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  1. Haha you guys are funny, wish more of you guys lived here. The only thing that gets made in Platinum in Japan is Gundam, complete waste if you ask me but hey to each his own. I'm guessing it was a solid resin type painted prototype it had some decals on it, most likely the one used in the commercial. Sorry guys no pictures again it was an industry only event. Yamato had a anti camera sign in front of the YF-21 and the last thing Graham needs is a MW member refelling Yamato's feathers. I'm sure you guys will see it soon enough.
  2. Saw it yesterday in fighter mode, my jaw is still on the floor. Not sure what stage it's at, but it wasn't made of plastic.
  3. Thanks guys, keep it coming. Try to keep from multiple posts if you change your mind edit your original post instead of tacking on a new reply. Let's keep away from stuff like making accessories for preexisting toys like 1/48 hands, pilots, and such we need to focus on new stuff. Thanks again.
  4. eriku: Did you get a good look at the Ride Armor at all? I'm curious if it's any different from the proto pic that's been floating around for a while. Yes, they had three on display. The type of plastic CM's used for the Ride Armor reminds me of the old pail light green Gakken plastic. The figures have decent articulation but not like the Megahouse Ride Armor. Looks like some of the figure is made of die cast. I will be picking a set up when they come out. Twoducks: Have the Legioss/Tread designs changed in any significant way compared to the old protos? Lots of detail in this new black plastic mock, panel lines and rivets. jenius: When's the next big Japanese toy show?? Winter Wonder Festival Feb, 24. So far I like what I see with what CM's has done. I don't really care if it isn't anime perfect.
  5. I'm doing some research for some people in the toy industry here in Tokyo on what Macross toy merchandising fans need and want aside from the transformable Valkyrie toy market. Please try to keep this thread to realistic type toy products, please don't put stuff like a 1/1 scale SDF-1. I'm talking about stuff that has not been professionally produced for the toy market. Please keep to 2 or 3 items. Here are my examples stuff I would want on my display case. 1. Macross 2 VF2-SS Valkyrie toy (scale not important at this time) 2. PVC Ishtar figure "has to be a perfect sculpt and she has to look hot" 3. Zent Battle Pods enemy mecha please
  6. CM's Corporation Legioss/TREAD is still on track. Today I was invited to an industry only upcoming toy release event in Tokyo and CM's finally had the Legioss and TREAD displayed again along with their Ride Armor toys. The Legioss and TREAD displayed was not the same one displayed at last Winter Wonder Festival. They had a test mold made of black plastic and metal parts. Making it out of solid black plastic makes it easier to spot imperfections in the mold. There was still no official release date or price set but look like possibly early 2008 since the purpose of the event was to showcase upcoming releases and not stuff in the works. Sorry guys no pictures since this was a small industry, I'm sure pictures will surface either way.
  7. There is no ebay Japan. There use to be www.ebay.co.jp a long time ago but ebay through in the towel because nobody used it in Japan. Japan is still pretty much a cash society, all other transactions are done through bank transfers that only usually work for domestic accounts. Yahoo Auctions Japan is the online auction leader here, and a few mobile phone auction sites.
  8. Picks straight out of the box and transformation.
  9. Here are the pic of problem areas. Paint chips, bent wing, and excess glue and scrapes.
  10. Well I never had the MPC Alpha, but this new release of Toynami's toy by Aoshima is not very good. Not trying to be a hater, it just plain as day isn't a good buy for the cost. Yen price 10290 = to $89.15 So any ways here goes. Box design is ok, nothing near as flashy as the MPC book box, but the Aoshima packaging does represent what is actually in the box better. It also indicates that is is not a toy but a "Transformable Full Action Model". There is a good amount of die-cast which is about the only positive thing going for it. I got mine case fresh and when I opened it, it was very obvious the left wing was bent. There are also numerous scratches, scuffs, and deep scrapes that came from the assembly line. There are also area of excess glue and glue finger print smudges. Other than the die-cast parts the rest of the Legioss looks to be made up of at least three different types of low grade plastic. Paint is the usual Toynami paid job, over all decent with bits of over spray. New accessory's are the under chest missiles, the additional shoulder rocket pack is not an accessory but a permanent add on and is non-removable. Transformation is not fun at all. Takes too much effort just to get from fighter to battroid. The transformation system seems to be all based on pegs and slots to hold all its transformation into place, but either they don't match up or they pop right out. The hands are a serious concern. They are white plastic painted with a thick coat of gray, which makes opening the hands the scariest part of the transformation. The should have been made of gray plastic, the paint just makes them impossible to set, this additional paint will put stress and the fingers and will eventually cause them to break. Landing gear is made of metal with rubber wheels. The left landing gear on mine is bent from the inside of the leg and does not drop down properly. Oh yeah and at one point a small hollow square plastic piece fell out of the leg, and I have no idea what it goes to. Well I need to get some sleep, will have pictures up in the morning. If you have any questions add them to the thread.
