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Everything posted by ValkAddict

  1. Very nice display (and collection) @Grey728!!
  2. Thank you @no3Ljm for collecting and posting the pics!! Great work and very appreciated!!
  3. Yes. I am leaning towards the "green" 06 version.
  4. Has Big West released the VF-31AX paint schemes for the entire Delta wing yet? If yes, could someone please post pics? I'm in for maybe 1 or 2, but not the entire squad. My toy budget can't handle it. I was leaning towards the "green" 06 paint scheme.
  5. Slightly jealous of those of you who've gotten the VF-1D. Please keep posting pics. I finally got one from evilBay - but won't get it until mid-Aug.
  6. ^ This 100% - Please Bandai
  7. ValkAddict

    Macross figures

    This is pretty cool! I may actually buy my first KC figure!
  8. And there's also the whole COVID-19 outbreak increasing in Tokyo ... https://www.japantimes.co.jp/liveblogs/news/coronavirus-outbreak-updates/
  9. LOL Also, this eBay seller is on crack, $913 Buy-it-now? Nope. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304075235630?hash=item46cc4be12e:g:BREAAOSwvX9g-D~a
  10. The gun and special pack cannon are HUGE. Almost disproportionately so ... not feeling it.
  11. I second the recommendation on Mandarake. Decent prices and their items have all been in good condition. I've used Buyee a few times. They are ok. But be careful with their many "hidden" service fees that can add up, like combining items to ship together and "handling" fees.
  12. Great pic @tekering - thanks for posting
  13. ^ This x 1000 *sigh*
  14. VF-1D is looking sweet!!
  15. Hopefully he can resume making these soon. I would love to finally get some stands.
  16. Tragic. Hopefully getting Macross items will get easier over time with the new "deal" in place between Big West and HG.
  17. Thanks for the info @Anasazi37. It is appreciated. I'm expecting to paying above MSRP for the item, as I did not have enough funds when pre-orders were available. And I am ok with that. Honestly, I think I've only managed to get a valk for retail price maybe twice. The rest I've had to pay higher. It is what it is.
  18. ^ Ditto. Mind you, I only have one Yamato YF-21.
  19. Thanks
  20. While I would love for Bandai to release this, I think I want to complete my Hi-Metal destroids set first.
  21. Noticing several eBay listings for this bird on eBay, hovering between $390 to $450. Fawk. Hoping the prices will lower when it's released on July 19th and more resellers post listings.
  22. ^ This. Please. And that is one BFG. Wow.
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