interests me to notice that it not only includes all the accessories, but it is accurately painted. Could it be the next Joon's?
  15. I need to say this again, the search function on the old forums needs to be re-activated. How are we suppposed to look stuff up without it?
  16. According to some sources I've seen, Veritech is jus tthe term for a VF, and the VF-1 is called a Veritech Valkyrie. But it'd be better if ou just removed all mention of that unholy word from that otherwise bitchin' image.
  17. Finally watched this thing, looks pretty cool. I'm sure you guys noticed that the Mechas seem to get some more exposure int his film?
  18. ...and, now, digitalpose isn't working AGAIN!!!
  19. Finally, the much-delayed photos here's the GM:
  20. Ooh, missed this thread. I'm a big BF'er, but I hadn't seen this thread. This looks like one of those mods that isn't going anywhere, though. Shin Matsunaga (active on quite a few gundam sites, runs the "den of the white wolf" site, etc...) was talking about an idea for a gundam BF mod at the Soldier 9 Realism (now XWWII) forums a while ago, one that would focus on infantry and vehicle combat, and only would feature MS in small numbers, and nothing more than a GM / Zaku. I don't think anything ever came of it, though.
  21. Don't be so sure. Who would have expected to see Sara in the end of ep 2? (if you've seen ep 2, you know what I mean)
  22. I'm not too sure about the scheme myself. Something about it reminds me of those "Ricers" you see driving around. I think its the row of logos on the arm....
  23. Same here! vic Personally, I actually like the Drag Racer look. It looks agressive. Hey, 150 posts!
  24. lol, never had that happen with a yammie, but I have had it with other stuff. (Early MG kits). Your solution is the same one I ended up using. Of course, the real solution is to fully paint the figure, no matter what, plastic never looks as good as paint. (One exception: I don't know what they did, but that finish on the HY2M Dom is incredible)
  25. It could be the same one I have. How big is it? and what's it made of?
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