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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. I've got as my background, and, man, does it look good on my big ol' monitor!
  2. What are your computer specs, Bub? FS2004 will run on just about anything, and pretty smoothly, too. Seeing as how noone's willing to do it, I guess I better start practicing GMAX. Too bad Maya doesn't work for FS, I've done a fanracer-is plane that was pretty cool.
  3. Looking at the pic on HLJ, it actually is pretty cool.
  4. I'd be willing to go for the planes, I think. Are decals included? And about how big are they? BTW, the YF-19 looking one is the Sukhoi S-37 / Su-47 Berkut (Golden Eagle). Will these be ready at the con?
  5. I'm in the same situation. I WAS going to get a Low Viz for my birthday, but it's the ont thing I DIDN'T get! So it looks like I'll be getting a Hikaru 1S, or maybe the 1J when it comes out. Wouldn't it be awesome if the 1J came with GBP?
  6. Ya know, I almost wish someone would make a cheap boot of the Yammie 1/60. It's so much more nicely molded, imagine the custom potential!
  7. But if this is true. Why are there still Videos/DVDs of Macross Plus by Manga? I recall a cameo apearance of the VF-1 in this OAV. Or is Harmony Gold just too chicken to point that out? Harmony Gold claims that "nobody was minding the shop" when M+ came out.
  8. Man, this thing can actually go toe to toe with the monster tuat is the Yammie Q-Rau!
  9. Damn, that looks badass! I want one! Hell, I want an Elint version! (hint, hint )
  10. It looks pretty cool. Nice detail for a papercraft.
  11. Meh. I gave up on pro wrestling about the time they started callling it WWE.
  12. This sounds pretty cool, where can I get a copy? Is it licensed yet?
  13. You do realize that you can set the AI behavior to avoid things like that? Just set it to "far". Or... you can be good enough and not be bothered by it. Seriously... I played the DC version, had no clue what was going on, and my allies still didn't get in the way. I guess besides dumbing down the graphics.... I guess Bandai dumbed down the AI too for the PS2. <_< Maybe so. In the PS2 version, the AI goes out of its way to block every one of your shots! Now, one thing I'd love, is a VS version of Zeonic Front. The good graphics, realistic action, and big environments would be a lot of fun against another human insted of an AI that cheats.
  14. I like the idea. Not that I have the skill to do a scheme myself, though, but.....
  15. I saw the L from the first moment. And I personally do like the idea of a nice, south pacific-ish, M Zero inspired theme, would be a nice change from the usual dark scheme of MW.
  16. Ya know, it just occured to me, I think the scheme on the MAVE is based on Sukhoi's S-37 demonstrator scheme.
  17. Ooh, I wanna see this myself. I hope I can make it to the con....
  18. Hey, I've only seen the first two, and I already love it!
  19. Pale blue death struggle? Odd name.
  20. ROFL!!!! The writing on the Gunpod!!!!!
  21. Did you just say "kekeke"? Vostok 7 Ya know, that's what I was wondering, too.....
  22. if we think happy thoughts can we make it fly? I made my Valk fly.....but Then it hit the ground.....Good thing it was a Banpresto, those things are invincible!
  23. Level with the Visor, right?
  24. Hey, Boba was badass if you read any of the post-ROTJ novels that he's in. Oh, and, BTW, he doesn't die in the Sarlacc. He was saved by his armor, which was destroyed, and he was injured badly, but he managed to get out and drop in a thermal detonator.
  25. I think I may see the tail end of a YF-19 way on the right. But that's only because i'm looking for one.
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