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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Well, the one Shin had been talkiung about was trying to get away from the MS-only focus of Gundam. There was a lot more than MS action during the OYW. But, personally, I'd rather see a Macross mod.It IS possible, they've got transformers working in the TF mod, so why not valks? Hmm...I wonder if they'll make a Jetfire........
  2. Woah, who did those designs? They almost look somewhere in between Shirow and Kawamori. And that last one bears an uncanny resemblance to an advanced valkyrie design ot two.
  3. Yeah, but there was always the Dom countermeasure: Guntank.
  4. Well, obviously, it'll only use the biggest maps. If you play DC, check out DC Baghdad Dawn or even more to the point, Umm Qasr Harbor, which is just huge. There's plenty of room for a Zaku or 2 in those maps.
  5. I agree that the space combat REALLY needs work. You shouldn't be dreading half the levels when you go to play a game.
  6. Call me crazy, but I can't stop laughing at the look on the zentraedi's exploding face! Hey, 200 posts!
  7. Hey, if someone makes this into a wallpaper, i'll be using on my desktip as soon as I can right click and "save as"
  8. What really shocks me is that . Of course, 200 of those are mine
  9. I've been waiting for this for quite a while. It looks great, doesn't it?
  10. Seriously, people, this Mod is most likely never coming out. Just look at the site, total lack of dedication. Besides, if there were a reason to get BF, it would be Desert Combat.
  11. Lol, I love the thing with the Kado Senshi gundam beating down the Zaku and the police GMs saving it. But it makes me feel so sorry for the poor Zaku.....
  12. When I first saw it, the first thought was "it's a double of Double X Gundam" (from Gundam X). Yet, they tried to kitbash it into a reasonable fashion. I liked it more than the Strike, which is now owned by Mwu. You have got to be the only person I've ever seen who prefers the Freedom to Strike. To me, for some reason, Strike is Kira's gundam, freedom is, well, something else. And I'm a huge SEED fan, I mean, I did cosplay Kira....
  13. Hey, Strike's not bad looking at all, and neither is Astray. OTOH, SEED gave us Freedom and Justice, plus such gortesque designs like the Zono and GOOhN, so it has ugly design overall.
  14. This must have taken one huge team to do. However, the MS parts could have been painted in huge batches, and just assembled, they are all almost identical, after all.
  15. Hey, an MS is just like a big tank, it's the footsoldiers that doo most of the work. (and for that matter, get all the score, a good footsoldier can kill other soldiers a lot faster than an MS pilot can kill MS. (and MS are quite inneffective against infantry)
  16. It has no problem with an AT-ST, and there's some wierd super-robot-ish thing that is in one mod, so I think an MS would be possible.
  17. I had no idea they could respond to commands in Japanese! Maybe that's why mine plays "fly, gundam" when I say "tobe! gandamu!"
  18. Woah, this looks sweet! So, what's the deal with it? I'm inferring that the game was cancelled midway through development, the incomplete code was released, and the fan community has been completing it?
  19. Woah, you're the first I've heard anything like this from. Every single review I've read said it was totally solid and improved on the old one in every way.
  20. I don't know about a section, but we should have some kind of official Gundam thread.
  21. This is quite well known. I have a feeling Kawamori has no idea about it, but HG certainly did, they forced their removal from BT.
  22. LMAO!!! Never noticed that. Anyway, I can't wait for these to come out.
  23. Woah.....I wish you could get that as a lego kit....
  24. You know, the D coming first actually makes sense, after all, shin is the main character, and we always get Hikarus before Roys.
  25. Hey, ya know, it's almost worth four bucks just to cannablize for the leds, batteries, and switch. And then you can make a nice custom. Not a bad deal overall.
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