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Everything posted by Hikaru2

  1. I'll help you clean it as long as there arent any more of those foul closed - ended 4mm tubes to un gunk. That was a pain! And sorry again about the gun... :-S Im glad the Plastruct stuff seems to have held. Cant wait till the paint is on it and see all that pretty detail in opaque form...
  2. Just watched It come out pf the UPS box... Speechless. Just...speechless.
  3. Good stuff dude. Cant wait to see the finished intakes (thinking of each waypont makes the trip to the end seem shorter, right????)
  4. I would say something here but I'm too busy mopping up my drool...
  5. hell yeah im interested. put me down for at least 3.
  6. Another one I built a few years back, one of my favorites
  7. Hi guys- Built this one a few years back- it was featured on the macrossworld splashpage for a couple of weeks. The paint job is based on pics i found of an F-14 Tomcat in yellow primer with som panels in various stages of being painted, etc. I still want to do a "strak Valkyrie" based on the bare metal Streak Eagle f-15...
  8. Damn thats nice. I have to get one of these before Hasegawa stops production, thats a beautiful kit. Great work- what airbrush do you use?
  9. I will get the set. I dont have an Animeigo set, and also like several others here i have kids now and want them to me able to enjoy this as much as i do. and the original japanese will still be there- so I'll bite. Hurin- love the anti choice idiot bashing bro! How could anyone think that having a choice between the ORIGINAL release of a film and a SPECIAL or EXTENDED version is a rip off? I dont get it... goes to show that "common" sense really isnt so common.
  10. Dat- looks great man. I still dont have the balls to rip apart a $150 toy to do this- maybe after i see a few more guys do it.
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