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Everything posted by Save

  1. OKAY here are some larger size pics and larger file size so I hope you have fast internet. Also while I was there they put the air brake back in place. VF-0S Gallery
  2. The Music was great! Millia in her OG VF-1J and flightsuite teaching Basara how to handle his Valk. And the episode where they had the OCC style Destroids hot rodded out with flames and kick ass paint jobs.
  3. Yep GPS for the 1/48. Here is a translated review of the shop I found online. According to Showa the second floor of the building which has ドトールコーヒー which went north, about 5 minutes it walked. Being to have left from according to in the Akihabara central town barrel center, is, but default discount it is large, (20-35%OFF. 15%OFF) doing even with the new product, the ã¡ã‚‡ approaching good fortune. Business hour 11:00-21:00 (as for earth day celebration 20:Up to 00) with nothing during year 休. # The above-mentioned business hour inscription with shop front. In the past 10:30-20:Description of 00 opening of shop, being in addition to become so even with web, it does, but whether either one is correct lack of confirmation.
  4. No the high price is only because Kaiyodo is like KB Toys, they over charge because they know Otakus will just shell out the ¥ for it. I found a store a few weeks ago on the other side of Akihabara station that nobody goes to and they are selling the 1/48 armor for 8500¥, and 1/48 Valks for 10500¥ all new, most shops charge 12500¥ for the armor and up to 17000¥ for a 1/48. I'm going to go back to Kaiyodo and sneek more pics today. Should have more pics up in the next 4 hours.
  5. Just got back from lunch and saw this over at Kaiyodo. Feast your eyes friends! Looks like they are setting up for when they will arive in stores. UPDATE OKAY here are some larger size pics and larger file size so I hope you have fast internet. Also while I was there they put the air brake back in place. VF-0S Gallery
  6. Megas XLR Anime for Rednecks.
  7. Yep that was a typo I mean the VF-1S (black and red one).
  8. I pretty much know nothing about the 1/48s but how can you tell the diffrence between the Do You Remember Love VF-1S 1/48 HIKARU first release and the reissue? Is there a diffrence in the packaging as well? Also is the reissue out if not when will it be out?
  9. Pic of one of one of the lucky students holding what should have been mine. Thats me next to him sulking. samurai_m, I work for one of Japan's largest privately owned film and computer animation schools know as Digital Hollywood. I was transferred here to Tokyo after closing the Los Angeles school back in May. UN Spacy, Yeah I was so tired after a night of hunting Wolverines, gosh. Keith, Nope nobody called me. Well most people know more about City Hunter than Macross. The gathering was for the new City Hunter spin off called Angel Heart, but the producer brought Akira Kamiya as a surprise so nobody knew until after it already started. big F, I'll try to get pics of the gathering somebody is always taking pictures here. When Fortress_Maximus was here in Tokyo last month we had a school festival and Gonzo was here doing a presentation on their new film Agito, and Comics Wave had one on their CG Kaiju short film Negadon. Yeah it's perfected, I'm not going to be able to sit for a month.
  10. Kamiya Akira Japanese voice actor MACROSS's Roy Focker, CITY HUNTER's Saeba Ryo, MAISON IKKOKU's Mitaka Shun, was a special suprise guest at a gathering at my work last night ! Today I'm kicking myself in the butt because I went home before it started because I was tired. He even singed autographs for our students and depending on which of the voices he's done he would also sign them Roy Focker, or Ryo Saeba. I knew I should have stayed when I saw the ice cest full of wine bottles, but no I was tired. Didn't you get the memo, has a whole new meaning to me now! Pics coming soon.
  11. I would but what is 4chan? Ah Firefly good show better movie. Serenity had to have been the best movie of the summer, since Batman was a remake I think it was the best original summer movie.
  12. Hope this makes you feel better Solscud007.
  13. Any clue on what this is?
  14. I so hate dubs of anime but my favorite scene in Macross II dub version is where the guy in Mash's salon walks up and says in the funniest voice "Mash Hibikis' on da phone". I use to just loop that part and bust up laughing. I loved Macross II all the way till the last 30 min. Guess they ran out of ideas for the ending and just had the Mardook do the DYRL Zen revolt all over again. That totally screwed the ending and the floating head of the SDF1 didn't help either. I think the mecha designs and the music was great, it was just the end had no payoff at all and that’s what killed it. It could have been great, it could have been a contender!!!!
  15. UHHHHH last I checked this is was the Fan Works, Local Gatherings and Homepages forums for such things as "Macross fan art, cg, wallpapers, themes, etc". You never saw Petite Cola cans and mobile vending machines in the OG Macross series? It's a theme art piece using the Petite design as a new type of product similar to Pocky. So just like so many other of the fan art this is the same, only I went outside the realm of Macross mecha, and characters.
