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Everything posted by ValkAddict

  1. ^ This 100%
  2. ^ QA/QC for the VF-31AX was crap IMHO. I would get one to have at least one of each valkyrie version in the collection, but keep your expectations low. ^ Truth
  3. ^ It's a reissue from Bandai. Unsure about any improvements on the design - still too early to know. It's selling for a higher price, but does not have any of the extras like the full set pack with missiles, etc. Hope you and the baby are well!
  4. Even though the seller sulgyi is probably long gone, I posted my negative feedback for the @$$clown. 😐
  5. Release and complete the Hi-Metal scale destroids please Bandai.
  6. Right now it's speculation that the YF-19 full pack missiles will be sold as a separate set. No official announcement from Bandai ... yet.
  7. Got my refund from eBay!!! Apologies again for those of you who ordered from seller I linked to ... I guess the KO price was too good to be true. 😐
  8. ^ This - 100% agree
  9. That's good news. I just opened my "request for a refund" issue on eBay. Hopefully I will hear back soon.
  10. Great pics @Lolicon!!
  11. @twich - I sent the seller a PM on eBay asking about the item's incorrect tracking #. I don't expect a reply. After 3 days, I will open a dispute with PayPal. Will let you know how it goes.
  12. The VF-31AX QC was shiite. Otherwise it would've been a great toy.
  13. Mine says the same. Except it arrived in the NYC processing center with an ETA of June 27th. 😐 EDIT: Just checked seller's eBay feedback and he's gotten 6 negatives in the last month. Looks like a scammer. Sigh. Sorry.
  14. ^ That sucks. Hopefully PayPal will return your money. Mine shows in transport - it went to NYC for some reason. ETA is still Tues June 27th.
  15. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you fellow MW members for making me laugh.
  16. Ditto for me as well. ETA is June 27th.
  17. I am just so disappointed by the Bandai lack of QA/QC on the VF-31AX.
  18. ^ Accurate. And this is what is so damned frustrating. I own 2x - VF-31AXs (first release Hayate and Bogue) and both don't "fit" in fighter mode. It frakken sucks. I also bought the super pack for Hayate and I've been unable to connect/peg the legs back to the main body with the fast packs on. No matter how hard I've tried to make it fit. Sorry but Bandai QA/QC for the VF-31AX sucks a$$ IMHO. #disappointed
  19. @Lolicon - Your custom work is always amazing!! I wish I had the skills to do that!!
  20. At $50.24 shipped, I couldn't resist. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175755532335?hash=item28ebd8982f:g:LGsAAOSwGZlkeqrs Just the valk, no fast packs.
  21. Thanks @Slave IV for the quick reply.
  22. @Slave IV - If you have an extra Yamato VF-17 in one of those boxes for sale, please LMK.
  23. ValkAddict

    Macross figures

    ^ This. Damn.
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