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Everything posted by ValkAddict

  1. ^This. The Arcadia PF VF-0D is one of "the" best paint scheme valks released.
  2. That's a shame. Would love to see it ALL.
  3. @sh9000 - May we see some photos of your toy collection/room/warehouse? Asking for a friend.
  4. PSA: looks like the release has been pushed back to May 2022
  5. Hopefully the shoulders will stay intact ... LOL
  6. I'm hoping Arcadia releases a PF VF-0A with ghost pack. ** looks up wishfully **
  7. I thought this was the variant I wanted, the "green" paint scheme ... now I dunno.
  8. ^ Truth
  9. ^ This. Ditto. LOL
  10. removed - duplicate content, sorry
  11. Awesome news!! But it'll be expensive ....
  12. Holy smokes!!!
  13. @jenius - I've said it before and I'll say it again; THANK YOU for all your efforts on Anymoon.com. Very helpful and detailed reviews, love the comparisons between variants and different releases, and amazing transformation videos. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. #NotAllHerosWearCapes
  14. Thank goodness. My wallet and limited toy budget appreciates the pause ....
  15. Fair point ...
  16. ValkAddict

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ Yes please Bandai!!
  17. Very helpful @seti88 - thanks!!
  18. Ouch - sorry @Rein+. Hope you're able to get some sort of refund ....
  19. We all know collecting Macross valks is damned expensive, but this story is on another level. Logan Paul spends 3.5 million on a supposedly sealed Pokemon 1st edition case. And it's been authenticated by a 3rd party certification company. Ends up being fake. Wow. Interesting watch.
  20. She looks gorgeous!! Must resist ... I've decided to only buy 1 - 2 of these and not get the entire Delta wing. Waiting for the green paint scheme.
  21. Congratulations @Captain Global on your first valk. Welcome to the addiction ... LOL! I have this one as well - enjoy!!
  22. Whoa?? Does this suggest that perhaps Arcadia might NOT be able to produce/develop/release more Macross toys in the future?? 😮 😮 😮
  23. FYI: @jenius - You may want to update your "safe valkyrie" checklist. I have been hunting around for several months for a Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1D. I just got the first release (Feb 2009 v.2) and the seller said it was in excellent condition, but its shoulders were cracked (sadly). EDIT: I have also seen several other first release VF-1D's being sold also with cracked shoulders. I also found one on Mandarake, the second release (April 2012 v2.2) - but it also had cracked shoulders, link: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1181616435&ref=list&keyword=macross VF-1D&lang=en Suggest you update the checklist. By the way, I LOVE your reviews and site. THANK YOU for all your hard work and efforts. It is very much appreciated by me!!
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