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Everything posted by 26662

  1. "trailing edge flaps, which are primarily things that only fold down, not up, " Not exactly, but I understand your point. If the edge flaps fold down, then they have to fold back up to return to their "resting" position. So they do pivot down and up, and those panel lines need to be consistent across both the dorsal and ventral surfaces. But again, I understand your point. Well made. The green-colored area, however, doesn't necessarily have to be different across a wing's dorsal and ventral surfaces. It's just that they typically are "in the real world" due to, I'm figuring, efficiency of design and cost. In the Macross world, Imma be generous and give them a pass on this one. 🙂
  2. What? I don’t follow. For context: I am in pharma and fly 2-10 times a week. The little, individual flaps along a wing’s trailing edge swivel up and down, so the dorsal panel lines have to match perfectly with the ventral panel lines. I’m missing something.
  3. Wings can’t have similar panel lines on their underside?
  4. 26662

    1/55's revisited

    I bought a bunch of 'em off Mandarake and Jungle for a great price not too long ago. I don't remember the exact prices, but they were >$100 off eBay prices at the time for some reason. I wouldn't recommend Jungle because they double-charged me for a huge purchase (e.g., something like $1500) and I had to eat it because my bank accepted their invoices (even though the bank couldn't read any of it because everything was in Japanese and, interestingly, all of the documentation looked like it had been photocopied a dozen times). It's life.
  5. I disagree. There isn’t a conspiracy here. They’re just posing the figures in logical, straightforward ways.
  6. My arms stayed up - the correct position - in battroid mode w/o the fillers just fine. I wasn’t looking for a locking mechanism to keep the arms in place w/o the fillers, however, so I can’t say if there is one.
  7. I've transformed one of mine only once, and I believe the forearms were flush if not slightly recessed. The figure has excellent heft, and the one I transformed was absolutely rock solid in fighter mode. Hasbro/Takara...pay attention!
  8. That’s mistransformed. The shoulders are on rails that slide forward (bow-ward) to close the gap behind the head.
  9. [Using your image only for convenience.] I don't like comparisons that scale based on overall length (by default?). We can select a number of different points on which to align/scale images, and the point(s) of alignment can have a huge impact on the result. For example, and this is just for illustrative purposes, if the distance between the exhaust rudders and the air intakes is exactly the same across the two images, you get a very different take on how the two fighters stack up against one another when you standardize each image based upon said distance.
  10. Same for me.
  11. It's definitely not without its shortcomings (at least, IMO). The hip swing-bar is fun and adds a wonderful element of dynamism for posing, but the swing-bar's size and mechanics (perhaps necessary at this scale) make the transformation a bit delicate. Also, I wish the wings ratcheted like the 1/55s. Apart from those quibbles, I'm in love.
  12. I don’t, sorry. I buy/collect only 1/55, DX, and now, maybe, Three Zero. This Three Zero is smaller than I expected, but looks, feels, and handles like a premium product.
  13. 🙂 I have no idea what the bottom box is. Knowing me, it’s probably a pre-order from 10 years ago.
  14. Love to hear it! Really looking forward to your progress pix.
  15. I love my valks and I love armor. Gotta say though, the fully-armored VF-25S is bonkers beefy. At some point, and I think we've reached it here, the final-form Super Saiyan 6 Ultra Instinct Red-Pill poppin' product just stops making sense and starts to look all Gundam-y. I couldn't get into the anime. All together, this one's an easy pass for me.
  16. VF-1D be like:
  17. I share your pain. I FOMOed and took out a second mortgage to buy my first. If it’s any consolation, I promise to offer you the one I keep MISB at (cost-15%) if I end up hating the one I open.
  18. You rock! Picked up another one myself. Thanks for the heads-up.
  19. "The shape of the nose is one area where previous fan designs (and even Matchbox) have bested you." "...the shape of your nose is all wrong here." "I surely hope that's not how you're intending to attach the arms. Not only does it look wrong..." "I know you can do better..." There's so much line art/animation magic (read: inconsistencies) frame-to-frame that the points raised above are nowhere near my radar. I love what you've done thus far, and I'm honestly jealous that I'd have to resort to countless hours of CAD and CNC milling to get even close to what you've produced. I consider myself a very strong maker, but there's just no way I could replicate what you've shared to date. 🙂 And no disrespect to @tekering because I’m certain the comments above are sincere, but I hope you avoid pursuing someone else's idea of perfection, and instead, just focus on actualizing what feels/looks right to you. Outside perspectives and constructive criticism can be helpful...until they aren't: I know quite a few makers (myself included) who've chased third party perfection only to lose their way and ultimately abandon what was once a really promising (and fulfilling!) passion project. Looking forward to seeing more!
  20. Gah. Didn’t see this until after my post. I dig the packaging.
  21. I’ll add a little more info:
  22. Threezero is shipping product: “We would like to inform you that your order “ROBO-DOU ROBOTECH VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter)” has been dispatched. Tracking number: HVCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”
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