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Everything posted by Save

  1. "That kid is on the gosh dang escalator again!!!!" Man does this suck!
  2. Over-Drive has new official pictures of Beagle`s Ride Armor, and release details. Blog posts They will start taking orders for the item on August 20. The price will be around $200.
  3. EMS with tracking for insurance. If the insurance is over $200 JP post charges an extra $2.00 on top of the shipping for coverage. Not sure what Surface or SAL costs, nobody has ever asked me to ship anything that big or worth that much without tracking and insurance.
  4. Oh didn't even see this post till now. About shipping yeah a 1/48 that needs to be packed in a larger box than the already too big 1/48 boxes cost about $53.00 to ship to the us. I've been shipping these things for over three years and the shipping has gradually gotten higher. The extra funs cover the cost of the bigger shipping box, packing materials and shipping and handling or the time it takes to walk down to the post on your day off to mail it. So if you ask me $60.00 for shipping to Canada, US and Australia is not only fair but right down to the exact cent it costs to ship it out. If you have gotten a valk for cheaper there are two reasons. 1) You are getting it from a company that ships in bulk so packing, boxes, and shipping cost less. 2) The seller doesn't have a scale and has guesstimated a shipping cost that is below the actual cost and is going to lose money on shipping. Thats what always use to happen to me until I got a scale. Personally I do not believe in the "I'll give you this much shipped" offers, offer what you want to pay for an item shipping is not negotiable since it a set cost depending on the location and weight of the item packed. Oh yeah the guys is my friend, thats why he took my advise on positing it for what he paid for it (199.99). Not his fault who bid the highest. The guys is married with a kid and a newborn people got to eat. Yep the signature is legit.
  5. That was the only Macross item at CM's booth.
  6. Yep that's it!
  7. M/H Mospeada Ride Armour Sets Mailed off so far. The Purifyer X Promethuem5 X sil80jdm Shipped crasis Shipped ruskiiVFaussie X Sam Shipped max928 Shipped Ignacio Ocamica Shipped Shun X UN Spacy X jet660 Shipped misterryno X xstoys Holding with other items
  8. Wonder Festival catalog had listed two tables selling Mospeada kits, when I went to take pictures both tables had nothing on display. Both sellers made license requests but did not receive the one day license approval from Tatsunoko Pro. One seller even said all his requests have gone unanswered three times already, he made a Dark Legioss conversion kit for the old IMAI / Aoshima kits. The other table said they had a Ride Armor kit.
  9. I actually went to that table and meet the sculptor who just also happens to be a MW member. He and one other seller were the only ones in the whole show who received a one day Macross F license. He has a license to make 20 kits in a year so he made 10 of the Nyan Nyan dance ( ALL SOLD OUT by the way) and is thinking of doing the next one of Ranka doing the ki-ra pose. He's great guy, from Shizuoka. I will encourage him to post on this thread to reveal himself, he seems a bit shy and is worried about his English.
  10. "Later another collector brought some original artwork from many of the people who worked on Macross, one that was raffled off at the end of the day’s events." I don't remember flying to Long Beach to hand deliver the sketch!
  11. Just uploaded some of the images I took today, lots more to come. See them at otaku2.com
  12. Today at Wonder Fest CM's showed a new DYRL Minmay Attack Figure. Since I had a dealer pass I had to respect the no photo sign. I even asked and they said no. Figure is not the same scale of the Macross Collections looks about an inch or so taller. That's pretty much all I could find out. I'm sure a pick will leak soon.
  13. THE GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got home form a night of drinking, and look what was sitting at my front door. THE BAD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No stickers came with the mail a way weapon set, which they included in the gift bad at Mega Hobby last month. From the looks of it the stickers they are for the black ride armor that will be sold at Wonder Fest this Sunday. Well I will sort out shipping after this weekend. So guys, what's my time worth to you? J/K but if you want to send a little extra my way it will only help me help you guys get more stuff like this.
