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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. You've got a point. But c'mon, the first releases arent THAT bad. Sure, later improvements are usually made, but not that many.
  2. ^ In response to the previous post ^
  3. That thing's looking pretty cool. There's a new AG thread in the cons (I think) section, check it out.
  4. Pilot candidate can't be reviewed because it doesn't exist. It's just a collective nightmare.
  5. You do realize that you can set the AI behavior to avoid things like that? Just set it to "far".
  6. Bitchin'!!!! I'm putting it on my desktop as soon as this post is finished!
  7. These all look cool. I especially like the VF-30.
  8. Yeah, I like the weathering myself.
  9. Maybe Phatslappy isn't getting it for himself! Maybe its for a little "bedroom fun" Later that evening Phatslappy - Now, you have to pretend your name is Minmei. I put the orange sheets on the bed, and we will call that the Super Ostrich.... ROFLMAO!!!!
  10. I doubt it. The head isn't very AC like... and neither is that weird white tube on its back. I know, but the white thing could conciveably be a radar part, and seeing as how Kawamori is the designer for AC, it seems like he'd do what he did way back and put in a destroid or two.
  11. Stunning. Simply stunning. I wish I could paint like WM Cheng.........
  12. I'd certainly like to find out how you did that base. It looks great!
  13. Try a different clear coat, then! This thing would look awesome with a nice grey panel job!
  14. Cosplay!
  15. I had no idea RF was connected to Descent!
  16. I'm more interested in the fact that it was the original appearance of Boba Fett. Who, however, is no longer cool, because Lucas raped his past....
  17. I'm still hoping that these parts make it into AC4. You can almost make it in AC3SL, but there aren't any gatling arms.
  18. I've been planning to shoot a 1/48 F-14, VF-84 or -103, of course, with Bulky Lee, but I currently have neither....
  19. I hope I can find a source for these. I've really been wanting a set.....
  20. I agree, especially if it was compatible with the parts form all the AC2 and AC2AA figures. Imagine the customs!
  21. Don't we all?
  22. Well, it is just a quick photochop, after all.... And I agree, that valk has the grand canyon in its forehead!
  23. I wonder what's next.... Maybe it comes with the entire uniform! Here's a thought to why it's so expensive, though: maybe it has to be custom made for the buyer. That could explain why you can't get one outside Japan.
  24. Not very surprising, considering that the MPC as a whole is limp and "very stupid" looking....
  25. I wasn't much of a member at the time we had a Longest Thread, It'd be cool to have a new one so I can see firthand all the craziness that goes on within.....
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