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Everything posted by Save

  1. This past weekend was suppose to have been great, my Birthday was on Saturday and I was going to head to Tokyo Toy Fest on Sunday to do my usual Macross toy hunting with friends. Just when I was about to head to Toy Fest I got word of what just happened and ran back to my apt and was glued to the TV till that evening. I spent my Sunday afternoon calling my co-workers, and friends that are usually in Akihabara on Sundays doing their usual routine. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I've spent the last 3 years living in Tokyo and 90% of that time in Akihabara being that I work here and love the otaku culture. Just about everyday I write and read threads here on MW while I'm suppose to be working (as I'm doing now), and most of the stuff I find for members comes from the shops here in Akihabara. I work in two buildings in Akihabara, the stabbing started right in front of our main office and ended in a back alley about 300 feet from where I'm writing this post now. The past two days have been a bit strange. I have to pass the site to do work, to go to lunch, and to come and go home, it's uneasy, and right unable to try and spend time looking for toys and such when there is free time. I'm sorry for the friends and family of the seven killed, and hope everybody injured recovers. Just read some of the added posted while I had been writing this one. Thank you guys for your concern, it does make a difference. I believe Akihabara is a still a safe place, but always be cautious where ever you are in this world.
  2. GN-U ROCKS!!! Thank you YAMATO!!!! Today Yamato had their GN-U toy line presentation just outside of Akihabara. They showed off their new line of GN-U toys and what other GN-U toys will come out the rest of this year. It was a small event industry only for about maybe 50 to 60 people and everybody in attendance received a special "Shaded Version" of a GN-U figure. I got the YF-19, and Takashi of Overdrive got the VF-11B. They were give out random so I only know of these two "Shaded Versions", as most other people there didn't take theirs out of the gift bag. I so wanted a YF-21. So I finally got my hands on the GN-U Macross toys and man they are great. Action Models they are officially called but man they rock, 100 times better than the Revoltech Valks (not counting the new Revoltech YF-19/21 as I yet to pay I mean test them). If you want to get your hands on a YF-19 "Shaded Verison" attend MacrossWorld Con as I will be sending mine as a prize donation along with other items.
  3. I miss going to AX since moving to Tokyo. I had never missed an AX since the very first one in 1992 San Jose to 2005 Anaheim.
  4. Pictures from last months World Hobby Fest The Final, Patlabor toy at the Yamato booth.
  5. It's always funny to see fan castings for Mac or RT movies. I'm usually 99% against other fans choices of actors for the parts.
  6. ! Why is it that some think that a thread is only a one way opionion street, and get all bent when somebody goes against the grain. If the show was actually decent people would stop address her as River. Weak sauce season 2, Fox do something right for a change.
  7. Don't know if these have gone up yet. Dengeki Hobby and Jobby Japan magazines for July 2008. Not liking those hands on the 1/60.
  8. Hey I'm in the new issue of Dengeki Hobby July 2007. Pic was taken back in Feb during Winter Wonder Fest, had no idea it was going to be in a magazine. "This is my time to be a star!" More on the Proto Mospeada biker HERE!
  9. Now this was
  10. Sounds good get it going, I can try to do stuff for it on this end. As far as the Robotech stuff it's going to come up regardless, but just let it be a separate existence and not let it detract from doing a good cast and turn into a childish mud slinging sand box. Otherwise I've got better things to do.
  11. It's away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out the post card of points for the mail in, only I didn't mail it I dropped them off today at lunch. Total of 14 sets the Megahouse guy counted them and said they will be in the mail. There is also a picture of the front of the Bandai Building. Megahouse is across from it nothing in front of MH so you get this pic instead.
  12. Just got back from the scene of the crime. I was actually wrong but not far off. Mandarake has turned the glass cabinet into a display case of items not for sale but the prices marked are what they are offering to buy from the customer for the items displayed. So is there anybody here that would part with their CM's Legioss and Tread set for 15000 yen? Sorry I couldn't join you in Akiba yesterday yellowlightman, I was checking out my local areas Matsuri. Let's plan a time to hang out soon.
  13. There are only two reasons for that price and I'll confirm at least one of them at lunch. 1) The condition reflects the price tag, since Mandarke is 90& used or sold back toys. 2) It is a shopping incentive. They had one for the same price a few weeks back but it was only on display with the price tab. Interested buyers could only buy it on a specific day and time. A trick to get more people in the shop at the same time usually between the hours of 3-5 pm.
  14. Times up I will be sending in the post card for the mail away set or actually walking four blocks from my place and dropping it off in person. Here is the complete list of members points I have received. May/11/08 User Name (sets) Sam (1) sil80jdm (1) Mister Ryno (1) ruskiiVFaussie (1) xstoys (1) Shun (1) Ignacio Ocamica (1) jet660 (1) Crasis (1) The Purifyer (1) May/13/08 promethuem5 (1) May/14/08 Max928 (1) May/16/08 UNSPACY
  15. Get you money and fast! Over-Drive gets tons of product releases direct from Yamato several times a week and Yamato has never (trust me I've asked) in any way shape or form said it will be released in September or any time in the future.
