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Everything posted by ValkAddict

  1. Thanks @Anasazi37 !! D'oh, guess I missed the obvious.
  2. Thanks @505thAirborne for the info! Sorry for missing the obvious. Looks like I can only order white colored sets from here (wish they had cream color), https://www.shapeways.com/product/DV3KRQCTN/kanzen-henkei-1-60-scale-fighter-variable-hinge?optionId=3675956
  3. Thanks @Anasazi37 for your input. I am not a customizer, nor do I have modeling skills. Valkyrie repair is all new to me.
  4. Apologies for reviving an older thread ... but can someone please comment: have they bought from this seller - are they legit? I bought a used Yamato 1/60 VF-1D with broken shoulders and need replacement shoulder hinges. TIA for any help. EDIT: Also, the photo of the part does not seem to look exactly like the broken shoulder hinge.
  5. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    Hopefully they release the last 2 SDF destroids in their "classic" tan colors ...
  6. @Lolicon and @505thAirborne - Thank you both! I am interested in getting some 1/60 Yamato VF-1 v2 toys, but many have cracked shoulders. Now that I know they can be replaced ... I may try getting one used and replacing. Appreciate the help folks!!
  7. ^ How difficult is it to replace the cracked shoulders? I'm not a customizer and don't have much experience. TIA for any info you can share.
  8. Just checked mine - no yellowing. It's been in a display cabinet for many years now in battroid mode. Sadly, very very loose hips.
  9. ^ This. I'd love a ghost booster bundle of the 0A, Premium Finish please Arcadia!!
  10. I'm good with the delay ... allows me to save more $$$ for it.
  11. ^ Agreed. Would've loved to see a UN Spacy kite instead of WWM
  12. +1 for a Hi Metal R YF-19 - Macross Plus version and not from Macross 7
  13. Gratzi for the confirmation @borgified
  14. I wonder if it's just a straight re-paint or hopefully improved shoulder and hip joints??
  15. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy smokes - AWESOME news!!! Yes!!!
  16. Is that a darker shade of red compared to the Yamato release?
  17. Sweet hauls @505thAirborne and @badboy00z congrats!
  18. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    +1 for this please .... and please complete the Destroids Bandai!!
  19. The Shin version with the white strip across the battroid chest plate. Good point! Arcadia: I would like a Macross Zero VF-0A with ghost pack Premium Finish release please, with no broken hips. Thank you.
  20. Arcadia: I would like a Macross Zero VF-0A Premium Finish release please, with no broken hips. Thank you.
  21. ^ I honestly feel the same. While the Bandai DX 1/48 Chogokins are awesome ... I really like the Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1's slightly more, they fit with the other valks scale-wise.
  22. ^ This would be sweet!! I would LOVE a 1/60 VF-1D - yes please!!
  23. +1 for this comment .... *sigh*
  24. Maybe the return of the 1/60 VF series? A version 3??
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