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Everything posted by Save

  1. Over-Drive asked me to pass this message along. If you contacted them please check your bulk email and spam folders. They have responded to everybody who has sent them an inquiry but their responses are getting lost in peoples spam setting. Double Check them folders GUYS
  2. Details: Orders take place on "April Fools Day" April 1st at noon. One item person. Cost is 18,690 to $185. Please hold on sending me PM requests until I can figure out a way of ordering more than one via friends, co-workers, homeless, and already dead Japanese residents.
  3. Got my BBTS notice. I fount this part too funny. "I again apologize for the error, but on the bright side, with a MSRP, the figure should be that much more amazing. " "They don't know Toynami every well do they." Time to log into my account and cancel, at least I can go back and say "when hell freezes over".
  4. I was way off on my issue numbers I have a XX424 and X6628 so your theory has hope. The only down side to it is if they keep some tucked away they will be plagued with the same issue I've read about though the two I picked up seem to be okay.
  5. No they didn't get a sample I just have all the original hi-res pics I took for them. So if anybody needs to see a super close up just let me know. The Legioss is a little smaller than an mpc but not by much, Tread is pretty big but not sure what to compare it to. Allot bigger than a hamburger that is for sure US or JP size. There you are! They say end of the Month. Did you see OverDrives price of only $220, even though the site says "Order Stop" they said to go ahead and email them as it looks as they will get more. I'm getting mine through them. As if taking a picture of the box wasn't enough, J/k. I would have but it didn't even cross my mind to take a pic of the under side. So I dont have any shots but from the pics I do have I would say it's not going to be line art perfect.
  6. Okay here are the pictures from this weeks Miyazawa Mokei Trade Show. I also want to introduce OverDrive to you guys. OverDrive is a webshop based in Akihabara, Japan that sells Japanese toys and figures at less then retail price to over 80 contries all over the world. I've been in contact with them about products that have more of an international following than in Japan. We are the kind of niche market they are interested in. Since they took me to the trade show I figured they could host my pictures so you will find tons of them here. If you guys want to see higher res pictures of certain shots just let me know and I can put them here. If you have any questions about thier Legioss & Tread set price send them an email.
  7. After work I will double check the issue numbers I might have a digit off on the higher number one, keep your fingers crossed.
  8. After the aoshima debacle I picked up a Scott MPC here in Akihabara that was dirt cheap. I have to say though it's fragile it does look nice. Then about two weeks ago I found another one cheap and picked that up. When I compared the two I noticed they are both two different shades of blue and even the chest intakes were two different shades of color than the other. The first one I bought was in the 14000 and the second was in the XX400, so depending on what blue shade color Beta I get will determine which one I will be linking to it. That being said I'm sure there will be allot of people with link ups that have noticeable color differences, which I'm sure will irk them even more.
  9. I've not seen the two most recent episodes so what's new on "Sarah Connor Kitchen Dining Room, Southern California Warehouse Chronicles"? Weaksauce....
  10. Yesterday I went to Miyazawa Mokei industry presentation. CM's was there and they let me take pictures to my hearts content of blue and red Legioss/TREAD sets. The green was absent from the show but they had the retail box as well. The blue should ship at the end of the month but knowing Japanese releases I'm sure it will get pushed again. Pics will be up soon, I really like the Tread but the Legioss does have issue but hell beggars can be bitchy but sure as hell not choosy. So I'll get picks up soon a bit busy today.
  11. Hell just froze over. I thought I would never pay full retail for a Toynami product, so I hope BBTS did make a mistake and will honor the price. Just did a pre-order as well.
  12. 1. True nor do I know you. I usually do the same. 2. As It happened to be and I did. 3. Facts are a bit mixed there buddy. I never said I wouldn't sell it to you since you didn't live by me. I was visiting California and I had made a post of sale items I would be taking back and that the items were only for meet up buy only since no shipping would be involved. It was stated in the post meet up only, you sent me a PM asking about it but you were not going to the meet up but asked for it to be shipped. I had said well those who show up have first dibs and if it doesn't get picked up at the meet up I would be happy to sell it to you. Well it sold so there was nothing to sell to you, even though you were interested in the item. You ignored the post of meet up only sale, and I still tried to accommodate your request if it had fell in your favor but it didn't and now you use it to discredit me. So again you didn't get your way and I'm to blame. It's stuff like this that makes me think about changing my signature to: Macross Miser Every Macross World Member for himself!
