I use Win 2000 on my PC. I will never move to XP due to the obvious flaws in that OS and I had a bad experience using it, so I don't bother.
Besides, the PowerBooks and iBooks are built like refined Swiss timepieces with comparable specs and price points. From my previous experience with PC laptops, I find that more than half are lemons.
One of these days I would get a PowerMac for video editing because Premiere performs better and Final Cut can only be runned on that computer. My previous experience with a PC for video editing led me into frustration when I get bad results with it. To vent my rage, I kicked the PC and punched the moniter because of it. I got swollen knuckles on my fists and putted dents into the PC casing after that.
I'm curious, in what way is XP obviously flawed? Once some of the initial problems are worked out (i.e. making it act like a normal OS, not th enewbie OS), XP can be just like 2K, except noticeably more stable.
Oh, BTW, premire won't be running better on mac anymore. Adobe announced that they're not going to make a Mac version anymore!
As for the icons, they are really ince. Have you considered doing any Zero ones? I'd use those. Hell, i'd use these if I weren't using a Zero-based pair of wallpapers.