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Everything posted by Save

  1. I'm perplexed I'm torn between your reply and your own personal member signature. So are you hated as well? And for the record jenius was the first member to ask me to get something from Japan back in 2005 and since them I've been pretty much loved / liked / tolerated. EXO might even like me a bit too, fingers crossed.
  2. I suddenly feel a razor sharp pain in my back. I need some Slurm to wash a way my pain, but sadly they don't sell it in JP.
  3. "you have to learn how to drive before you can be a hero" Proof the writes strike is really going on.
  4. Haven't been in one of these kind of mud slinging posts in a while there always fun. Obviously we all know the Robocop TV series was crap. It was just the punch line to the end of my post and at the same time bait for somebody to raise from the ranks and through the first stone at my opinion of the T series. I gave up on the Robocop show after two episodes thanks for the refresh because for the life of me I couldn't remember anything about it. The two most important characters in this series Sarah and John have both already been developed in two other T moves (and not counting T2 the ride), and this show just patronizes what they both were already developed as. So they should have nailed these two characters out the starting gate, instead they just irritate. As for the new female Terminator there is nothing to develop she is a Terminator you know "A thinking Computer" so unless she goes and steals DATA's emotion chip how can she develop at all. Yeah I see your point about bickering but so far that the only way the characters interact with each other and it got old by the middle of the first episode. So other than the Robocop joke and the bickering which is the only thing that has to do with my real opinion of the show. Would you like to comment on the other issue I pointed out about this show of weak sauce? No apology necessary, dealing with peoples responses like your is how I chose a name like "SaveRobotech".
  5. Those are not stickers, they are TEMPO pressed or what ever they are called. The Rey figure has pretty tight arms, hips and knees, the head and feet are not as tight since they need to be positoned when monted on the bike. I didn't it the same one I reviewd when it cam out. It has a bent wing that you cant see since it is in robot mode, look at the leg the missle hatches fell off. As for the arms they are pretty tight and I darn not transform the POS, but I ended up finding an MPC for like $40 in a shop so I just dispaly both modes. Review: Well what you see is what you get really. For the price it's an iffy buy. You will be disappointed at first, then frustrated then like an ugly puppy dog it starts to grow on you once you stat posing it . The toys best mode is armor mode if you want to play with it, in bike mode it looks nice but doesn't roll well or at all. The front end of the bike is the toys weakest point of design. The shocks mount to the front via removable pegs that are either too short or don't stay in the slots to keep the front end stable. If you are like me you can look around your room or old model kits and make it work. If you are a display kind of guy it's nice but if you are looking to go into a GIJoe battle in the back yard you just bought yourself a lemon. My verdict is I like it don't love it but I'll keep it, but if the MG delivers I'm not going to need this guy.
  6. Saw the first two episodes this past week and boy is this show weak sauce. Special FX are really cheesy and the acting is far worse. It's like a really bad 80's mini tv show drama, The Hulk meets, V, meets Starman. Sarah and John bickering all the time is what kills this show, after T2 I think John wouldn't have to be told time and time again to do this and that. The girl from Firefly "River" yes she is growing into her looks but she is no Terminator. Still she is better than all the high school coach looking Terminators that cant even pull off walking like they have a stick up their butt. The old Robocop TV had more promise than this.
  7. Sure and I'll even pull out the big guns.
  8. Little bit of both I guess. Still my only advise is when you get it read the instructions unless you want headache like I had.
