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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Well, fixing a loose ball joint can apply to any model or toy..... (any with ball joints, that is)
  2. I hate to say it, but i've been modelling for as long as I can remember, and this is better than how a lot of my stuff ends up...... So, for a first resin kit, this is good work. Keep it up!
  3. Whadda ya mean long gone? It was at the AX panel...... As for the idea of a greater MW valk, last fall, JsARCLIGHT (i think it was him) did a whole series of scheme and box ideas for an MW Limited Edition Group Production Yammie 1/60.
  4. Yeah, this is a known issue. Apparently, no one's set the clock properly yet.....
  5. I use Win 2000 on my PC. I will never move to XP due to the obvious flaws in that OS and I had a bad experience using it, so I don't bother. Besides, the PowerBooks and iBooks are built like refined Swiss timepieces with comparable specs and price points. From my previous experience with PC laptops, I find that more than half are lemons. One of these days I would get a PowerMac for video editing because Premiere performs better and Final Cut can only be runned on that computer. My previous experience with a PC for video editing led me into frustration when I get bad results with it. To vent my rage, I kicked the PC and punched the moniter because of it. I got swollen knuckles on my fists and putted dents into the PC casing after that. I'm curious, in what way is XP obviously flawed? Once some of the initial problems are worked out (i.e. making it act like a normal OS, not th enewbie OS), XP can be just like 2K, except noticeably more stable. Oh, BTW, premire won't be running better on mac anymore. Adobe announced that they're not going to make a Mac version anymore! As for the icons, they are really ince. Have you considered doing any Zero ones? I'd use those. Hell, i'd use these if I weren't using a Zero-based pair of wallpapers.
  6. I was actually just thinking about something like that, earlier. I was thinking of areodynamic FAST packs, 3-d vectoring feet, missiles mounted on the legs (f-14 style), etc... I was also imagining a delta config with canards (i'm sure I misspelled that). I kind of imagine it being somewhere between a VF-1 and VF-0 in appearance.
  7. That's what I thought the pronunciation was, but I'd heard a few people pronunce it the other way at the MW panel. As for the mag, I know SOCOM: US Navy Seals 2 is a cover story, and the cover is mostly white. It's probably september.
  8. A big part of toy painting is the application, too. The toys are often sprayed with a special sprayer, with specual paint, and they have special templayes that allow the spraying to be precise. It often seems that toys are painted with a relative of the vinyl die, intended for car interiors, and used on plastic by computer modders, that actually sort of dyes the plastic, instead of putting a layer on top of it.
  9. On the subject of front wheel problems, they should make it so that you can close the front gear doors when the front wheel is extended, without the doors collapsing into the bay.
  10. Not sure if he counted as clergy, but how about GodMedia?
  11. Ooh, that looks great! My pilot will look pretty good with some mods, but I can't figure out how to reproduce it. It's made of a really soft rubber....
  12. If this is true.... w00t!!!!!
  13. Hey, last nigh, I was screwing aroun, and I discovered that with a bit of cutting, the pilot from my MechWarrion figure fits perfectly in the 1/60 yammie. He'll just need a little paint. The sculpt is qoute good, too, he looks relatively natural in the 'pit. I'll post some pics later. So, has anyone else tried to make a pilot for the older 1/60s?
  14. Enamel is a solvent pased paint. Acrylic is water based. so you'll need a thinner for the enamel. As for what paint to use, what colors areo you plaiinig to do? And i expect you'll be brush painting the figures?
  15. Hey, does anyone have a picture of the backpack stress marks? I want to check the 1/48 I have here, but I don't know exactly what to look for.
  16. Hell yeah! I've been wanting one since the 1/48 was first announced!
  17. Woah, Nora looks great. I'm gonna have to print it out and put it up on my wall, I think....
  18. Wow, that model is awesome! The countours and curved surfaces are so perfect, and so smooth looking!
  19. Dang not working scanner..... anyway, the game looks quite odd. One surprise is that it's a first person shooter! Everything is very organic looking, too, and the environment shown is out in the middle of a very alien looking nowhere. Hey, BTW, this is kind of related, but sort of ot: is it prouounced mo-speed-ah or mo-spay-ah-da?
  20. I think the line was stopped, because it was quite silly. I mean, a tiny diecast fighter for 25 bucks is crazy. Although, I guess that's about what diecast airliners can run, so maybe it's not too wierd. But I just don't see these ever selling too well when a 1.60 yammie is only a little more.
  21. I think I am starting to feel the same way. Same here. I'd been considering getting possibly an Elint, and had little interest in the Super O, but after seeing the O , I'm gonna have to get one. It's just so beautiful.....
  22. You know what I'd love to see from Yamato? A hi-viz realistic scheme, Jolly Roger style, with the light grey and the yellow bar across the nose, etc.
  23. Actually, I'm not too sure about home depot. I got mine at a smaller hardware store, a Do-it-center, an Ace or an Orchard Supply Hardware should have it, too.
  24. You'll really have to try a hobby or model store. They aren't really dlue, they are actually a solven that slightly melth the plastic, so when the two pieces come together they melt together and become one piece.
  25. lol! You guys should go down to the hell as soon as I hope!!!!
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