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Everything posted by Save

  1. I've got the poster and the magazine. Once I'm home, I'll post the details.
  2. I remember that exact moment when the music drastically changed, it never registered in my head as a character's theme (WW), it just sounded like chaotic music for a scene that had way too much going on in it to begin with. True, I would say, the only good new thing introduced out of a hand full of things that worked that carried over for Man of Steel. Same here, I only noticed the subtle Superman theme from Man of Steel during said scene, and it worked. Did Batman have a theme, I really can't remember, I probably just had the Nolan music in my head the whole time. I did notice in the opening credits, the movie's music was written by two different composers.
  3. Being that Tochiro works in the game industry, he showed me this months back. I'm sure he would be happy to bring everyone on the forums up to speed; but...
  4. To be clear Tochiro was not banned. He was put on an immediate one-month suspension, without even a warning. There is a podcast coming about the screening and it will be on the front page when it's ready.
  5. We could always open up submission again, if Tochiro is up for it. The only thing is, will you guys take the time to submit something?
  6. I pretty positive no Tenjin boxart.
  7. Tochiro was told at Summer WF by the same guy the Nexx would be bundled with SAP. So far no mention of the SAP being released separately. We will ask at Winter WF. We are pretty sure the Nexx will be out before the yellow VF-2SS or released at the same time. Since the show was hosted by Miyazawa Mokei ET only displayed the Miyazawa Mokie variant color version (yellow) which will be exclusively distributed through them. All other future versions including Nexx will be available from other distributors within Japan.
  8. The VF-2SS with SAP displayed at the event was neither the Sylvie or Nexx version. As of now there still is no plan to releases a Sylvie with SAP. More info in the up comming podcast.
  9. Save

    Hi-Metal R

    What you people have yet to realize yet, is that "if" this ambitious line gets green lit, Tenjin will have to illustrate the VF-2SS not only once but twice!
  10. It's actually slightly more than what I was expecting. Anybody who expected anything more lives in a fantasy world. As far as it holding together (fighter mode I assume), guess we will just have to wait and see. Miyazawa Mokei should happen in November, hopefully they will let me get my hands on it while at the show.
  11. Yeah right, I really want to jeopardize someones position at their work. Anything people tell me in confidence (grey area numbers, Macross Delta, etc.) is not something I'm going to run off and post on a message board that staff members visit from time to time. Your other flaw is that you're only taking into consideration grey area retailers. Do you really think all of the above are allocated the majority of pre-order stock numbers over domestic physical and online shops throughout Japan?
  12. Hi-Res Macross Delta image over at official site.
  13. Yodobashi Camera, is not a mall in any respect. It's primarily a electronic and appliance store. Most Yodobashi Cameras are nowhere near the scale of their two flagship stores in Akihabara and Osaka. All but those two are allot smaller and the further you get away from Tokyo or Osaka the chances of them even having a toy section is slim (declining birthrate = no toy department in rural areas). Yodobashi Akiba obviously has a floor with a toy department; which does not occupy the entire floor. Within it is a nested hobbyists area ("specialty hobby shop"), and ever since it opened in 2005 said "specialty hobby shop" has gotten smaller every time they rearrange the department. Within the hobby section, the robot anime toys are probably the lowest stocked items out of everything (PVC figures, trains, model kits, model kit accessorizes, Yokai Watch) unless it's made by either Bandai (Gundam SUCKS, yeah you read that right) or Takara Tomy (ahh, does Robots in Disguise ring a bell), their products are usually brightly displaced in their very own isle with POP materials posted everywhere. In the case of Arcadia, when a product is released it's brought in straight from the delivery truck on a wooden pallet and usually dropped off near the check out line. They don't even bother to put the product on the shelves. Why? Most often then not, they only get enough to stack waist high and that's still being stacked on top the very pallet it was dropped off on. This mall you speak of knows very well on release day only a hand full of customers will be rushing in to get their Valk (usually limited to 1 each). Yeah, I call that a "specialty" hobby shop section located on a toy floor primarily for children. I've known not one, but a few who have worked and still work at HLJ, I've been in the office and walked the warehouse. In the old days HLJ would stock allot of Yamato Valks, so much in fact they would eventually have Urban Camo Fire Sales (ahh the memories) and still have left over stock. That era has long ended. With 1999 and Amiami getting in the export game (a very grey area) after HLJ and now Big in Japan, Otakumode, and soon Hobby Stock, none of them are ordering 50 to 100 units. These online shops in this day an age are not concerned with guaranteeing stock or your order fulfillment at the pre-order stage, they pretty much are battling to keep their existing customers or attempting to steel their competitors with price cuts. Your comparison is not only flawed, but downright ludicrous.
  14. Man, you guys love being trolled.
  15. Tenjin's sketch for this year's con is going to be an interesting one.
  16. Arcadia has and is already selling 3D printed Macross products. The advances in 3D Printing (which is still in it's infancy) pretty much makes everyone a vocal expert.
  17. My jaw dropped in front of Evolution Toy's rep at the show. The rep also informed me it will have die-cast elements. I believe they were trying to say Variable Type and not "Valiable Model", they also spelled Battroid wrong. Two other things to consider. 1, Evolution Toys have never made a model kit and 2, nobody is ever going to charge 25,000 yen for a plastic kit. I will have allot more to say once we record the next podcast.
  18. Speak for yourself. I'm hoping for a Legend of High School Queen episode.
  19. I remember seeing the Spartan cell on the 4th floor of Nakano Broadway. It almost became part of my collection, that had to have been over seven years ago or so.
  20. It's been a few hours, and no PMs so we're going to cancel the dinner. Maybe next time.
  21. Tenjin and I are heading to Las Vegas today for a day trip, so if there are any locals free and would like to join us for dinner please PM me for me up details. We have somewhere to be from 6:30 so it would be an early dinner from about 5:00 PM, location not yet decided (most likely on the main strip).
  22. Fast forward to present day. Tatsunoko and Big West work just fine together these days.
  23. Udon's announcement might shake things up a bit on forum threads arguing over HG & BW licensing rights. I couldn't stay for all of SDCC so I've asked Tom Bateman to make sure to be there and report in. Just to be clear Udon's announcement has zero to do with the Kickstarter.
  24. Those of you who have contacted me, sorry I'll be at SDCC this year and won't be back in Tokyo till the day after WF. I can probably point those who are interested to somebody that can help; but be prepared to pay through the nose. Also I recently saw that T-Rex's Kamjin and Zent Soldier kits have been recast and sold on ebay as somebody else's limited customs, so I may also stop providing WF kit assistance in the future.
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