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Everything posted by ValkAddict

  1. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-0D - nice!!
  2. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ This 100%. C'mon Bandai ...
  3. Sorry to hear this. Bandai'd with poor QC!!! The very poor QC on the VF-31AX makes me a sad panda.
  4. ^ Truth, Complete the Hi-Metal destroids, release the DX YF-21 ....
  5. ^ It has ALWAYS been expensive for me. 😮 And I like he darker teal shade for the VF-5000. Looks sweet!!
  6. ValkAddict

    Macross figures

    ^ I'll believe it when I have it in hand. They haven't announced a release date yet. LOL.
  7. Wow - that is a great price 😮 😮 😮
  8. ^ Yes, I did mean to "grey" 4th from left one. It is sweet! And so is the custom VF-1D - fawk!! Awesome collection @Kicker773
  9. Thanks @borgified for the info. Damn that weathering version is so gorgeous!!
  10. ^ This. Love your reviews @jenius !!! And your transformation videos have helped me many times. Thank you.
  11. ^This Vf-1S looks amazing!!! Is it a custom?
  12. Damn @Kicker773 ... 😮 😮 😮
  13. Holy $hit!!! Angel birds squad!!!
  14. What does the beverage container look like?
  15. ^ This +1000 please. #highroller
  16. Wow - awesome pics @Kicker773!!! #impressive #whoa
  17. So who will post a pic with a full 5 valk flight wing? LOL
  18. I actually like the Angel birds logo
  19. 😮 😮 😮
  20. ^ @sh9000 - Please LMK if you decide to sell some of your duplicate toys ... like the VF-17. I am PayPal ready and have positive feedback.
  21. Wow. Amazing. Waiting for them to post the Southern Cross kits.
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