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Everything posted by 26662

  1. Excellent lighting on the bottom shelf: I can't ever get mine to look right. And it looks like your valks aren't the only ones packing heat. All of that aside, do I even want to ask about the little boxing(?) champ at far right bottom.
  2. Is there a consensus on how to pronounce “ROBO-DOU” correctly? I find myself saying “ROW-BOW-DOW” or “ROW-BOW-DOUGH-YOU” in my head.
  3. Jon Bon Convoy? Rhinestone Convoy? Edit because I overlooked the obvious: Convoy Twitty
  4. I’ve never owned the Yamato 21 (Y21) so I’ve had to admire it from afar. The Y21 doesn’t look all that terrible to me, but it certainly skipped leg day. I think I shied away from it simply because I wasn’t all that impressed with any of the 1/60 (or is it 1/72?) Yammies I’d bought in the early 2000s (and quickly eBayed/BBTSed away). I recall feeling underwhelmed by Yammie’s small stature, weight/heft, fiddly design, and weird/strange plastic when compared to the 1/55s. I’ve never given Yamato another chance, not even after folks heaped praise on their 1/48 line. I guess I’m a victim of, “once bitten twice shy” as far as Yamato goes. Still, I’m impressionable and like to hear alternative points of view. Thanks for sharing.
  5. “so you're either being disingenuous or you're trying to get me with a "gotcha".” ?? Option 3: Not joking, and genuinely curious. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. What’s with the heat?
  6. Not joking. I asked HIM why HE doesn’t like the figure.
  7. We like what we like. That said, do you mind detailing the YF-21's shortcomings? Not inviting a flame war or looking to change your mind. Just genuinely interested in your perspective since I don't find much fault in the figure.
  8. Mine lay perfectly flat on all of my 1Js and 1Ss. If I fold everything incorrectly, however, they protrude/stick out as shown in your image.
  9. Elbow joints don’t bother me in the least: elbows gotta elbow. That said, do I see stress marks on both joints?
  10. Both releases have been absolutely stellar IMO. They are certainly worth buying again, but I'll be annoyed if fast packs for the current 1J and 1S aren't sold separately at some point. That said, there's no guarantee that the current 1J and 1S won't need some retooling/redesign in order to accommodate fast packs. Let's hope 3Z has thought far enough ahead and planned everything out nicely.
  11. 26662

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    TY. I was guessing the same. The lengths we go to in order to keep our mechs flight worthy. 🙂
  12. That doesn’t look like a crack on this side of the internet. I might be seeing things, but it looks like the inner margins of the “crack” are rounded (like a molding error). The same margins look to be coated in paint, which if true, would suggest the defect occurred pre assembly. But I’m woozy from Benadryl (I use it as a sleep aid) and may be reading too much into the image.
  13. 26662

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I haven’t messed with mine since I transformed it once-and-back the day I got mine. I’m honestly not certain I know what I’m looking at. What’s that “gunk” just above the red arrow?
  14. Many thanks! I'll head over to the linked page now.
  15. Correction on *my* purchase price: $144.21 with free shipping thanks to my earned points.
  16. [I searched the forums here for threads focused on Moshow Toys' Cyclone but came up empty. Mods, please forgive me if this is old news. And please point me towards the correct thread. Many thanks.] Here's the recent debut on YouTube: And here's where I pre-ordered mine for $194.99 each: https://showzstore.com/moshow-vr052f-genesis-climber-mospeada-cyclone-ride-armor_p6549.html
  17. 26662

    SDF-1 with lights

  18. Reasonable…to a point. Businesses can’t operate at a loss for very long, and they can’t “bet the farm” on Average Joes wanting to be made whole through no fault of their own. [No offense intended if you aren’t an Average Joe.] If this situation with LP were to repeat for you, Imma bet the outcome will be different simply because the math has to math. I agree with you, however, LP’s been remarkably generous here.
  19. Thanks for taking time to update. I've used LP a handful of times these last ~18 months and have had nothing but excellent service from them. I might be alone on this: if I were a middleman like LP operating what is typically a low-margin business, there's not a snowball's chance in you-know-where that I'd replace a product this expensive for free - regardless of my relationship with a customer. At best, I'd offer to mediate on the customer's behalf. But even then, I'd take a neutral stance in "negotiations" with the manufacturer.
  20. I didn't see your post until after I had responded to Graham. Fair question. I think my answer above remains the same: too many fiddly bits for my aging hands and eyes. At a larger scale, it would be an entirely different experience for me. Which, oddly enough, is something my wife says...a lot... [That was a cheap, throwaway joke. Don't crucify me.]
  21. I can see the allure of the line; objectively, there's a lot to like. It's mostly that my age has caught up to me in ways that make manipulating bots with lots of small parts infuriating. [For clarity, I'm in great health so this isn't a pity party. Father Time's just being an a-hole.]
  22. Got my HMR VF-19 Custom today Luna Park. The good: she arrived in perfect condition. Luna Park is batting 1000 with me this year. The bad: started to transform it and remembered/relearned quickly that I really do loathe HMRs. PM me if you're interested in taking it off my hands for $75.00 USD. [S+H extra, but it'll be actual S+H and not some Ebay markup BS.]
  23. Thanks for sharing the link. @jenius probably shared it already but I missed it somehow. And excellent coverage, indeed.
  24. @ErikElvis Happy to part with mine if you can't find one elsewhere. I was hoping I'd love it but it's just not for me: I'll stick with my 1/55s for valks from the original series. Of note, nothing's missing or broken. Transformed it once into battroid and then back to fighter for storage. PM me if interested.
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