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Everything posted by Save

  1. 85 steps Just for the transformation, Part 2 will focus more on the instruction booklet as well. NEW FLASH Just got back from a hobby show with Over-Drive and it will be delayed. If we are lucky it will be the end of December, but realistically it looks like Jan of 09. Sorry to break the news we just found out at the show, still things could change.
  2. Part 1 is almost done! I took over 200 pictures and it has taken me a while to sort for the best ones then figure out what to write. Should be up in a few hours.
  3. Mikimoto will be having an art show in Akihabara once again starting this Thursday Nov. 20 and will run till Monday Nov 24. Mikimoto will be making an appearance on Nov. 23. Art Jeuness events are usually free and I assume he will be doing a talk event with a limited signing after. If there any members that are planning to go lets all meet up. Art Jeuness Mikimoto Event Page
  4. Hey neighbor I just moved to a new place in Setagaya on the same line my station is Komazawa Daigaku, what station are you off of?
  5. Only the hair pieace was made in China the rest of the doll was made in Japan. We have a review on the doll on our site Otaku2.com. The review was done by one of our members who is a doll collector but not a Macross fan, check out her verdict on the doll.
  6. I stood outside and listened to the whole show, and man it was freezing. Look s amazing I almost broke down and bid on yahoo but had to pay for my plane ticket to go home for Christmas. Next time for sure.
  7. What we need is a tally of definite to potential buyers for the Gosu only. It can not be about what other Inbit we want since only the Gosu is currently up for potential production. The more it goes off track on to other mecha that are not even being considered the less affect it will have. Let just say a head count for just the Gosu Batra / Corg version. The other colors would follow since it would use the same mold, so no reason to request Sorji or officer at this point.
  8. Macrossworld isnt their gauge the toy is for a Japan only release but they are aware that it will get exported through places like HLJ. Export sales can only help their decision to proceed. They don't even think it will sell 250 in Japan. I think they are totally underestimating the Japanese market but maybe I'm overestimating it. That's why we need to have a common place where it can reflect only on the GOSU and not go on a rant or off base. The main reason for the Gosu being the first to be produced is because it can be made into three color variants, so more came be made out of it than the others. If it sells well then they will consider the others more serious.
  9. Ok guys if we really want this Gosu and other Invid toys to follow we really need to voice our buying power and be heard. The Gosu is still in planning but the unnamed company has a few concerns about producing the toy. 1. The recent bad status of the global economy, a big factory and it is causing them much concern. 2. How many would actually sell, (500 units they tell me is ideal for this toy but they seriously don't think it would sell, they must sell 500 in order to make their investment and some profit.) The unnamed company is still interested in doing it, and in the beginning they said "nobody wants enemy mecha". Roger I know will back me up on this, even if you ask companies in Japan to make Inbit or just about anything popular out side of Japan they just believe there is no market for it. In the case of enemy Mecha unless it is a stupid Zaku most companies wont even consider making it. CMs tried enemy mecha with Patlabor not allot of sales but Patlabor is more for the hardcore anime collector while Mospeada / RTNG is known world wide and there are thousands of collectors waiting for some invid to play with. So basically we need to gather all interested toy collectors here on MW and every other toy forum somewhere and get a list of concrete buyers that will order a GOSU. You also have to take into account that it will most likely be painted PVC, very limited articulation, no removable pilot or clear cockpit shield. So who here has any ideas of how to get proof of 500 sales at the same time re-enforcing our buying power, so I can take it to them and say "here you go now give me my GOSU!". Also if the Beagle / Toynami Ride Armor turns out good and not like the Aoshima fiasco more stuff might come down the pipeline in the future either way.
  10. Well if this turns out to be what I think it is, he will be doing some designing or re-designing I should say.
  11. Vipers's Creed announced in Japan but no real details giving about what it actually is. This may be the announcement I've been waiting for.
  12. Weathered version goes on sale in an hour, surprised I didn't even get one request for it. Guess it's a good thing since you have to be a paid Yamato member and you can only purchase one.
  13. Check out what I got my grubby over sized mitts on! This is one of the show pieces we have seen at some of the summer toy events. We will get more hands on with it this weekend, more pictures to follow. This is not the finished product so I'm pretty sure the retail version will be even better but this thing is sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Pocari Sweat.
  14. You and most don`t buy it because you are thinking with foreign Macross / anime minds. It`s different in Japan currently panty shots, boys love, moe, D+ size breats, and lolicon are all the rage here. It will take more than cool mecha to get funding for a 25 episode anime series in this day and age unless it is Gundam. Serious anime series now usually only get theater releases for less than a month then straight to DVD. I know people on here will say otherwise but it just the way it is for the majority of productions at this time. Majority is not 100% there is a minority of other types of successful anime but they are not plastered around Akihabara or in the common book shops throughout Japan (I'm not referring to anything done my JUMP which is mainstream here). Times will change and go full circle and some day will get more series again but when that is nobody knows, hopfully Arakami's soon to be announced next project will turn the tied.
