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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. I might go see the first movie, as I missed it in theartes, i've only seen the DVD.
  2. I have the first Simpsons and Family guy sets. He, woah, someone else who actually likes KOTH? So many people hate it, but I think it's great!
  3. Ya know, it's like they make it purposely bad. It's like a sick joke. Next, we're gonna see a jetfire that transformes into that horrible playskool or whatever it was "veritech", and looks like it has down syndrome in robot mode!
  4. Actually, the first time I ever saw that eva weapon, my first thought was Karasawa!
  5. I have the YF-19, it's pretty nice, I think. But I managed to break the landing gear trying to pull them out......
  6. Well, actually, there is a way in which a UN war in the near future is possible, but if I were to go any farther, I think it could be deemed too political.
  7. I want that Shiki so bad. I played around with one back around Otakon. Too bad I have almost no budget.....
  8. Ow, I know that feeling. I've had rows of days after which, i couldn't even focus my eyes on the monitor.... Yeah... in your case its called over posting!! Oh, you're really one to talk....
  9. Truth is, it doesn't really matter to me, because I suck at fighting games. So I probably won't be getting it, anyway.
  10. i'm not sure why, but at the moment, that seems to be the funniest theing i've ever seen!!! I'm literally having trouble typing cause of laughing so hard.....
  11. rrrgggghhhh....must...resist...making...stupid...comment...... oh, crap, I just did!
  12. Hey, I just came up with an idea for an avatar, but I don't have the facilities for doing a screencap. Can someone cap me a pic of Kamjin just after he unfolds when he momentarily has that funny sort of expression, over the videocomm? Or does someone already have that pic? You know what, scratch that. I just realized that I can do it with my new capture card. So, unless someone already has he image, forget about it.
  13. Hey, i've got an excuse. I'm really sick and haven't slept in about 42 hours. So my brain's kinda broken.
  14. It doesn't look like it has much Chogo in it. Hey, neither does the Kahen Senshi zeta, and it's often regarded as a spinoff of the SOCs....
  15. No! Mwahahahahah!!!!! Edit: the proceding must be imagined in the voice of Kahn form King of the Hill.
  16. No, it's the long awaited Macross SOC!
  17. Ow, I know that feeling. I've had rows of days after which, i couldn't even focus my eyes on the monitor....
  18. woah...do you realide this is the second thread we've hijacked this morning?
  19. Hmm....I can't kill him, though. He has the mighty 1/48 to protect him, and my Glaug is MIA. And besides, he has this big axe, and all i've got are my beat up old katanas.... But if I could de-fold a ship on top of him.......
  20. I had trouble finding it myself, try a hardware store, near cleaning/maintinance/janitorial supplies. Just at a large supermarket/grocery store in the cleaning supply aisle. Not everyone still carries it, but likely would not be with large industrial clearners at a hardware store like Home depot Hey, that's where I found it. I had no luck with a supermarket.
  21. In what kind of situation can "shotgun intensive" be considered a bad thing?
  22. The 100 seems a little wierd, though.... as every message I get seems to take up 2%
  23. Now we know what it says, does anyone know what it means?
  24. I see sharon as most likely, too. Myung just isn't as good of a candidate for a figure.
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