  14. Somebody star a thread for merchandise in the proper place, and I'll answer the questions there. Here is for Cosplay.
  15. I look this one of the M7 flower girl taking pictures of Fire Bomber . My friend Jamie put up some of the cosplay pictures we took from Project M over on her blog. Check them out and there are still a few more pictures I'll put up later.
  16. DOH!!!! Me and jenius only went to the flea market on the third floor above the Creators' Carnival event that day.
  17. I just went through the whole Wonder Fest book and I only found 3 adds for Macross kits. No pictures either since most of the one day licenses are given the week of WF and the books are printed three weeks in advance so the sellers can't show product until approval. Here is what I found. D-Place add only list Macross and site address. Their site says they will be selling a Ranka Lee non-scale kit for 3000 yen, no picture available. Stike Plus has a text add for a Mylene Jenius no picture. There is another booth but can't read the sellers name says Macross 7 in the add no picture. I'm sure there will be few of Macross F kits of characters but until one day license approval nobody has them listed. If anybody knows of any add to this thread.
  18. I bet I see a unicorn before ever seeing this "List" everybody is talking about.
  19. Best Macross Cosplayer Ever!!!! Got tons more to post but it's 3am and I have to work today.
  20. They only had one sign and that was for both the 1/100 toy and the 1/60 DX toy. Seems they were only promoting toys and other merchandise other than models. I could be wrong.
  21. Just put up Macross F Super Space-Time Live Ranka Lee with Sherly Nome feature on the site. You can see all the Frontier goods that were for sale and on dispaly.
  22. Not sure if you knew this but the first Online Yamato VF-1S Roy Weathering Special was sold at Winter Wonder Fest a month before the online orders were taken so looks like they are doing it again for Summer Wonder Fest before you can try to get it through Macross Chronicle magazine. Also first post has been updated.
  23. Yesterday Tokyo Hunter gave me the heads up on this add in this summer's Wonder Fest booklet. Now before you guys start sending out PMs it does not say anywhere that it is for sale at Wonder Fest. It does look similar to the last Winter Wonder Fest 1/48 Roy Focker Weathering Special add but it does not say it is for sale. Also Big West will not be having any events or a booth this summer. Add reads: What? There is something like that. Then I have to let them know! (39 years old full time worker) Wonder Fest Yamato booth please come welcome. UPDATE I just went through the old Wonder Fest Winter catalog and the add for the Roy VF-1S Weathering is pretty much the same thing, but says something different in Japanese. So it may be possible that Yamato is selling a limited amount of Hikaru Weathering Valks. The VF-1S Roy was sold at the Big West booth but they are not exhibiting this summer, and Yamato as far as I know has never sold exclusives at their booth. To be honest lugging around 1/48 with fast packs is not going to be in the cards guys. Too much work and I have other things already planned but I will at least check if they are for sale and if possible I will pick up what I can. I will not be promising any body anything, rent is due right before WF and money is tight so I can't bend over backwards right now and then have lug home tons of toys not in this humid weather. Oh and here is a thought how do we know if that silhouette is of a 1/48 and not the new 1/60. UPDATE 2 Just checked and it is the silhouette of the new 1/60 and not a 1/48 pic is from the box art, guess you guys can relax. UPDATE 2.5 Well the add for the Winter WF is also a silhouette of the new 1/60 note the elbow joint and no gun pod strap so guess it's possible. I added pictures of last winters Yamato add and a better picture of this summers add.
  24. Just got my Macross Chronicle booklet, and folder. Still getting all the details for the limited valks and it`s really going to piss you guys off. Both are limited to 250 units each. You need to buy the first issue for the points, then buy the next issue for the application card or something like that. (Still getting the full details so not 100 percent clear). Even if you get all required items for the limited Valks, you will be put in a lottery for the opportunity to purchase. Full details once I can get a better translation.
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