  16. Inspired by Glica's Pocky snacks. I better change the Harmony to Big West before I start getting death threats.
  17. The way you have put it is civil and understandable, and I agree with you 100% except for one thing. Keeping ones composure while answering others civil or harassing post replies is not being defensive. I’ve only responded to unfriendly accusations which I’m sure most people would do. I just don’t make it personal or start name-calling, That it what I’ve been doing since my first post and I will keep on being that way.
  18. I never said you were any of the ones, who accused me of the above, now did I? I point out that your assumption was a mistake, mostlikey do to you not ready every post up till then. Again I posted my RT link since my screen name was in question. Then I brought up my ebay feedback link to reply to a posted question. I never said you couldn't question anything, I'm just telling you the facts. You can call what I posted lame credentials or what ever you want, they were not indended for you or your opinion in any way. Yeah my sig was also updated to reflect that after it was brought up once others changed the subject. A Joke some just don't get, I guess as with my screen name. That's so funny, yeah I'm so bent on being defensive I've resulted to name-calling. Who is the one that is bent? Do or do not, there is no try. A big thanks to all who have welcomed me here.
  19. Here is your mistake. First of all my topic was only about what is everybody’s Holly Grail. Then it was side tracked by others who had a problem with my nickname. Then I had to explain why I choose the name in the first place. Which is why I posted the reason for the name, and that it was not pro-HG. I ask everybody to get back to the subject. Then people figured I was lying about being in Japan, and said I was full of crap. Then they check my IP and surprise "he is in Japan". Then I only mentioned that I was thinking I could help people find what they are looking for and did not mention money. Then jenius said, "Of course then I'd have to figure out some way of assuring you're not going to run off with my money. Does anyone know some people in the Yakuza I could employ to bust knees... I mean, keep people honest" So to answer his or her question and I came up with what I posted as a response to him. I never started this thread to "drum up business" I only want a census of what would be easiest to hardest to locate. Then I would have analyzed all of the members items of interest to see if it would be able to help them out. At this point it looks like it's not worth it. So there are the Facts, go ahead read between the line and come up with some BS reply.
  20. I find it so funny how you give people facts and they still only see what they want to see. I never had two accounts on RT.com it was a trumped up accusation that their admin came up with to get me off the forums for pointing out facts about what at was going on at HG in 2004. Even after it was all sorted out at one of the RT BBQs, I was told me being banned would be lifted and sorted out then it never happened. So you think 8 negative in 6 years of selling on ebay is a bad reference. All 8 were either deadbeat bidders lying about paying and never did, or they were just jerks and a pain in the ass to sell too. Similar to like having to defend my good intentions on this forum right now.
  21. bust knees! Pop'n out a blow of rice and bustn a cap in my ass! There are two ways to handle it. One I take paypal, so an item will be covered. Or I can set up an ebay auction with a non-related heading but with full details of the item you want at a buy now price. If you choose that you would also have to reimburse me the ebay fees for posting it. Ebay seller ID is evaproto check my feedback I’m no crook. Only 8 neg feedback since: Mar-30-99, and it all been the other persons fault. I figure since I’m already out looking for stuff everyday, I might as well just grab stuff for other people. For books or toys all I ask is for about 1000¥ which is about $8.50 as a finders fee (basically money to get lunch while I’m out searching). Other than that you pay the actual yen price, shipping supplies, and the postage. If the item is something huge then the cost would depend on what the item is. If you need me to get you something on Yahoo auctions then that takes more work due to bid wars, sending emails, and then having to take time to walk to the bank and transfer ¥ to the seller. If you know of a better way then let me know.
  22. Macross Gold Book (1st Printing) How can you tell the difference between 1st printings and the 2nd and 3rd? I've picked up three since moving here and two are complete with everything and the third is missing the poster. Mastercard VF-1Js was on ebay not to long ago I think it sold around $600 to $700 if I remember correctly. Oh crap my co-worker just told me Mikimoto is doing a book signing here in Akihabara next weekend, but I guess he will only sign his Gundam Manga that was just released today.
  23. I don't work for a store, I work for a privately owned digital art school in Akihabara known as Digital Hollywood. It's in the new Daibiru building right next too the JR station Electric Town exit side. Can't miss it the tallest building in Akihabara. Come by if you want to visit.
  24. There isn't nothing "pro-HG" in my nick name. The key word is Save. I don't want to have to keep adding replies to posts. Here is my response to the reply below this one. All this attention over a nickname, I'm flattered. In a perfect world I would rather have Mac over RT too, but that’s not how history happened. Neither of the two entities are going away, so either learn to live with it or keep up the none productive sarcasm. I'm my perfect world there would never be an anime dubs of any kind, only sub version. That is the closest way "Macross can be appreciated in its pure form". Or learn Japanese if you want it to be in pure form. NOW GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT OF THE THREAD.
  25. A kihabara is nowhere near Narita first of all. I never been back to Narita since I arrived, and when I arrived here I left Narita from the train that is connected to the inside of the airport so I've never seen the outside of it other than the tar mat. Here is what I can see from one of the windows in the building I work in.
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