  13. Interesting. I picked one up for myself, just one because well living in Tokyo there just isn't enough room to have every 1/48 made on display in your room and have a place to keep the packaging. I want mine I deserve mine I stood in line for hours, and took tons of pictures for you guys. My coworker picked one up which was the one that sold for $456. He is not a Macross fan he just picked one up because I picked one up, and he had to deal with me going around looking for anything Macross to report back here. So let me ask all of you this. Why is it that no body, not one single member asked me to pick a VF-1s Wethering Special before I went to Wonder Fest. I didn't get a single PM about a WS until after Wonder Fest was done and over with. This MW Tokyo based member (Me) does everything I can for the MW community and it sucks to read that I'm part of the so-called problem when it comes to scalpers and high priced items. You want to blame somebody, think about it.
  14. No they are in Kurame. I live there, but I work in Aki. Bandai, Megahoue (Division of Bandai), Happynet (Division of Bandai), Banpresto (Division of Bandai), epoch and many other toy offices are all near my place.
  15. I live three blocks from Bandai's Main office. I will plan a hunger strike in protest. How does that sound?
  16. CM's made a Ishtar figure.
  17. Regardless of whether it's Yamato or CM's you guy have to remember in order for it to be legally sold to the US it has be be distributed by a foreign entity or a foreign based division of the Japanese company. Perfect example in reverse the really bad aoshima Legioss. With Macross we all know there is even more red tape involved. It's the 25th anniversary so Yamato is spending more money and making a limited exclusive, and due to legal issue it can only be shipped inside Japan. If it was up to them I'm sure they would take our money no questions asked but that is not the case.
  18. This is what Yamato told me about this Minmay Figure. This is not the finished product, there will be changes made to the face. Seeing it in person I though it looked great. It will be "Made in Japan" not made in China so this collector piece will be sold in the 60000¥ = $560.00 ball park. If you are a serious VOLKS doll collector that is a respectable price to pay for what you get. If you are a mecha toy collector, oh go cry me a river.
  19. Just wanted to shed some light on the subject. Did I get one at WF2008? Yes What was the price? 17000 ¥ = to $159.00 What did it come with: Toy comes in regular VF-1S box with Blue Weathering slipcover, placed in a Macross 20th Anniversary Yamato plastic bag. Any thing else come with it: If you purchased at the Macross Museum you also got a Macross drinking glass that has the kite symbol and valk etched in to the glass. Yeah Yeah where the pic. Coming soon blah blah blah. How many did you get: 1 Did the advance sale sell out: Yes Are you selling it: No, but my coworker picked up one and I'm selling his guess where you can find it. Will you help MW members getting online orders: I will do what I can but I cant get one for everybody. Why: Shipping 1/48 are a pain in the So until Yamato puts up order details and more is known on delivery cost and the number I can order, as of now please hold on sending pick up request.
  20. While walking through the halls of WF2008 I happen to run into Nandy. His current project is the Proto Mospeada which personally has to be the coolest thing. This guy was great, supper friendly! He's personal friends with Shinji Aramaki and looks like this project is coming together nicely. The Dengenki Hobby booth had on display the Proto Mospeada helmet along with new Mars Base patches. There Proto Mospeada site has been update so take a look.
  21. Thanks but it's a tittle of Priss song in Bubblegum Crisis, but it did feel like there was one yesterday while standing in line to get into Wonder Fest.
  22. There's going to be a hurricane tonight!!!! YAMATO I YOU!!!!! Nuff said!!!!
  23. Going through pictures right now to send to Graham, and I did happen to kind of get the Dark Legioss in a picture. Man even if they are not line art perfect and liberties taken on areas of the toy I still want them. They look like candy!!!!!
  24. Tired and beaten by 50mph winds at WF. Ok will write more later but not really new news on the Legioss / Tread sets other than they are still not out. CM were very on the ball about not taking pictures today but TokyoHunter did snap something I missed in the fuss. CMs will also be releasing a Black / Dark Legioss as well. When you see his pic you will see it's currently built out of a green Legioss body with a different head, shoulders, chest intakes and gun. Anyways more later!
  25. We should all write Andy a note.
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