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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. I do like the idea of a between SDF and plus sequel. Finally get some VF-4 action!
  2. For what it's worth, I like the scheme you're using better, myself. I think the bright blue of the OVA missiles is stupid looking. The other issue is that we only see them really clearly on the AI controlled MAVE, which is ina white and blue scheme, so the missiles may be painted specially for it. Speaking of that scheme, if you (or anyone else, for that matter) ever do another MAVE (resin, for instance), you should consider doing it in the demonstrator scheme, it looks pretty cool.
  3. Hey, I posted this earlier in the Models section, but I thought i'd do so here, too... Anyways, I watched the second episode again today, and I noticed that the missiles are clearly seen on the MAVE. They are blue overall, and have yellow stripes. However, this oculd be a color specially for dummy rounds, because it's specified that they aren't real.
  4. Hey, I just watched Ep. 2 again, and I noticed something. The missiles are seen in it!. The correct color would be blue with yellow stripes.
  5. Dang, AnimeSuki diesn't list it. Must already be licensed. I guess i'll have to find other routes of aqquisition.....
  6. I may get one. Where do they sell the normal ones? It's a relatively heavy ieam, and the cost of shippin just would be pointless on sush an inexpensive figure. I think I may get one of the green ones if I find them, I like that color the best on the Legioss.
  7. OK, that settles it, I want a PG GP04, convertible into the Gerbera Tetra. (Possibly my favorite gundam design of all time.) (And, remember, the Gerbera Tetra was a gundam, just with disguise armor)
  8. I'm not too up on this, IIRC, there was a book years ago that erroneously listed Kawamori, and the error spread until everyone believed it. Kind of like Washington and the cherry tree, or Thomas Crapper and the toilet, both false, but acceped by the public as true.
  9. Ewww! ....Nooooo Sorry...But am I the only one who doesn't like Escaflowne? Melissa Nope. I'm with you and Abombz!!, Escaflowne was a peice of crap. Kawamori needs to stick to sci-fi mecha, not fantasy mecha.
  10. I don't think i'm ever going to understand Korean animation. "Spaaaacce gandam vvvwweeeeeeee!!!!!" and the like..... Besides, it's claymation, so it makes sense that it'd be $#!(
  11. How much of a budget? I really like my Iwata Eclipse, which was just over 100.
  12. Woah! That thing is huge!
  13. LOL! That's petty hilarious!
  14. Hey! How could you dislike a show in which a Gouf hijacks a huge swan and tries to step on a gundam? Anyway, todays episode introduces Shoot's friend Sayla (where have I heard that before> ), Grappler Gouf, and Zero the Winged Knight. Strangely, Zero is identified as a guy, and acts like one, but clearly speaks in a woman's voice. Future plot point? And, BTW, this show probably would be pretty good on drugs. (or so I hear, never done any myself). But watching it already is like being stoned, anyway.... You know, one really interesting thing about this show is that while the major MS are the new-style SD, the Zakus are the old, legless, kind.
  15. Lol, I just got mine too, I made a topic myself. I like the idea of a pinned thread for this kind of thing. BTW what's the number on your LV gonna be?
  16. Yes, cosplay.com is a very good site for cosplay info. I'm over there, on the boards, all the time.
  17. Hahahaha....satisfied customer? Maybe satisfied fan! Wait about 20 more years later, and our Yamato 1/48 will be vintage toys... Can anyone imagine what would happen in 20 years? Maybe these toys will AUTO TRANSFORM on voice command!!! and add a magnetic base, and maybe the toy will float? Okay, back to reality!!! Paulo Why are you think ing about 20 years from now? The real ones will be out in six years, after all!
  18. Rrghhhh. So, did anything important happen today? I had an appointment at 5, and no blank tapes.....
  19. it's more than that, it's a 3 hour discrepancy.
  20. I was thinking of getting one of those Hasegawa 1/48 missile sets. It bugs me that the choice is between the small AMMs, and the unrealistic micromissiles, neither of which look right on the Low Viz. So, I was thinking that some 1/48 slammers would look awesome. Has anyone tried customizing the 1/48 armament?
  21. Ah, I see you used that scheme on the missiles. It looks great on them!
  22. What kind of airbrush are you using? It may affect the techniques.
  23. Yup, I was the same way, except I was a yammie 1/60 freak. They all look like crap, now.
  24. No, the scaffolding does not come with it. I can say with 95% certainty, that what you see there is a pretty nice, but still obvious, custom job on the 1/60 DXMSiA GP-01FB.
  25. Wasn't someone trying to put that together on the old boards?
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