  9. I'm trying to enjoy this toy but it so delicate it's like playing with a ride armor imai model kit. Pics coming soon.
  10. Yes they are indeed I just got mine. REY type STICK sold out the places I checked.
  11. A good source is Tokyo Hunter's blog get the latest information on Japanese exclusives, and help with finding other hard to find items. I can offer to help you and anybody else looking for anime stuff. I'm on the SSL and have been hunting for many here on MW since moving to Tokyo in 2005. Hunting can be fun and a headache at the same time. Hunters and buyers need to be on the same page so here is what I've come up with in the past two years of getting items. What I need from potential buyers. 1. Item detail: Pictures, product details. 2. Budget: Buyer maximum budget per item not including shipping. 3. Communication: Keep in contact. If buyer gets the item through other sources or no longer needs the item you need to contact me ASAP so I can take the item off the search list. Terms of service: 1. Once request is made be patient, just because I’m in Japan does not mean it’s an easy find. I will let you know as soon as I find it. 2. All fees associated with an item are covered by the buyer. Types of fees are Paypal, transportation, entrance to events, bank transfer fee for Yahoo Auction Japan purchases, packing supplies or any out of pocket expense to attain the buyers request. 3. Shipping cost will be determined once item is attained. Shipping price will only be given when the exact weight of the item has been packed for safe transit and shipping location is checked. Shipping cost is separate from the buyer’s item budget and is not negotiable. 4. Hunting fees vary depending on items. 10.00 finders fees for small size item (CM’s figures, Revoltech, Novel size books) 15.00 finders fees for medium size items (PCV figures, 8x10 size books) 25.00 finders fee for large items (1/48 Low Vis, Gold Book, statues) (Keep in mind these finder fees cover my personal time I take to find items and for the inconvenience of holding them till shipping since storage space in my apartment is minimal.) Collectors: I mean “Real Collectors” are usually looking for hard to find items knowing that in most cases it’s not going to be cheap. Collectors know the market and should always look for a good price or a bargain, but they should not give hunters ridicules low spending budgets for high priced items. PM me if you have any questions.
  12. Got mime but last night I noticed that where the waist and hips connect it's made wrong. After puller her out of the box posing her legs was hard, one leg always seemed shorter than the other or I couldn't rotate the left hip enough. I pulled out the T bar that connects both hips to the waist and found it was manufactured wrong. The T bar has ball joints on each end, there are two small ball joints that should connect to each hip, leaving the larger ball joint to connect to the waist. Instead Gally has only one small ball joint insert in the left hip and a large insets on the right hip and waist. So for a temp fix I stuffed tissue in the right hip to keep it from falling off, but I would rather have a new right leg with the right size ball joint insert. Anybody else having the same problem?
  13. I did a search before posting and nothing came up for Proto Mospeada, so if this is already up delete the post. Well I saw this a week ago and thought it was pretty cool. What's really cool is Shinji Aramaki is involved so I guess he does still care about Mospeada at least a little. Proto Mospeada Site
  14. eriku, I know your pain, but yours looks a bit worse than mine minus a bent wing. From your pictures it looks like the head bracket it on backwards like mine was. To fix it you need to remove the screw that holds the upper chest together. Once the screw is removed you can pull apart the chest to get the the hinges that anchor the head bracket. Flip the head bracket around then rotate the head 180. Then just rebuild the chest, my chest screw was way to tight from the factory after I put it back pulling the torso up and down became easier. Also once the head bracket is flipped it will now set in parallel with the fuselage while in fighter mode. aoshima is suppose to be offering full refunds on this product or giving replacement parts when they become available, but it only applies to buyers in Japan. I will be requesting a new wing and extra set of hands.
  15. Funny you should ask, 44999¥ this little piano. Or how about this over sized Masked Rider figure for 79799¥. ToysRus is the most expensive toy store in most of Japan, until items go on clearance and by then all the boxes are trashed.
  16. First thing I checked after my Aoshima fiasco. CM's has grey plastic molded hands, my guess they are not rubbery just solid plastic. Other things all three versions have tempo (what ever they are called) decals, what you see in the pictures are not applied stickers. I'm sure they will come with sticker sheets, but none of the box contents other than the toys were on display. Landing gear is all metal and keeps the Legioss off the ground with plenty of space between the chest and surface. The Tread landing gear / link up to the Legioss is also made of metal. Best thing about this set is that it is in fact a toy! Other wise it wouldn't be getting sold at ToysRus, the Aoshima Legioss were only sold in Hobby shops and not in ToysRus in Japan. It's not a Toynami MPC collectors piece, which after the fact is now stated to be for the collector market and not a toy. Yeah the cost is a bit high but CM's is not Bandai or Takara. If you love Mospeada I suggest you support the only legs it has, if not it's just going to die and go away. I'm not getting all three but I for sure will get the green set.
