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Everything posted by Save

  1. move along....
  2. BIG OPPS moving to the correct thread HERE!
  3. Looks fishy to me since it is still one pre-order when they have all been sold out and shipped out here in Japan.
  4. As of today I've received points from the following members. May/11/08 User Name (sets) Sam (1) sil80jdm (1) Mister Ryno (1) ruskiiVFaussie (1) xstoys (1) Shun (1) Ignacio Ocamica (1) jet660 (1) Crasis (1) The Purifyer (1) May/13/08 promethuem5 (1) May/14/08 Max928 (1)
  5. I got it at Ishimaru so maybe most large media stores are giving it away with the cd.
  6. I just picked up Sheryl Nome's "A diamond Crevasse" cd single. Track 1: "A diamond Crevasse" is the ending credit song long version of course. Track 2: "Don't Be Late" you know the kick ass concert song! Track 3: "A diamond Crevasse" instrumental Track 4: "Don't Be Late" instrumental It also comes with fictional March 2059 Sheryl In Concert poster, while supplies last of course. CD was only 1,155¥ pretty cheap compared to back when anime CDs were like $45.00 to $70.00 back in the old Books (Crooks) Nippon days. I really love the ending song to Frontier.
  7. When you send me the points send them regular mail, don't send them express or anything that requires a signature. Why?????????? Because I'm not at home when the mail is delivered, and when that happens I have to find time to pick up the mail after work. Which means I have to take personal time to go and pick up the points somewhere else than my apt. Just got the first missed delivery notice this week, I do not want to have to make a trip to the post office everyday till the 15th. And every body better have put their MW user name with their name and address. I don't want to play match the points with the mystery MW user. That happened with the Macross glasses and it was a pain in the @$$.
  8. in Akihabara just happens to be Hentai. Poor Ranka, caution think before you click on the link
  9. Your talking about "this guy" right? Well that just happens to be your friendly neighborhood "Save". Me and my friend made some shirts for Tokyo Anime Fair, and Big West got the joke. Deculture and Moe are very similar. When I have time I'll post the similarities.
  10. Mospeada Earth Recapture Force Weapon Set mail away. OK I got the details thanks to Over-Drive for the translation. If you are interested follow the steps below. 1. Send me your Stick and Rey points. There is no limit of weapon sets I can submit for as long as I send in one Stick and one Rey point for one set. 2. Send me the points by May 15th no later. (I'm not Hasbro so I'm not talking about post marked, I mean I want them in hand by the 15th.) 3. Once I have all the points I will send out for the offer. 4. We wait till they get delivered to me, then you guys send me money for the shipping once they are all in hand and accounted for. PM me for my mailing address.
  11. Okay guys it's the spring break time in Tokyo so I can get to work on trying to order. I will have my friend translate all the information for me to get the order in by the end of May. I just hope it is the end of May and not May. I will get it all sorted asap, sorry I couldn't get to this sooner I had been busy with shipping over 30 glasses and t-shirts.
  12. And for your viewing please, I present you guys this
  13. This was in the new issue of Figure Oh issue 123. More of the same stuff of recent.
  14. ............. and if that wasn't enough.
  15. No problem, now prepare to $h1T yourself. Looks like CM's still has more coming down the pike. The longer I live in Japan the worse my spelling gets.
  16. Yesterday I stopped by Over-Drve to pick up my Blue Leggioss set and as I walked in I saw stacks of the Blue, Green and Red all getting ready to ship out. What a sight to see! Still haven't decided to if I'm getting the Red set or not. The only bad thing was when I got home I noticed my Blue had a scratch on the arm that shows the while platic under the paint. Kind of bumed out, then today in Akihabara I checked out the new Leonardo toy shop and picked up the Stick and Rey MH Ride Armors for 1000¥ each. There were new in sealed boxes but the barcodes were scratched out so they must have been product samples. So that more than makes up for my scratched Blue Legioss....... well that's what I'm trying to convince myself of anyways.
  17. CM's Legioss mod from a mixi user.
  18. Check your spam and bulk folders for some reason they have had problems people getting their email replies. I will also send them an email about you not getting a reply. Oh and about the Red version most retailers got them in last Friday, so they won't get shipped out till mid week. The Red was sold here in Akiba at a few shops. One shop has it for 39800yen now that is a rip off.
  19. Kowaii??? Ranka is scary??? or did you mean Kawaii (cute)??
  20. Just got an email from Yamato that the Weathering Special will be shipped out starting on April 28th. Everybody I know that ordered one has received the same email today.
  21. Happier than an Inbit in his own $hit ! Worth every penny (¥)!!!!
  22. Got my Green Jota set from Kuroneko Transport, it's my birthday it's my birthday, doing the cabagepatch, do the robot! Did the Blue one come with sticker sheets? Wondering since the Jota comes with stickers.
  23. Actually that isn't a box at all, it's a blue cardboard slip cover that fits over a regular VF-1s box which the Weathering Special actually comes in.
  24. Oh yeah this after noon their email went down, not to worry they will get back to you, plus it already the end of the working day in Tokyo.
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