I might be alone on this one, but I kinda miss the joy that came with toy hunting. As an undergrad in 1997, nothing brought me more joy than taking a study break in the middle of the night to tour a handful of Walmarts down the mountain in hopes of finding the latest Beast Wars release. Sure, I was driving around in a Chevy Celebrity that was on a fragment of its last leg, never knowing if I'd have to piss in the radiator to keep the engine from seizing, but those drives were always an absolutely magical experience - especially when the search paid off. Fast forward to today, completing collections has never been easier, especially where it concerns what I used to consider grails. For example, I picked up an MIB 1/55 Elintseeker and an MIB 1/55 Superostrich last week and the euphoria of finally having a 100% complete 1/55 collection barely lasted an hour; I used to be able to ride that "high" for days, if not weeks. And this is a goal I've been chasing for nearly 40 years. Anyone out there missing the chase as much as me?