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Everything posted by Save

  1. Never felt anything like that so far everyone I know are all ok.
  2. She (Aya Endo) walked past us twice and we did nothing.
  3. Guess you never seen the second OVA of Dynamite 7 which trumps the entire Frontier series and first movie in Fan Service with in a span of 5 minutes.
  4. No it does not beat DYRL on a which Macross Movie is better scale, but it beats the hell out of the weak first Frontier movie.
  5. The movie was top notch, it's so nice to have closure. Going to see it again in a few hours.
  6. My book came in yesterday, seriously blown away. I just got back from Shinjuku Marui One where Tenjin has a exhibit corner promoting the book. While I was there talking to Tenjin, Mikimoto just happen to stop by.
  7. Shinjuku Wald9 tickets should go on sale tomorrow. I'll be hitting the first morning show and again around 3pm or so.
  8. All I will ever need is this from the figma line.
  9. Correct. The CAD data sheets were in a glass case and laid over each other in a fanned out fashion, so you couldn't actually see the whole CAD sheet. The VF-17 was on the bottom so you could only see some of the top view and side fighter mode but it looked like had not been developed for transformation yet.
  11. Save

    SCOOP thread!

    Yamato Open Showroom event had a showcase of stuff that Yamamto is currently considering developing, but I was told only one as of now is going forward. Can't say which one it is but it should be announced soon. 1/60 scale Destroid Monster arm cannon and shoulder CAD data sheet dated 2010-9-29 1/60 upper body Destroid Phalanx cast in clear plastic 1/60 VF-17 CAD data sheet dated 2010-12-3 Print out of line art for Britai Nupetiet VergnitzsClass Battleship Print out of DYRL Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress DYRL SDF-1 1/3000 etching parts documentation 1/60 Vf-1 etching parts on spur T-REX Zent Pilot figure Have fun speculating.
  12. Yes they will be selling their stuff usually dirt cheap since Tax season is around the corner and they don't want to pay taxes on inventory sitting in stock.
  13. Yeah I'll be going at least 2 of the 3 days of Comiket, need to pick up a Megazone 25th Anniversary doujinshi for myself and Howard. As of now K-Books and Toranoana have not been affected by "that law".
  14. I'm also looking for concrete answers to this same question and a few others concerning Mac 2. I've recently meet a guy who knows Mac2's director and I'm hoping to meet with him at Comiket next week in hopes of getting pointed in the right direction and possibly connecting me with other who worked on it. I know there are some here that take book translations as gospel but recently on two occasions I've been told by and heard a few creators say many books are wrong and specific content was not done by them.
  15. Saw it with Tochiro, Tim Eldred and a few others in Yurakucho the first Friday of it's opening. Our showing was at 9:20pm, I would estimate there was only about 50 to 60 people tops in the theater, the theater we seen it in seats 944. Being a former theater manager I would rule it out as a flop. The movie has cool elements but unless you are familiar with the actual story line and mentally fill in the missing gaps of needed story I'm certain new viewers will be pretty much lost.
  16. Best site EVER, only second to this one.
  17. Thank you Bee! MW Con was a blast! It's great see you guys again and meeting some of you other members for the first time. My holiday is just about at its end and I will be heading back to Tokyo soon. I hope MW Con keeps going strong.
  18. RT25 is tonight I'm in town for the event should be fun, hope to see some of you guys there.
  19. New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles will be showing Transformers The Movie (1986) at Midnight on Saturday September 4th. Tickets are only $7.00.
  20. Watching High School of the Dead, love it and up to episode 11 on Irresponsible Captain Taylor.
  21. Saw it, so much talent wasted (not counting "actors" from UFC or WWE). I though all the one liners fell flat all but the "Remember this at Christmas" one. Hurts to come out of it like this since I was brought up on 80's action films but this film's action was boring let alone point less and the camera work was so bad. If there is a sequel I hope they get some real writes a good director and leave UFC and WWE out of it.
  22. I agree with Tochiro, plus I've seen May'n perform a few times now and she has a great voice but it does seem her appeal toward the mainstream stardom has dimmed. It's great that you want to speak out against opposing bloggers thoughts but it was pretty sad since you yourself are guilty of their habits being that you had to trash May'n's supporting "creepy otaku" fan base. So Adonus, what do you see in your own mirror?
  23. That is because Satelight is an animation studio with animators working around the clock on many kinds of animation projects not just Macross. HG is a corporate office that houses a rental theater and offices where less than a hand full of people use Photoshop and Powerpoint. Actually some of the Satelight staff attended SDCC 2010 and even sat in on the RT panel.
  24. Pic of Gubaba rocking the Mospeada opening. " Really, I wish I would have thought of doing something like that.
  25. OK! At the end of the show Yamato showed me the cockpit and it has allot of detail all four front turrets move and the eye lid opens. Yamato will only be using T-Rex's CAD data for the pilot and another company is doing the Regult. The pilot will not be exactly the same as T-Rex's Winter 2010 Wonder Fes soldier since his requires Yellow Submarine and Wave joins, Yamamto will be engineer a joint system for the new Regult pilot.
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