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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. I'm gonna pick one up once they're available in number. I'm dying to play PD Zero, I loved the original.
  2. Stop calling it the Skyline. G35 = Skyline. GTR is now a seperate model line. As for Fast & Furious... Look for "FF Tokyo Spy Footage" on streetfire.net. My friend and I shot that in a local canyon, came across it on the way up to run a test&tune on a local road on my friend's Starion. That's defenitely F&F, by the way, as the signs at the gate to that area said "FF TOKYO 2ND UNIT".
  3. Well, there are boxsets of the OT, and I think of the new trilogy. I've been seeing the prelim designs over at Fox, I woulda liked to see something a bit cooler for the box, but these are pretty classy.
  4. Hehe, my ringtone is Cruel Angel's Thesis... My phone works as an MP3 player, so full songs will work. (Sony S710a) By the way, does anyone know of a good app, preferably free, that I can use to change the length of MP3s? A lot of songs would be great tones, but have a long intro that's not ideal as a tone.
  5. -Batou's Lancia Stratos, GitS: SAC -The Devil Z (240Z), Wangan Midnight -Subaru Impreza WRX STi Ver.VI, Initial D -Lotus Europa, eX-Driver -Lancia Stratos, eX-Driver -Lotus/Caterham Super Seven, eX-Driver
  6. Hurts my eyes, too.
  7. Lol, GERCOCK.
  8. I still think someone needs to make seperately available parts for ACs. Maybe sell it as sets, like one with a variety of core kits, one with legs and arms, etc, maybe two types from each major mfg. (More for weapons, heads, etc) Sorta loses the AC spirit when you're just buying a pre-set AC.
  9. I never noticed it before, but there's a sort of a resemblance between Golgo and the guy from Kuso Miso Technique. (Often known by "Yaranaika")....
  10. Got the WRX back today, nice to have it back. But I took it up for a shakedown, and I'm realizing more and more something that's tearing me up. In terms of the drivers in the canyons here, I'm quite fast, but I just can't seem to master the techniques that would make me a "good" driver. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm having so much trouble improving my real skills. I can only seem to drive with my conscious mind, being able to control the car with my subconscious is eluding me, no matter how hard I try. I understand a lot of the techniques in a semi-academic sense, but I have no real sense of how they work in the real world, and some things I just won't "click" for me. Driving to increase my speed through series of corners, or to maximise my grip, I just don't feel it, and I know that I need to to become a better driver. It's just really bugging me right now.
  11. Wow, can this thing drive. Took it down the hill to a little twisty for a few minutes (with my dad worrying nonstop from the passenger seat...), drives awesome, and sounds even better. Makes me wish I'd gotten one myself, but it's a bit out of my range. Think I would have taken a Z over it, anyway, but they're effectively the same car.
  12. Well, I've just recieved word that a new member of the famly is on it's way home. It's a 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe, with the 6spd manual transmission, it's silver, and it's my dad's new car. I personally can't wait to check it out! I'll get some pics up ASAP.
  13. Hmm, I just wish the chogo had a more matte finish, this one looks sorta cheap 'cause it's so shiny, like some kinda Power Rangers toy. I'd be all over one if it was slightly more realistically finished.
  14. I don't get SPEED (or G4, for that matter, I've got non-digital cable), so half those shows I've never even heard of. The TLC ones are mostly mediocre. I like Horsepower and TRUCKS! (not a huge truck fan, but the buildups are fun to watch), and, even with its shortcomings compared to the UK version, Top Gear kicks arse. I do like Goldberg's show, as well.
  15. I remember hearing about that a few years ago. As I recall, it has certain "soft" parts....
  16. My suspicion is that Subaru REALLY screwed something up with my old engine. They were so quick to approve the warranty and send me a brand new motor that it feels to me like they're trying to cover for something. But, yeah, I've heard of someone getting denied coverage for a strut bar. (!)
  17. Warranty's been approved and the new motor is on the way. What it comes down to is that it was a defect in the engine, so they had to replace it. Plus, I'm good at playing dumb with dealers when it comes to warranty stuff....
  18. Not yet, as far as I know. My impression, and my gut feeling, is that the rod was cast with a hairline fracture or a bubble in it, and under the stress of hard running, it went catastrophic. The dealer described what happenned as the rod just flying apart inside the motor, essentially the rod blew up.
  19. At least as of a few years ago, General Steve Ritchie, the last USAF fighter ace (all 5 of his kills were MiG-21's), was appearing at air shows in a privately owned and funded F-4C or D made to look like one of the ones he piloted with MiG kills and all. 320129[/snapback] neato! you know what was kinda neat about the pre -4D's, even though they didnt come with the internal gun? You could mount TWO gunpods on the dang thing instead of one! (although I have yet to see a pic of one with that loadout) 320146[/snapback] I always thought it'd be really cool to put a gunpod on every pylon....
  20. Even if it's going full speed, the Valk can fly circles around a Gundam. It's like an Elise and a Crown Vic road racing.
  21. Yeah, I was at the "track". Still, though, the motor's designed to go up to redline all day if you want and still go more than 50,000 miles. It comes down to a flawed engine part that just couldn't stand up to hard running, so it was the running that caused it, but it wouldn't have happenned if the part was the way it was supposed to be, if that makes sense, so that's why it's (hopefully) covered.
  22. I think I've got the same version, subbed in Mandarin and what I'm pretty sure is Tagalog. (It's the only asian language I can think of that uses a Western-style alphabet, save Vietnamese, which has a bazillion accent marks, none of which this sub had.
  23. I always hear this mentioned, but, as I see it, the VF has the advantage. It's vastly more manuverable, presents a very small target compared to what an MS is designed to confront, and, in the Strike configuration, has a cannon that can blow through a capital ship, a Gundam should be no problem.
  24. Ah, looks pretty nice, although I still think the V6 front looks a bit "empty"... maybe there's something aftermarket to take care of that, without making it look like a wannabe GT? How's the car been driving / running, by the way? I'd be careful with those Pirellis, also, I had 'em on my WRX and damn do they burn up fast... Speaking of which, my WRX is now down with a blown motor! Evidently, one of the rods was flawed, and under stress, it blew up in the motor and trashed my block! Dealer's pretty sure warranty will cover it, if not, I'm taking it to Easy Street Motorsports and my car will be an STi in a week or to....
  25. Oh, I thought there was a Tungsten with integrated wi-fi. I've got the Wi-Fi card for my E2, but I never seem to use it. (Wired network at home... Can't use my Laptop for much either, which sucks because linux is so much better for basic use.)
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