  11. Well it is out today, and I picked one up. Boy am I not happy spent near over an hour trying to get it back in fighter mode. All the gory details will follow if I ever get it back to fighter mode.
  12. Save

    Macross CMS Figures

    I see them on ebay for about $80 to $90 buy now, there is place in Akihabara that has a few in US dollars they are about $65.00 with out boxes.
  13. Save

    Macross CMS Figures

    I've picked up allot of CM's figs since living in Japan. Here is Sumdumgai's list will a few additions. Series one had: Hikaru DYRL pilot, saluting Minmay DYRL, DYRL song costume reaching out Mao Nome, lifting/holding down her dress Mylene Jenius, with guitar Ishtar, all floaty in the air like Secret: Minmay doll There is a matching clear hair figure for each Part 1 figure except the Minmay doll secret . Variants: Mao Nome winking both in solid and clear hair. Convention Exclusive: DYRL Minmay final concert dress, clenching hand into fist DYRL greenish DYRL pilot suit Hikaru, no alternate hairpiece Series 2: Roy Focker DYRL pilot Basara Nekki, with guitar Sara Nome, in stupid pose, figure leans too much Minmay at desk with doll Misa Hayase DYRL Secret: Hikaru cut-away cockpit There is a matching clear hair figure for each Part 2 figure except the Minmay at desk with doll, and cockpit secret. Variants: Minmay at desk with doll solid dark blue hair would be removed from box in place of the secret so it is more rare than the Minmay at desk with doll light blue and white solid hair. series 3: Isamu Dyson, flying the 19 with hand pose (no helmet) Max Jenius DYRL zentran pilot outfit, non-removeable helmet Flower Girl Shammy, with chair Minmay DYRL, first concert dress Cut-away Roy Focker cockpit Secret: Max Jenius DYRL pilot, removeable helmet, alternate bangs with glasses, rarer than the other secrets Max Jenius DYRL zentran pilot would be removed from box in place of the secret, collectors didn't really like the figure but it is now becoming rare and price is going up. Variants: CM's stopped producing clear hair version with the release of series 3 but there is a Minmay DYRL, first concert dress with clear hair not many were produced a rare find. Minmay collection: Reissue Minmay DYRL DYRL song dress, reaching out (all reissued Minmay figures except the doll have new sculpted heads) reissued alternate color Minmay Doll reissued touched-up Minmay at desk reissued resculpted Minmay DYRL first concert dress Minmay in red dress with yellow beret Sculpture picture of Minmay and Hikaru Secret: Glow in the dark dress of first DYRL concert Minmay Almost forgot! Mira 639 Figure set: Mira Zentran pilot Mire Zentran pilot for use with Yamato 1/60 QUEADLUUN-RAU Mira Zentran Wedding Dress
  14. Yeah most new shows in Japan even this day and age first air usually after 2:00 a.m. during the week. Yes to answer the question it first aired at 3am Oct 3. Technically it actually should be Oct. 4, 3 a.m. but they still list it as Oct 3. Yeah waited for that shot, and of course the shot of Roy check out Minmay's rear, which is funny to finally see uncut via broadcast television.
  15. As of this minute it is the 25th anniversary of The Super Dimension Fortress Macross (超時空要塞マクロス). Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) is commemorating the moment by playing Booby Trap (ブービー・トラップ) on the exact same time slot 25 years ago, Oct 3 3:00 a.m. watching it now! Happy Bithday Macross, here is to 25 years more!!!!
  16. Got mine yesterday right when the shop opened!
  17. Well here in Akiba there are not set to release till open of shops in the morning, but I will stop by the official shop tonight just in case they put them out early.
  18. There were two camera men in the front of the stage, not sure if there were any other cameras filming. I only noticed them during Fire Bomber, so here is hope of it getting released or maybe footage for a 25th anniversary DVD or something. Here are pics I took before going in and when I left. Here is a cosplayer the day after at Comiket, said said she was that the concert the night before too!
  19. The Yamato display had just about all their 1/48 valk and new 1/60 Mac Zero Plus Valks on display. Front and center of all of them were the 25th Anniversary editions 1/48 VF-1s and 1/60 YF-19. Yep they took my camera, I did have my cell and I asked Yamato if I could take a pic and they asked me not to. I was going to take pics during the show but I was so far up front I didn't want to look like an ass.
  20. From chatting with Yamato at the concert this is what I found out. Remember those 25th Anniversary Tokyo Anime Fair editions that were displayed at the Satalite booth, well they were originally going to be the Anniversary editions but Yamato dropped them and came up with this new black and gold editions. "THANK GOD!!" Hasegawa also liked the new Yamato design and used it for their kits, Yamato is very pleased with that.