  16. I'm all for that under two conditions. 1 being 0% gripes from both factions. 2 the choice of being able to choose either the Japanese box or a domestic box in what ever area in the world you live in.
  17. No actually it is true about that the demographic I specifically said I did not just say a generalization like "ppl dun care about it". Yeah Paprika was a little known novel too, but it would be something new in terms of anime so it is easier to get funding for something new than for something that has be remade a few times with less than Gundam or GITS returns. The Megazone 23 prequal was killed due to that same reason. Reason being it's old and nobody cares about old or non-Moe anime. <----- Not my words they came from the Director of Megazone 23 translated of course. Seeming Aquarion has had it's full run, movie and is a hug hit with Japanese Fujoushi I couldn't realistically line it up side by side to Mac F's 7 episodes. Don't follow Gurren Lagann unable to retort, but Yoko is hot! It is just as fair as a comparison as Seirei No Moribito, which is also not as popular as LS. Sorry if you find that to be a bit hard, but it is the fact. Goes for me too since I'm no longer living in the US and have to uses the same means to complain about the stuff that is coming from home. Read the Terminator TV thread you see what I mean. SnM not my cup of tea but a good looking not my cup of tea at that. About the "idiot" thing in my post. Just came from writing a reason not really and attack on anybody or bash just came out in the writing. GOMEN to anybody if you took it the wrong way. Should have used a better analogy. Guess I'm not in a VF class Camp. Maybe I'm in: Camp 4: (cruiser frotress mode) Camp 5: (battle fortress mode) I'm joking now. I not a basher I've been bashed and never bash willfully. I love you all !!!!
  18. The answer to your question is........ because I'm a member and what I posted does have to do with this discussion topic. My contribution to the tread had not one question just pointed out the reasons why to what people are bothered about. I'm not bothered as I'm just a fan as well, but for every Yin there is a Yang, it just that Yin hates it when the Yang speaks or in this case Posted back. If you took it as a bash you took it wrong, it's just the facts man just the facts. Westlo, Seirei no Moribito yep seen it Production IG, with a prime time TV slot, backed by a major Japanese TV station, opening animation by hugely popular Japanese music group L'Arc~en~Ciel. Of course it's going to look good, not really sure if it would actually have the legs to hold up on its own out side of Japan. Westlo, Rock on!!
  19. You guys that complain are spoiled. I don't mean it in a Mac F comparison quality to another animation. I mean it in that fact that Macross is one of the most off the radar and least cared about in the young to early 20's Japanese anime demographic in Japan. If you are outside of Japan the fact is you just don't count. For a TV series Mac F surpasses just about every current series at this time, and it is a miracle and a half that we are getting a show of this quality at all. Most of you guys don't have a real clue of what goes into an anime production. I don't care how many websites you read about production in Japan or the lame second hand information anime production books you picked up at Borders. You have not got a single clue. Alto, Ranka, and Sheryl get the majority of screen time, so if you expect Satalite to draw them OVA or Movie quality in every frame you are an idiot. On a positive note, Mac F is gaining interest with viewers. From what I've read on most Non-Japanese blogs they either hate or don't think much of the opening song. Well in Japan Triangle has been in the Top ten charts since it was released. This is in the regular charts not the anime sound track charts, I mean the real deal. First it came in #2 and is currently in at #7. Younger views have started Mac F, and it isn't because of the great 3DCG or 2D animation. The younger audience just love the dynamic of the characters and their interaction with each other. Characters are the key to a successful anime these days quality some time comes second or even third, want proof watch Lucky Star. It's all character interaction and it's was a pretty big hit last year and is still very popular. Oh well go ahead and complain about Mac F, since downloading it nor do your opinions actually count toward whether the animation quality stays the same or drops.
  20. As for as the Aoshima Tread (MPC Beta) it was not shown at this years 47th Shizuoka Hobby Show. We asked and they really don't want to talk about the situation or point fingers. All they had to say is that they are still in communication with Toynami, they don't know if they want to go through with a Japanese release after the Legioss fiasco. They only acknowledge the high amount of returns and upset customers. Other than the basic known facts booth representatives are told not to talk about it. So guess there is a chance for a Japanese release, or it's just the standard Japanese way of saying "You are poo out of luck." So it about 50/50 if you ask me.
  21. DOH!!! I posted these in the wrong thread moving them here. Thanks to Over-Drive for getting me there and getting me in. 47th Shizuoka Hobby Show 2008 Professional Day
  22. Move along.
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