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Everything posted by Hikaru2

  1. Don't forget this guy...
  2. Sleep well, Ishiguro San.
  3. For sure man, I owe you lunch anyway. Glad to hear you arent planning to re purpose the lower hull from Prometheus on the Daedalus, they actually are quite different. REALLY looking forward to these!
  4. Looking great Alex! Can't wait to fit this and Daedalus to my Macross...
  5. It was a great time, thanks for putting this together guys!
  6. This confirms it; there are NO NEW IDEAS for films these days. It's sad that in a time when movies can be made to look so much better than we could have dreamed of 20 or 30 years ago, all studios will pay for are re-makes or re- makes of re-makes.
  7. Looks really nice man! This kit is still on my "I'll have that someday" list
  8. Wouldn't that be nice hehe
  9. Yeah yeah we'll slow down for this one Knocking around some different ideas about prepping the surface and about the lenses as well.
  10. I think this looks like a more accurate model of the SDF-1.
  11. I'll drink to that, brother.
  12. That was well done guys, I got some good belly laughs out of that! Keep it up!
  13. All I did is slap some paint on the 3D print man, can't take ANY credit for the 3D model. Thats ALL Dan
  14. Indeed.
  15. For those long hauls at the bench! haha its full of acrylic paints...
  16. Sounds awesome. Can't wait man.
  17. Started Yamato's 1/60 Mockingbird... Cute little kit. Just wish it had landing gear, but oh well. added a little detail to the cockpit per lineart. I decided to paint the figures (1/60, courtesy of >EXO<) as part of this project, since it also has a resin pilot. Got in the mood to model again after painting and assempling this for my friend DanBickell; Thats an original 3D print in 1/24 of his DYRL VF-1 WIP, which can be seen here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34651&hl=&fromsearch=1 Cheers
  18. Sounds good to me!
  19. Yeah I've had plenty of practice using Elmer's on clear parts, and AS clear parts for very small lenses and as solid pieces. This is the first time i tried it as a ridiculously thin lens with a LOT of airspace begind it. I hope it holds up, because it looks fantastic. Yeah we may be old, but arthritis hasnt set in yet, so bring that V2 on over when it shows up! Can't wait to see how THIS one turns out! What do you think, Max or Hikaru?
  20. Sweet. I figured building this thing up would get you back on the VF-1. Hope it worked
  21. Looks really nice man.
  22. Im so ghetto
  23. Took you long enough to post these! Haha I've been falling asleep with my forehead against the monitor for an hour! Great outside shots man, the dawn light does really make it look great!
  24. I just saw pics of the WonderFest Macross for the first time today- Man that thing would be AWESOME... if it was a wedding cake. :\ Oh well, back to building my Bandai 1/8000 Storm Attacker...
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