  17. Oh keep in mind the guy at the CM's both was picking up the toys to show us the durability and playability of the toys. They did not take the time to put the toys back in the correct transformation, I was very happy with what I saw.
  18. Just got back from Superfest and CM's was showing off all three colored sets. For the most part they look great, unlike most toy collectors I'm just happy they are coming out. Gripes: Front intakes are too small. Tail wings are too long and stick out in battloid and Legioss Tread linked modes. Shoulder missiles look like a carton of a dozen eggs and are positioned wrong. Not enough die-cast like their Patlabor toys have. No rubber tires Pros: I'm finally going to get my green Legioss and Tread set. SRP: 29400 yen = $270 Blue Legioss set will be the only one sold retail everywhere. Green Legioss set CM's site exclusive only. Red Legioss set Japan ToyRus exclusive only. Tokyo Hunter asked if Inbit were on the way and they said they do not have the license to make enemy mecha.
  19. Got banned from RT.com found a new loving home here.
  20. Frontier episode 1 F-ING rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just finished and boy was it great! First there are many nods to most of all the Macross series. A really cool history time line. All kinds of Valk mecha, New Elint seeker, Ghosts lots of Ghosts. They even have Gubaba pets still for you 7 fans without the camp. The new enemy are crazy kind of like psycho Invid but smart fast killing machines. So much stuff for the first episode. This one is suppose to be different than the on that will air in 2008 and it was called the deculture edition. More later after sleep but by then I'm sure it will be on the net.
  21. Sold out every where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Akihabara and I'm guessing the rest of Tokyo. They do have them in stock but they are all on hold for pre-order pickups. Talk about being so close but yet so far.
  22. I just checked the shop downstairs and they had it on the racks! Has got to be one of the best dvd sets for that price. Going back after lunch to pick mine up, after I drop by the atm. The standard version is 7000 yen who in their right mind would get that over the LE version with all the extras.
  23. Here is part of an article I wrote for a now defunct anime site that never saw the lite of day. I hope to put up the whole article up somewhere else soon. This was the same footage show at this years celebration for Megazone23’s twenty-third anniversary. In attendance was sound director Honda Yasunori, voice actress Tominaga Mina (Tomomi Murashita in Part 1), director Ishigoro Noboru and mechanical designer Kakinuma Hideki. The presentation was broken up into two parts and in the second half opened with the Megaszone23 ending popularly known as the “Happy End.” What was shown happened to be the additional ending footage Harmony Gold had Tatsunoko produce for Robotech: The Untold Story, virtually unknown in Japan. There was absolutely no mention of Robotech or Harmony Gold, only that it was officially called the “International Version.” Ishigoro and Kakinuma responded to questions about the “Happy End” with cautious, but clear disdain. Ishigoro: "This is very interesting," he said, guardedly. "I knew nothing about this work. This ending doesn't seem to fit at all, though." Kakinuma: "Why must you go and make it a happy end against all odds? I think the original ending was very truthful by comparison." He also jokingly said it was a rip-off and they should "give us our money." We stated during the Q&A that the “International Version” was never widely shown or sold in any form in the United States. It did how ever get released in Europe, and more recently the same production company also produced a continuation of where Mospeada left off. Kakinuma: “Robotech The Shadow Chronicles, yes I know about it, but I had nothing to do with the production at all.”
  24. User on mixi posted these mag pics.
  25. Somebody on Mixi posted these pics they are the same ones I saw the day before yesterday at the hobby event. Only difference was the Legioss had the sword accessory in its hand. I'm just itching to get one, after being burned by my aoshima purchase.
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