  15. Publisher is Shinkigensha
  16. OK it is the 20th of Oct last call for Boomer and AD Police points to be sent in. You have 24 hours to get them to me in the mail before the Oct 31 deadline. So far I have received points from the following. thegunny sil80jdm ZX31 crasis
  17. For the most part I loved Macross Frontier, but I had 3 years of Akihabara culture fused into my brain by the time Macross Frontier aired. Yellowlightman is a true 2nd gen US anime fan, and we pretty much like all the same stuff from the 90's, but man I love me some Frontier. Is it flawless, ................. HELL NO! If it wasn't done in the current Otaku culture frontier wouldn't have been picked up by Bandai and it would have just ended up being another OAV that would have been strapped together over a span of a few years. For the past 4 years 90% of people I've talked to either don't remember any other prior Macross series or they may barely remember the Valks and they usually follow up with "I watched Gundam". Frontier has opened the door to a new generation of die hard fans, if it was done any other way non-Japanese fans would still be waiting for the first Volume of a OVA to be released. Frontier has been in the works since 2006 and at that time there were only two companies in line to support it. A Toy company and a Model kit company, I think you can guess which two I'm referring to. Bandai didn't sign on until way late, once seeing the early cuts of the Deculture Edition they were sold. Other companies were approached prior to Bandai and non were even interested. If you asked me it worked out for the best, and at least BW will have tons of money to through at the next Macorss project once the Frontier movies are done with because by then Japan will be done with Moe. If I was still living in the US when MF came out I think I would have a diffrent opionon. I remember when I saw the characters from Macross Plus for the first time I swore off Plus because they were not Mikimoto. I went on about how it wasn't Macross and I hated all the pointy noses, then after watching it was the story and not how it looks that makes it Macross. If it wasn't for Frontier Bandai sure as hell would be considering making a 1/100 VF-2SS toy now would they.
  18. Finally I can pass this on since it is official now. Over-Drive and I were told about this book back in August but it wasn't a for sure thing at that time. The details we were told was that it should have all Mospeada final production related works. It should contain some prototype and pre-production stuff but the book will not focus that much on it. If this book sells well it will be possible that a second volume will follow full of unreleased works. New Mospeada Complete Art Works Book 2009 Armored Genesis モスピーダコンプリートアートワークス 160 pages of Talca B5 size plan expected prices: It is going to release it in 2,000 yen (according to the tax) January, 2009 This work of the broadcast is the robot animated cartoon which got a favorable reception in the one of the succeeding works abroad of "super space-time fortress Macross" for 1983 years. The mechanic of the image period including ride Armour where a motorcycle changes into パワードスーツ gets the support of the fan by the present that passed for 25 years, and the commodification such as the figure skating continues. It is the one of the works that great master / Yoshitaka Amano dealt with a character design, and the setting image is a very precious thing. This book is a collection of setting documents of the complete standing matter which covered all the diversity of an existing setting image. The cover of Mr. mechanic design / Shin Aramaki will draw it, and take it down!
  19. Actually Graham is the master mind of Over-Drive doing the parts replacement. It was his idea, he ran it by me I then ran it by Over-Drive and wallah. So thank the both of them.
  20. Tochiro how did you get a ticket? So far I`ve lost every lottery for a ticket and they sell out in less than a minuet when tickets go on general sale. Tickets for the next one go on sale this weekend, if I can get them this time I guess I will just have to get them off of an auction.
  21. In the last few days two reliable sources have hinted / straight out said there will be two Frontier Movies. Neither of the two sources have said if the movies will be DYRL type re-tellings or a continuation. There has been no official announcement, but it looks like this bit of news is true.
  22. OK gang if you have all four Yamato BGC sets and want me to send out for the Boomer and AD police set PM me for my mailing address. All points have to be in my possession by Oct 20th. Two reasons one the Yamato dead line is the end of the month and the second is because I'm moving to a new Apt. If you are late or forget to send the points do not PM me asking me to give more time. When you mail the points included you WM user name. DO NOT FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR MW USER NAME! AGAIN DO NOT FORGET TO PUT YOUR MW USER NAME!
  23. I don't think they will have extra heads for the later releases since they those characters were missing from SC.
  24. One head and Japanese box art for me!
  25. That is the most confusing auction posting I have ever read! There you guys go posted below retail. Score of 8 hope he knows how to pack for safe transit.
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