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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. That's the rarest of rare, the Lansay Tred. I believe there are 5 of them in existance.
  2. Haha, lol, that Platypus is the ugliest valkyrie ever! I hope they make one!
  3. Well, I guess it's time to updaye my list! 1/72: 1- YF-21FP 1/60: 3- VF-1A Hikaru & Max, VF-1S Roy 1/48: 1- Bulky Lee!!
  4. It's already been through the cycle a number of times! Now, i'm not that new to the 1/48, my little bro got his Max a while ago, and i've posed it a bit, but it's nothing compared to having my own. And, I just love the finish and scheme of the 1/48. It'll be my only one for a while, though. I think I may get the FPs for it soon, they do look pretty cool on the LV. But I won't be getting another 1/48 until the Hikaru 1J.
  5. Use that and what UN Spacy provided.Those are the best examples for your Mylene Cosplay. No. Even if joking, never take that advice. Never base your own costume on someone else's. It's as bad as builing a model using someone else's model for reference, rather than the proper source images.
  6. Today, at the MWCON, I finally got the valk i've been wanting fo a looong time. Before there was a Low-Vis yamato, I wnated a low-viz. Well, I finally got mine! It also happens to be my first 1/48, and I love it! You guys know how apprehensive i've been about 1/48s, and how loyal I've been to the 1/60, but after finally having a Bulky Lee of my own, I can't see going back. Anyway, I know this post is kind of pointless, but I see a lot of people post topics about their first 1/48, and as MW's most vocal member, I had to make a post of my own!
  7. S i t h l o r d's collection is truly a sight to behold! I don't think I've seen Melissa's. Mylene` also has a quite insane collection, especially of Gundam.
  8. Nev-uhmind! I just searched the old boards and it looks like it dropped completely off! Was active too long ago to make it to the archives! Ah well, that Inbit/Jetfire skit shall live on in my memory! Melissa Aww, too bad, that means my "undocumented 1/60 modes" are gone, too! Come to think of it, though, I think they're still on my HD.....
  9. unfortunately it cannot be converted to a normal valk due to the non-removable radar attachment That does not make me very happy! I really would like to have an elint to display without armor. To those that have the VE-1, here is a question: How difficult would it be to mod the radar attachment to be removable so that the elint could fully transform to fighter mode? Is it even possible? Please share your ideas! I really want to figure something out...this sucks!! BTW, thanks to Toonz for sharing the info! Melissa Hah, I was about to ask the same thing. Of course, I mod everything I own, just about, so it's just natural that i'd do it here, too! So you are getting this one too? If so and if you figure out a way to mod it, please share! This is somewhat disappointing! If anyone has ANY ideas, let me know! ..I wonder if you could use any of the other 1/60 supers as a donor to mod it....might be worth a try! Thanks, Melissa I've been considering getting one, when finances permit. It's not easy being 17 in LA....
  10. Lol, I had no idea it included the bud sticker!!! That's hilarious! Hey, w00t, I just noticed, that was 500!
  11. Hey! Now we can finally make a valkyrie, and have it deform to look good in all modes!
  12. Hey, speaking of Dawn of the Dead, there's a new one coming out. My mom's company is doing some trailer work for ti. My mom saw a rough cut and said it was pretty watchable.
  13. I know the feeling about using too much putty, i'm the same way. I go through tamiya putty like water. And, yess, avaid Tamiya putty like the plague. The stuff is awful.
  14. This is such a minor part.....but is it possible to replace the gun strap? Mine was broken in the box.
  15. I don't know what the deal with anime in LA is. I mean, it's practically impossible to find good anime stores around here, yet there's a great one in freaking Fort Lee, NJ, that's better than anything out here!
  16. Thanks, there's one there that's actually perfect. It shows all the important detail.
  17. I keep all my opened Bandai & Yammie boxes folded up and the plastic trays stacked up in one or in this case make it two big HLJ boxes. As for the boxes with styrofoam trays there's only one way to solve that, move into a bigger pad! Lol, it looks like you had a huge order from HLJ and got trapped in the house....
  18. I think they make golf clubs out of this stuff.....
  19. i still don't have mine..... Must....get...bulky...lee.....!
  20. It actually does look pretty nice clean. One question, though, why is this in Fan Works?
  21. I don't really have anything expensive in my collection. My little brother has his 1/48, but my most expensive item has to be my pair og Kado Senshis, which I bought together for 70 bucks.
  22. It doesn't have to...with some celing track and some electric motors, you could have a formation of 1/48s flying around in the air! That would kick SO much ass. Yeah, until one hit you in the head......
  23. It doesn't have to...with some celing track and some electric motors, you could have a formation of 1/48s flying around in the air!
  24. With the recent surge in cosplay threads, I think it'd be a good idea to start a single thread (pinned, maybe) for cosplay. Fan Works seems like the appropriate place. Anyway, I'm planning on doing a future Shin Kudo costume. I'd appreciate it if someone had some good reference pics of him, though. I especially need a good image of his helmet. The patches on his flightsuit need to be figured out, too.
  25. By the way, guys, this should have been either in cons and gatherings (traditonal location for cosplay threads), or fan works. I think maybe someone should start a definitive cospaly thread in on eodf those sections. In fact, maybe I will.... OK< I put a Macross COsplay thread in Fan Works. We probably should consolidate cosplay discussion to there.
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