  21. Oh yeah that shot of the cable car was the last shot of the footage shown. The pic in the forums is as the cable car is pulling out of the station and the camera moves up but before it moves up that white post on the bottom of the screen had a sign that said Shibuya.
  22. From what I can remember from the video is. Pilot uniforms resemble DYRL uniforms and helmets white with the yellow and black shoulders. There was a quick shot in the video that resembled the Megaroad launch scene form flashback, and it was a ship that looked similar to the Megaroad or could just be the Megaroad. The Valk fighting is back to fast anime style not the more realistic effect done on Mac Zero. The characters are more like something you would see in the new anime shows bright colors not alot of detail in character hair. Very hard to make out the enemy but I sure I saw large tentacles on screen.
  23. Back at work after this weekend of Macross bliss, sorry my apt is without internet so I couldn’t post until I got back to work today. Well the concert was really good, if you enjoyed Macross 7 it was great! I enjoyed M7 even with all its flaws but the music was always great. Well the concert was sold out and I arrived at about 4:45 and the line went in at 5:00 on the dot. In the front of the entrance was a large concert stand with the same artwork as the flyer, which was the last thing I was able to take a picture of because once you got in they took all digital camera and did bag checks. All attendees were given a Macross 25 anniversary back stage pass and lanyard. After walking in there was a Joysound booth set up where fans sang their favorite Karaoke Mac songs and each person would get a poster. Then next to that booth was Cospas T-shirt both. They had three T-shirts for sale a concert shirt, a Roy Focker Special shirt and a shirt that says Deculture in Katakana. I picked up one of each and two extra. Next to them was a both for the new 25th CD box (which really isn’t a box set it’s just a bunch of CD singes bulked together. Across the way was Hasegawa selling the two anniversary kits. Wave had the new dark greenish SDF-1. Yamato had a table full of 1/48 and the new 1/60 and the black and gold VF-1s and YF-19 on display. Yamato had nothing for sale, display and promotion only. Down the hall there was a table set up for Mari Iijima merchandise. The show started off with a Do You Remember Love montage video, some parts where played at a fast speed which kind of ruined the effect. Mari opened the show with a solo performance of Zero G Love, then did a few more songs on the piano and ended with ”Ai Oboete Imasu Ka”. Mari sounded great and hearing ”Ai Oboete Imasu Ka” on the piano made it a very special and intimate moment. After Mari’s performance Kawamori and Sho Hayami (Maximillian Voice Actor) took stage and talked about Macross a bit which lead to the viewing of new footage. I don’t think it was just miscellaneous footage but I’m pretty sure it’s the opening animation for the new show. It’s different and has a more current anime look too it, with a few nods to the older style. It was hard to make out the enemy, but I could have sworn I saw tentacles. After the footage the new voice talent was introduced and she sang “Voices” while somebody played the piano. She did a good job and she has a good voice very pretty too. Then with a Macross 7 video montage video and then Fire Bomber brought down the house. I’m not kidding the lifeless crowed jumped to their feet and rock out. It was like a real metal rock concert with pyrotechnics and confetti shot out of a canon throughout their performance. They sang almost everything but I really wanted to hear “My Soul for You” acoustic and “Dekedo Baby” but still their performance kicked ass! Yoshiki Fukuyama is a great guitarist and really funny. Even Basara Nekki voice actor took stage on a few song to sing some songs and of course yelled “"Ore no uta wo Kike!"”! Chie Kajiura came in mid way of the set and Fire Bomber was complete and the all sang “Seventh Moon”. They did do a encore with Mari and it was a perfect ending to a perfect performance. Bomber!!!!!
  24. I've picked up a few Macross Cels here and there but I couldn't believe I came across this one. The other two were ones off YJP not really sure why I bid on them guess it was just the bidding bug, still Minmay getting slapped is a keeper.
  25. I got my ticket awhile ago and it wasn't cheap, the concert sold out in just a few minuets of tickets going on sale. There will be exclusive items sold at the event. List of stuff so far, but hard to figure out the translation. ● Macross memory live broadcasting T-shirt Macross memory live broadcasting 500 pieces. ● Cospa Co., Ltd. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary Macross, (precedent sale plans the T-shirt of a the curve ball of the straight pitch like Macross "what ever that means " ● Yamato Co., Ltd. The 25th anniversary memory perfection transformation YF-19" "1/60 perfection transformation VF-1J" produced in commemoration of the 25th anniversary Macross is going to exhibit a lot of latest items! ● Hasegawa Co., Ltd. Of the the end of August, this year release "1/72 VF-1S Baru Killy" "the 25th anniversary commemorative painting"(2,400¥) "1/72 YF-19" "the 25th anniversary commemorative painting"(2,800¥) ● Wave Co., Ltd. New development of "SDF -1 Macross" released in this January! In addition, I am going to carry out the sale such as plastic models of "Macross 0" now on sale!
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