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Everything posted by Save

  1. I think the window for a reboot closed 4 years ago. Can't agree with you on any anime with motorcycles being a huge success in America since Viper's Creed tanked here and in the US. Did anybody in the US even watch Blassreiter?
  2. Actually one of them has express allot of interest about coming on. I know plenty of Macross female fans you have never met, but they are probably are not ready or interested in coming on a podcast.
  3. I've also told Tochiro my idea of having a special girls episode where we let them do the show and we just kind of jump in from time to time and keep the time. My idea is to have both Japanese and non-Japanese girls so there wouldn't be much of a language issue.
  4. I'm happy to see that regardless of whether people like the anniversary design or its price tag at least MW collectors are back to normal and have resumed their illogical complaining.
  5. I'm only getting it because it will probably be the only Arcadia produced Valk that will have anything to do with Macross II.
  6. Told ya!!!!
  7. News from the frontlines!!!!!! Reliable source says It's going to be a toy at 1/60 scale, transformable with professional box art. So enough with all the will Arcadia get the Macross 1/60 VF-1 license and Bandai BLAH BLAH BLAH conspiracy theories. END OF TRANSMISSION.
  8. Arcadia is only doing a collaboration with Hasagawa for the 30th paint scheme they are not in a partnership. Yamato did a similar type of collaboration with Hasagawa for the 25th paint scheme. The below images of Yamato's initial scheme was tossed due to feedback after being displayed at Satelight's Tokyo Anime Fair booth. They then approached Hasagawa about using their more classy scheme. Cough... Cough... Cough. Yeah, one would think.
  9. Shizuoka Hobby Show is later this month it's very possible Arcadia will have actual prototypes and more announcements. I've spoken to two people recently, one working with Arcadia and one who works for them and even though they are very tight lipped they say not to worry. Still in Japanese that could mean anything.
  10. The only fact that needs to be said is that T-REX is a "Triumvirate" of three people and not just one single person. By all means return to your witch hunt.
  11. YES! In yo face Gubaba!
  12. I have to say it was a really fun movie. Lots of Vegeta so no real complaints.
  13. Then it would have to stay that way all year round. Love them thighs! No joke, Macross II RULES!!!
  14. Utsukushi!!!! Come on, it will be magical!
  15. I didn't put up my comment for the sake of fun, it was more of a jab to somebody off the MW boards. I also waited till 5 hours prior to the event to post anything and not dropping hints three months prior; especially for something as non-existent in Japan these days, which Mospeada is. You don't remember writing: "Do you want enemy mecha??? I have a scoop for you". Again; just saying the best thing to do is just not say anything unless it's a for sure thing.
  16. Then there was the first time around. I'm going to guess you are referring to the same source that also aloud your blog to announce that a Gosu was going to be produced years back, then they just went silent and never spoke of it again. It's best just to wait for the official announcement then chime in with what you knew about the product. Just my two cents based on bad experience.
  17. Word around the camp fire when the Frontier TV series was in production was that Bandai had a five year exclusive license deal on Frontier toys and most products of their choosing. Other companies like Movic and Cospa managed get licenses for products that didn't directly compete with Bandai's product lines. Now that we are past that five year mark Hasagawa, Good Smile Company and Hobby Stock are now producing Frontier products for the retail market. So I don't think it's a case of Bandai having to relinquish their Macross F transforming toy license at all. They can however keep other companies from making toys in the same scale by arguing the point it would confuse consumers. I'm pretty sure that Frontier transformable toy licenses are up for grabs now, but who's left to produce such a toy?
  18. Save

    Macross 30

    Special Delivery!!! Time to power up the PS3!
  19. Just finished listening, "Those Guys" cover allot of product. Nice to know the "two of us" we're directly responsible for making the first and only 2012 uploaded VF-4G video review possible.
  20. I think you can find Macross Zero materials in some of the older issues of Great Machanics. I saw a Mao alarm clock once in the Big West office.
  21. Arcadia just moved to a new office so I'm going to assume it'll take them at least a month before the place is presentable. I'll try to schedule a visit sometime in late March.
  22. Spoke to somebody today who knew about the company change prior to Wonder Festival and is happy with what's to come from Arcadia's Macross product line. They wouldn't say anything other than that. Let's hope I can find out more once I go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.
  23. Well you are not in walking distance but yeah you can easily get to Chiba from Osaka. Three hour shinkansen ride from Osaka to Tokyo Station then 40 min train ride from Tokyo Station to Makuhari Messe. Also it's pretty expensive to take the shinkansen even more if you are going round trip.
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