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  1. Really wish Arcadia would re-issue the VF-11 ... #hope #someday
  2. Great pics everyone!! I hope mine ships out soon.
  3. ^ This. Please release the remaining Hi-Metal Destroids Bandai. *sigh*
  4. Please release a Macross Zero 1/60 VF-0A Premium Finish please Arcadia.
  5. @scand - Nice haul. You need to get Sgt Slaughter
  6. That's pretty sweet
  7. ^ So say we all. LOL!
  8. Not feeling the gold canopy .... meh 😐
  9. ^ Ditto! That was fast! Merry Christmas fellow MWs!!!
  10. New pics look great.
  11. +1 please Bandai
  12. I hope Bandai releases this, please Bandai! #ChristmasWish
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