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Everything posted by Save

  1. Most shops in Akihabara have both the Bluray and DVD box. Last I checked Yotobashi Akihabara also had both on the 6th FL but it was more expensive than most places.
  2. Lucky for us the line was said in English, probably why most haven't caught it yet.
  3. As of right now that is the only honest mistake / error on the subtitles. Can't wait to record the next cast. I think it will be called "Meowcross Frontier: The Paws of Farewell, Meowhoooo!!!". Pissed just thinking about it.
  4. Our sample boxes came in yesterday, now you have three copies of both movies. I'm already ticked off about a specific scene in the second movie. "Kittens"????
  5. I can introduce you to some guys in the San Fernando Valley that can help you get that off the ground. I've also recently meet the director for the Attack On Titan porn parity here in Japan. So to keep on topic, yeah things don't seem right here. Saying it was BW is pretty slanderous. If it's true; well good for them.
  6. Sounds like you're talking about Do You Remember Love. Obviously they can't stick all the details in a movie version. Also fan subs are not the best source for technical lingo for anime they are just quick turnarounds so viewers can get the gist of the story. Maybe the new official subs will flush the story out more.
  7. Finally up for pre-order on Amazon, but as expected no shipping outside Japan due to being listed in video games. On the plus side they have a hi-res image of Sheryl and Ranka without advertisement text so go and get it.
  8. You sir, have been had. Richard Elsenbels (a Kotaku Journalist) has either, one: lied to you or two: has a very poor understanding of what happened on screen. Alto does not finish saying his last words to Sheryl. Alto's line is indeed cut off due to fold distortion which happens a few seconds before the energy blasts even hits.
  9. Question 1: Sam Pinansky of Anime Sols has already started dropping hints over at the ANN thread where he says "I wouldn't worry about the quality of the subtitles on the movies.". Sam is a guy of many hats and one of them is supervising a team of translators for subbing anime primarily for the overseas market. One of the companies he works for has been hired for many of the Bandai Blu-ray releases as Tochiro has previously mentioned. So the translations should be pretty tip top, still will they get all the Macross nuances throughout the two films which only seasoned Macross fans would pick up on. Only time will tell. Question 2: You will have plenty of time. Many places will have pre-order discounts so wait and see which one will save you the most amount of money.
  10. I don't fancy the first movie due to it being a retread of the series and the Shonen Jump Movie ending where everybody is jammed into the final battle, but the second movie is great for a number of reasons. Even if you don't buy it at least we've known you've supported the franchise with your toy reviews. What you can do to help is encourage others here and elsewhere to support this release so one day the other series will get the sub treatment.
  11. Xard thanks for listening. The May'n jabs are just jokes for the most part. We all (maybe aside from Renato) love her singing and her stage performances. The reality for us is we don't really see her as sexy or hot. I always talk about Megumi's thighs on the cast since she kind of gets played down due to people seeing her as Ranka. I also think most of us on the cast see Aya Endo as Sheryl the character and not May'n. As far as the length of the cast......... take that up with Tochiro.
  12. I wish Tochiro would stick to one F-Bomb sound clip for all the casts. Something like the classic Valkyrie gun pod sound or some kind of quick mechanical sound clip and not a voice clip. Using different F-Bomb clips for me personally is kind of more annoying than funny and I would imagine it confuses the listener. What do you guys think?
  13. "Thought I'd drop by, figure you could use the company." JT has pulled himself up by his boot straps and has resumed a very personal mission; let's wish him well on his journey.
  14. Two pictures I took today with Tenjin illustrated retail box.
  15. Thanks for saving it for the podcast, I'm sure somebody here will report it as if they had attended the talk show themselves.
  16. "Me Swoop, me no see nothing."
  17. Here we go again. Revenge of the Mospeada. "You want this don't you?"
  18. Wish I was at SDCC. Those who are attending be on the look out for THE Floating Head (AKA Froaty to others).
  19. I watched it at the cinema last week and while it was playing the only thoughts in my head were "I'm almost out of Coke." and "Man it's hot in this theater.", a very weak fist OVA installment. The production value was respectable but not worth paying to see it in a theater. Hope it gets interesting out the gate in volume two.
  20. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/auc_e/index.do
  21. Actually Tenjin is a active member of the 501st Japan Garrison. He is also overseeing the cockpit so my guess is that he snuck it in.
  22. Loved this post!!!!
  23. You all make me laugh.
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