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Everything posted by cosmic

  1. I meant this one https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Chogokin-Compatible-Missile-Fortress/dp/B07PBWQXKH
  2. As an addition, does anyone know if the VF-1 missile pack is compatible with any other toys? Anymoon was "going" to have a list but never did it. They look like they have compatible pegs, but some of them have bar slots next to the pegs that am concerned might block fitting. I would ask if the missiles with the nightmare armor parts do as well, but i am not spending 150+ on that just for a couple of missiles.
  3. Damn, thanks for letting me know. I was going to buy a set, but not if they are worthless for almost all fighters.
  4. Hard to tell if its just the strange clips for the front of the wings, or if they have pegs for hardpoints on them.
  5. How much did you pay for that vf-31a and the nightmare? How is your nightmare btw? A hand grenade like the reviews say?
  6. Sadly that is literally every single seller of macross DX on ebay and elsewhere. Okini land is ignoring me, nin-nin games ignores me. I would say its my face, but you know how it goes. I even tried google translating my questions into japanese and that got me nothing.
  7. Can anyone tell from this photo if this yf-30 is yellowing or not? I cant tell from the quality of the pic, and the seller is ignoring any and all questions.
  8. Anyone with a YF-30 dx know if this is fixable? Its the flap on the chest in robot mode. Are the pegs on the side removable or gluable such that it can be fixed without becoming frozen?
  9. Thank you. I did not know where even was a repair thread. This will be useful.
  10. Hi, I found 2 yf-30s that have some broken parts and I want to know if you guys think they can be fixed. The first has one of the back canards is broken, looks like a metal tube that rotates just broke in half. Is any part of that tube removable such that it could be welded back together? 2nd one is a flap that covers the chest section in robot mode. Looks like a two sided flap, since I dont own one I dont know if its metal or not. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  11. for how much $?
  12. So I love this design, but bandai really dropped the ball with the quality control for this one. Does anyone know of any 3d printed parts to replace the leg joints and the uns triangles on the sides? Those seem to be the most likely to self-destruct. I dont want to buy one if its just going to powderize in my hands.
  13. How bad has bandai been about re-re-remaking the same figure? I am looking at the 31A Hayate and it has an original version, a movie edition, and now the holo projector version. All of the same figure, with new hat syndrome for each. Then there is the recent VF-1J special edition being re-released as a set with the armor parts that are also being sold seperately, but you miss out on the stand from the special edition. Kinda iffy for me to put a lot of money on something for bandai to just reissue it with possibly better or more accessories a few months later.
  14. Has bandai made figures of all their line art? I mostly just want to know if its worth gambling on waiting for a new version of the 31a or to jump on one if i can find one.
  15. Anyone know if these photos are promos, or just concept art?
  16. VF-31AX hayate immelman custom. VF31 with sharp points on the wings, an extra draken gun, and a different decal on the back.
  17. Well i guess its moot at this point because the dodos on that website are bidding more for it than other sellers have to outright buy.
  18. I looked, yes you do need someone like Buyee. What does "unopened/unused/unconfirmed" mean for condition. I see it on some boxed items. If its used, but sealed, how do you know what you are buying is even in the box and you arnt getting a box full of cicadas instead of a toy?
  19. Considering bandai tends to spit on the dirty american market, the ability to find decent macross stuff that isnt low quality trash specifically designed for us is difficult at best. Add in the re-seller market being how it is in modern times, many specific types and franchises end up on scalpers markets or inflated far beyond what they deserve to be worth. Macross being one of these markets. A kairos, even being a limited run item of a limited run franchise, should not be sold for 4x its already high base price. Even more so when 8/10 times, these items are used, and damaged. I would pay 300 for a Kairos, and a little less for a chronos. IMO, only way to deserve insanely inflated price points are to be new in box in absolutely mint condition. Not for used with broken parts and damaged boxes, and scratched like someone cleaned it with iron wool.
  20. What are the odds of bandai reprinting their DX chogokin line for USA now that the war is over between the rights holders? I am not willing to spend $600 for a kairos or 400 for a chronos that looks like someone dipped it in middle school tomato soup. Should I just give up on macross entirely at this point?
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