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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Know what would be awesome, but highly unlikely? If that huge revolver he's got was real revolver sized!
  2. I'd like to, but I can't. I need to keep the conditions going for a while more, so I can continue investigation. Besides, probably due to the effects, the idea of remaining in this state seems somehow attractive to me. Although, the idea of watching something really wierd and inducing further damage seems attractive, as well...
  3. Well, with the 10th anniversary coming up, and the platinum set out, Evangelion's back in the news. Since I'd somehow missed seeing it, despite being a hardcore anime fan for the past five years, I figured I might as well finally watch it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, I'm sure we're all familliar with the common Eva warning. The legends say that the series can cause mental instability and damage. It's common knowledge that watching more than a few episodes without a break probably isn't a good idea. I had to know if the warnings were true. I watched the whole thing nonstop. Including End of Evangelion. It probably wasn't a good idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mental effects present since viewing include: Effects which would be expected and are being experienced: -Depression -Loss of self confidence -Severe sense of lack of usefulness, self worth, and purpose -Severe loneliness (In a direct since) -Severe feelings of being alone (In a romantic sense) -Loss of motivation -Lack of desire to live -Lack of aversion to death Unexpected effects: -Complete loss of interest in pornography and hentai -Conversely, a substantially increased desire for real female companionship. Note that that desire is in a non-sexual sense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of these effects, as noted, could be expected from what has been reported in previous cases of what I will refer to as Evangelion Overdose (EOD). From this experiement, I have concluded that the content of the series can, and likely will, cause mental effects in cases of EOD. Some effects are less expected, however. Perhaps the traumatic relationships depicted in the series have triggered a subconcious desire to conduct a successful one. Or, perhaps, the mental trauma inflicted by EOD is simply too great to be properly dealt with alone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's coming on 24 hours since viewing, and some of these effects have become worse or recently appeared. I will continue to catalouge and report these symptoms, as well as investigating specific causes. Progress will be reported as it is made...... As long as I don't kill myself first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In closing, the rumors of effects caused by EOD are not simply rumors. I must state that extended viewing of the series is not recommended, especially for those with pre-existing mental problems, and that the series should be watched at your own risk. I will also recommend that, if you wish to watch the entire series continuously, you should have a reliable emotional / romantic partner (Girlfriend, spouse, etc), or at least someone you feel you can freely communicate with and talk to, available to help contain any possible effects.
  4. I still can't get over the feeling that the DS is too gimmicky and that they've gone for novelty over real gameplay value.
  5. I say go for the sling, it looks cool, and this weapon is (I'm assuming from the useless 203) for show anyway. Onto another issue, does anyone know anything about the new HK UCP? It looks like an intriguing weapon, but, IMO, it's hideous. The frame looks way too smooth and plain. It looks like a low-budget Sci-Fi weapon rather than something you'd really want to take into combat.
  6. For my dual setup, I just use seperate images on each monitor. It's hard to make a continuous image look good with thegap between monitors.
  7. Why does Mari always have her concerts DURING Anime cons? I missed this one and the one during AX for teh same reason.
  8. I want a figure of that guy with the really really really long sniper rifle. I just think the gun would be a cool toy to have.
  9. Man-Faye is done for. He's been banned from every major con on the west coast.
  10. Actually, I was thinking the same thing. I remember a certain member mentioning to me at Otakon '03 that he was going to cosplay for '04, and that his girlfriend was doing Minmay. I don't totally remember what said member looks like, but the guy in the pic looks familliar, too....
  11. Isn't anyone watching Stargate: Atlantis? I've been liking what I've seen of it so far, but I'm a big SG fan to begin with.
  12. Looks awesome. I'd defenately go with the LRMs, as this craft just screams "interceptor" to me.
  13. I think you'd have to have some kind of custom stand. I'm envisioning something made of acrylic, with a sheet for the base and vertical sheets cut to the shape of the booster and valk. Or, if you really were crazy, you could build the launchpad thing they take off from!
  14. PSTWO seems pretty cool, my PS2 is on its last legs, anyway. I guess I'll get one, about the same time I get PSP.
  15. The 1D is most interesting to me, as I've been wanting a Low-Vis 1D for quite some time...
  16. Hmm, I wonder if it'll make it as far as Socal..... We could use some rain, I need to practice wet condition touge driving....
  17. The series (or at least part of it) is available on DVD from Bandai. The series was only one season, with a completed story arc, it is not a continuing series like Inuyasha or the DB series.
  18. They cancelled Edwards? When did that happen? Anyway, I'll make it to Mugu....hopefully....
  19. Can't say it enough times, I HATE California..... It's too bad I like LA.
  20. But...seriously..... I'm worried! How will we know where the shots are coming from, now that we have..... FLASH HIDERS?!!!!?!?
  21. Haha, imagine a pitchfork with LEO markings stamped into it!
  22. I really wish I didn't live in this state.... Here's something interesting: Pistols outnumber Shotguns 10:1 in gun murders. Rifles are such a distant third that a meaningful statistic isn't worth noting, somewhere below 5 percent. Out of those, how many do you think were "assault weapons"? 10 percent at most? So, we ban weapons because they're used in 0.5% of gun murders? Or, even better, something like 0.27% of all murders?
  23. I personally find myself less interested in Macross these days. I think it's just gotten to the point where, as has been said, there's nothing new. I find myself spending much more time on Airsoft and my car than I do on Macross these days.
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