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Everything posted by Save

  1. I'm not trying to knock you but you are way off base. Just because it is a Tatsunoko anime does not mean they own 100% percent of the property. Anime since almost the dawn of anime time anyways is co-funded by television networks and music companies with out these two big hitters there wouldn't probably be any anime made at all. It may say Tatsunoko Pro but in the fine print they are in bed with other companies as equal rights holders more or less. Many times these partner ships go south and nothing can never be produced animation, cd, to toys after the original production. Examples in Japan Candy Candy and Go Lion. This same thing happened to a much smaller degree years back when Virtual Fighter was ported over outside of Japan. The Japanese version had a secret character PEPSI MAN. At the time there were PEPSI Man commercials but only in Japan so they did a tie in with Sega of Japan. If you have PEPSI Man he needs theme music and a design these elements cost money. PEPSI and the parties involved would need to be paid more if it was ever exported. Other parts of the world don't even know who this character is but there were a hand full of Sega player that complained about getting screwed out of PEPSI Man not being in the game. The Tatsunoko vs Cap game if everybody gets paid and there are no ill feeling it can be brought over. Only it will cost more than it cost to make the actual game for a Japan release. The Macross ordeal isn't even the same ballpark, it isn't even the same league it isn't even the same sport. What I can tell you about Tatsunoko is that there are plenty of Mospeada garage kits people have made in hopes of selling them at Wonder Festival and other events but for the past four years Tatsunoko continues to ignore their requests for one day sales licenses. The only non-corporate person to get a license is Nandy who is making the Proto-Mospeada bike and helmets he was selling at Wonder Festival but I guess he got it due to Aramaki's involvement in the project. Rumor is the licensing department at Tatsunoko does not want to hassle with the paper work to issue the license for fan made kits. Now that is something to be mad at Tatsunoko for.
  2. Do you mean can I still get these?................................................... yes, oh my poor inbox how it pains me to do this.
  3. That is for sure the aoshima Legioss has the missile pack, not to mention the large gap in the arms when in fighter mode. Still a nice banner.
  4. At least they credit MW as the source but they tagged the pictures that I know for a fact they didn't take.
  5. Ranka-ri (Ran Curry)
  6. S.M.S Manjū (Custard filling)
  7. Exclusive Launch Event Chanmery non-alcoholic drink. (3 bottle set did not include glass or coaster)
  8. Nope they are not due for at least a month. What you see is early factory test samples that still have QC issues and the bases are the wrong color.
  9. So would this go here?
  10. Yep those be mini valks there are a total of 10 in the picture. 7 on the display case and 3 sitting on the top of the canons of the SDF-1.
  11. That is a Daicon IV opening animation custom somebody made out of the WAVE SDF-1 and has been trying to see it on Yahoo auctions for a few months.
  12. More pictures at otaku2.com
  13. More pictures of everything on our site since we talk to Yamato there are no photos of the Macross 1/2000 scale only the spec sign, since there is a no photo sign. Will try to get clearance. www.otaku2.com
  14. OMFG I need to get over to the event ASAP I need to see that thing in person! Man no photos
  15. Just got my orders in. Want one go here!
  16. I'm going and will be there pretty early, I won tickets to both events WOOO HOOO!!!!
  17. Figured I put this here and not in the "For Sale" thread since I'm not selling any of these. Here is a look at the event exclusives for the launch event on the 22nd. Just to let you know YES I'm attending the event, and NO I do not plan on spending the whole time trying to buy things. SMS windbreaker S/L /LL 5,775 yen Long Sleeve T-shirt(A scull platoon) S/M/L 4,095 yen Ranka Cell Phone Salamander accessory case 7×17cm 1,050 yen "a Unified Command mark" Macross Unified Command projector key ring Limited 700 1,000 yen Command scull platoon emblem (set of 4) Limited to 100 sets 2,500 yen YAMATO Hikaru Ichijo DYRL 1/1 Helmet (Pre-order) 41,790 yen (You guys already know what it looks like ) YAMATO 1/60 Weathered Destroid Tomahawk 12,600 yen (You guys already know what it looks like ) YAMATO 1/48 weathered VF-1S Roy 18,690 yen Hasagawa VF-1S Roll Out 001 model kit Limited to 500 2,800 yen SMS beanie 2,100 yen T-shirts, tea cups, other new goods are currently on sale in Akihabara but the above list is limited to the launch event only.
  18. NO FUKE Ride Armor at Mega Hobby Expo today.
  19. For the next two weeks Cure Maid Cafe in Akihabara will be serving up, get this Pine Cake Pineapple Salad Kakizaki Steak I've seen fans do the Pineapple Salad thing at gatherings, but an official Kakizaki last meal, that's just mean man mean. Full Menu Here.
  20. I wonder if it is because they used Daft Punk and GNR music with out a license, but then YT usually just mutes the whole movie when that happens.
  21. You mean Who's beating the hell out of Optimus Prime again?
  22. BY ALL MEANS PLEASE DO. EXO please delete some of the post that do not belong there. I just checked and there are ones about enemy mecha and price cuts. Making new molds for stuff that they have no intention as of now to make, one isn't going to fix any existing problem, asking for a reduced price will not get modification made at all. You think you got it bad, Japanese sites are selling the Toynami beta for near $333.
  23. Yep Roger is correct. What little SC merchandise I've seen in Japan has all had Big West copyright. Found some old stickers and the outside package had the silver foil Big West license sticker on it. I also saw a SC logo T-shirt that I think came out about the time SC was released on DVD and that too had Big West copyright below the SC logo.
  24. Saddle bags and other accessories people want are not to be listed. Just potential fixes and realistic suggestions of improvements concerning the Stick Ride Armor that can be carried over to future releases. Only list things that came packed with the Stick Ride Armor. Still comments should be more focused on the figure, cycle, and transformation, types or plastic used. I know you guys have listed things in the other mospeada thread but I'm not going to go fishing through all the post to find them. Please from here just post the list of fixes and realistic suggestions of improvements and no more questions or advise. If you have a question PM instead of adding a reply. WILL YOU GUYS PLEASE READ THE REQUEST OF LISTING, HELP ME HELP YOU.
  25. We are taking suggestions for a short period, once we have enough data we will request this thread to be locked. With the first Ride Armor in the hands of collectors it's time to give feedback. List issues or "REALISTIC" suggestions to be implemented on the future Ride Armor releases. Yacolog is doing this for the Japanese based collectors, so we are offering the same to anybody who has purchased one. So list your issues or "REALISTIC" suggestions as follows. 1. Fix neck ball socked so neck ball joint doesn't fall forward. 2. Move neck collar screw hole on the back side or the neck collar. 3. Possibly change red pleather suit to a type of spandex. 4. Smaller compact box. We will be keep track of everybody's lists. We will compile, translate and submit to Beagle. This is not a thread about anything other than Beagle's Ride Armor suggestions. Please keep it simple, do not write a novel about your love for Mospeada, or the usual this Vs. that. Requests for other mecha or merchadise will not be passed on to Beagle.
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