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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Silence! Basara is the greatest band member ever to appear in an anime! edit: forgot the
  2. It's true, though, that manouvering thrusters (verniers are low power thrusters for tiny corrections and adjustments) on the fuselage would be quite ineffective. The wings just give suchbetter leverage. And also, I think, compared to the leg thrusters, the backpack ones would provide such miniscule force as to make the added thrust pointless.
  3. Hey, I know what I can be like to be on the edge between nice, normal guy and psychotic. I can sympathise with Guld's past actions.... Hey, maybe I'm a micronized Zentran, and not human at all!!!
  4. My theory is that it was a hundred years off and that whole Krakatoa thing was the macross going down! Or, maybe it was 2 years late, and 9/11 was a big diversion!
  5. Tell that to the Pink Pecker Squadron... lol... not only were they pink... but the name is extremely gay. Hah, lol, it's so hard to imagine Ray flying a pink valk, too..... Not nearly as hard as imagining a pink valk. I don't have any trouble imagining a pink valk. But that's because i'm wierd. And hung out with too many fangirls in the past.
  6. Wait, I take what I said back! It doesnt look like a korean boot. It looks like a Salvadorean bootleg!
  7. From what I've been told, each episode of Urda is a 5-minute commercial for a new home-based animation software. Hah, and we always look down on american animation for just being a half hour commercial!
  8. Time to get a new brother I say. Hey, he gets everything, nothing I can do. The little bastard got a 1/48, and I still don't have one.
  9. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* Not true! You are 10 down! You can't be on 24 hours a day!! I can!! That's where you're wrong! No Job, no School, no car. and on the rare occasions when I do go places, I have a Sidekick for wireless web. Plus, I function without sleep. I 4m t3h p0s7 r0b0t! BWAHAHAH! No job, no school, no friends, no car.... no life! I don't even got 5 meters away from my PC! Bah. I still win And I'd be farther ahead if I wasn't sick, causing me to have to, uhh, leave my computer for extended periods of time.....
  10. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* Not true! You are 10 down! You can't be on 24 hours a day!! I can!! That's where you're wrong! No Job, no School, no car. and on the rare occasions when I do go places, I have a Sidekick for wireless web. Plus, I function without sleep. I 4m t3h p0s7 r0b0t!
  11. Hey, guys, I got the EGM with the article today. But my little bro took it to school. So I'll see if I can coax my scanner into working and throw up a scan.
  12. If I were to get it, I'd get the PS2 version, cause it's the only console I ever play.
  13. Yeah.... you get that from the overly colorful set up. No self respecting robot would wear such colorful pieces. I disagree. He looks much more like a bad korean bootleg, what with all those pointless "details" and the mismatched coloring.
  14. I wonder why the Super O comes in normal fighter, instead of in super fighter like most 1/60 supers...
  15. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* Not true! You are 10 down!
  16. I knida like the bizarre schemes. So much more interesting than the monotony of DYRL. I like non standar schemes too, but I prefer things like the Blue roses and so. I consider the valks as war machines (since they are so) and even more a Strike Valk!! All that bizarre markings and pink accents don't fit with a strike IMHO. Just imagine a full armed F-15E painted that way. Hey, I think that'd be pretty cool..... Of course, this is coming from a huge fan of the Nobel gundam, MAXL Custom, and other such mecha, so.......
  17. No, man, he's driving a Pimpmobile!
  18. I don't like it, but it's still better than anything with Energon in the name....
  19. Wait... do they become playable after you beat them, or what? Something like that. At first I thought it was... but only the Elmeth opened up for me. The Big Zam is still being my reach. Last night i notice theres the Zakurello too... but I didn't beat it. Are you sure they're all there? I unlocked the Grabro, Bigro, Zakrello,. Braw Bro, and Big Zam the first day! It took longer to get the Adzam and Elmeth, though, because I had to figure out exactly what to do to make them appear.
  20. Hey, the Marasai is missing! that sucks, it's one of my favorite designs, too.
  21. My theory actually could make sense, now that I think of it. It's hard to tell if the wings are in oversweep or full storage, but we can tell that the valk has to fold the stabilizers to fit inside the hangar. So it does appear that there isn't room to flip the tail. And it is possible that the footage is misleading and the wings only go all the way back, with the folded tail, when stored in the ARMDs, in the 3D storage method.
  22. Hey, I went and watched some SDF this morning, and I noticed that the valks are repeatedly shown coming out of the hangar deck in dtorage wing position, but with the backpacks unfolded. (but the fins folded down) So I guess the wings can close all the way without being obstructed by the backpack.
  23. I personally avoid acryl paints like the plague. Not only are they hard to use, but compared to enamels, they are a nightmare to clean up. With normal Model Master enamel, I can clean the airbrush with a cupfull of thinner, but with acryl, it takes two or three loads of windex.
  24. I had trouble finding it myself, try a hardware store, near cleaning/maintinance/janitorial supplies.
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