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Everything posted by Biomaster

  1. I sincerely hope so. But sadly considering the type of climate mecha in general seems to be facing (the most popular stuff are always your run of the mill shonen anime) I doubt Macross will become much larger in terms of gains. Was it stunted by Harmony Gold? Certainly. Will this BW/HG deal fix things? We'll just have to see.
  2. This here is something that's always struck me as odd. Where are all the Protodeviln stuff? Or the Marduk mecha (yeah yeah, "non-canon" as it is I'd still like to see a Gigamesh toy)? I don't even know if any of the later Destroids even have official releases. The one big problem that modern Macross seems to ignore is that the idols were just a single pylon in the foundation of the franchise. Yes, they are important, but the mecha are just as big of a part. I hope this pointless attempt to chase after Idolmaster and LoveLive ends sooner than later, because Macross is simply way, way more than selling idol dolls.
  3. Even better. Then I just hope she understands some "fans" are no-lives and terrible people. Otherwise she really seems like a nice lady and this kind of dumb harassment and pointless rumors only makes us, the normal fans, look worse.
  4. I feel really sorry for Mrs. Iijima. You simply know people will remember you for a single character and you keep trying to evade the shadow of that character, but that sadly is mission impossible thanks to deranged people like that troll. If I were her, I'd have accepted the character as part of normal life and that's it. Trolls should not be fed and it's good that one got banned.
  5. Urgh, I hate the entire concept of remakes. Especially the modern ones that use CGI where the original work was hand-drawn (like Macross was). Now don't get me wrong, I think Satellight is one of the better anime studios when it comes to CGI, but it just doesn't have the same "soul" that 2d animation has, ESPECIALLY the hand-drawn type. If there was a need for a new version of SDF, I'd do an adaptation of The First, but otherwise just leave it as it is. Besides, I do not like the pointless revulsiveness younger audiences seem to have towards hand-drawn anime, and mecha especially.
  6. Would with pleasure, but I'm kinda tight with time so I need one version to start with. From what it seems I'll probably be going with Yakh Deculture because extra scenes... and the musical differences Sketchley mentioned seem to be mostly confined to the ED? I kinda hate when this occurs...
  7. Well, time for me to ask another noob question. I am coming up to Macross Frontier (AKA the series a lot of anime fans hype up as the best Macross show, though I honestly doubt that) and it seems that episode 1 has three different versions: the 24 minute broadcast version and the 30-something minute Deculture and Yakh Deculture versions. Which do I watch? Do these extended versions cut anything that was present in the broadcast version? Is it true that the Yakh Deculture version is the Deculture version but with fixed animation? Thanks in advance!
  8. Yeah, no. Most anime fans don't even give a damn about mecha. Even Gundam is niche nowadays, but the point about Macross is true. The ship has sailed a while ago... I'd say around Frontier would have been the right time to settle the goddamn ordeal, but alas.
  9. I was referring to the 2003 Japanese case specifically.
  10. It isn't, yes, but when it comes to international court cases like this there is a special form of law regarding foreign rulings. In short, a judge has to consider the foreign verdict when it affects a subject from the country where he operates. Why do you have things such as extradition?
  11. I hate region locking too. In general I've grown to hate regional restrictions actually, especially for unlicenced stuff. And to this day I want to find the dumb judge who rejected the original Japanese court verdict because it was a "foreign verdict" (typical American egocentrism).
  12. Well HG did release SDF to DVD... and I sincerely hope they think up of something for DYRL. DYRL is the biggest problem right now.
  13. Oh it definitely will be. Also, is that Zettai Live announced for a September 4th release?
  14. YAKH DECULTURE! SDF is good as is, not to mention it would seriously mess with the (admittedly rather loose) chronology of the series.
  15. Hello there, new Macross fan here. I'm coming up to Macross 7 on my overall journey through the franchise (loved SDF, DYRL, II and Plus) and I have a question about 7. I've heard that Macross 7 Encore are 3 episodes of the series that were witheld from airing, so could anyone say where do they actually fit chronology wise? Also, what about the 7 Plus shorts? Thanks in advance!
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