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Everything posted by Save

  1. Yep while I'm on vacation my coworker thought hey I'll post a weathering and fix the glare on the picture . As soon as I saw it I had to fix it, I knew some would think there was a black slipcover once I saw it. Anyway all fixed.
  2. Next time go with me to Chascha Cafe for their Junken Mixer Slap in the face game. Now that is fun.
  3. Nope you can't order them you have to win them in the double chance campaign.
  4. Kind of retro character wise, not too Moe.
  5. Did you do @Home Moe Moe Junken? Don't lie now.
  6. Blogged with even more pictures of Fuke, Rei and the MPC Grimlock HERE! I tried my best to get as many angles of the toys as possible.
  7. Out of curiosity how much did it cost you after all the fees I'm guessing you used a auction service.
  8. Okay pictures are up over at Over-Drive
  9. Does anybody know about shipping beverages to other countries? Chanmery is non-alcoholic but I do not know if it can be shipped international. It's fine to take beverages back to the US on a flight but there is a limit and sometimes a duty. I'm not sure if I was to ship these if they would make it through customs. The Chanmery are all in glass bottles and are very heavy shipping isn't going to be cheap. Anybody know if they can be shipped or not?
  10. HAHA. Seriously we can't really point the finger at Yamato for the lack of packing. Yamato supplied prized but everything was handed by the publishing company even the toys were not shipped from Yamato. Since the Max was never made it would need to be in a new box I assue the same for Kakizaki. A Weathered Hikaru just like the Roy Weathering Ver.1 would still be in a standard issue box. The choice of producing a slip cover my guess would have to be on the publishers budget and not Yamato. What would I sell it for, not sure still need to take a closer look at it.
  11. Yep got mine last night. I was so excited as soon as I opened the shipping box and saw the standard issued boxes the excitement was gone. Disappointed that's for sure they could have at lest had a slip cover. I'll put up pictures soon.
  12. Gunhed manga was cool or at least it was back in the later 80's from what I remember. Now movie is horrible, basically a bad 90's Godzilla movie without Godzilla being in it.
  13. I think Spiral-Zone might be something to check out. The Japanese version not the craptastic US animation. The design and art work is amazing very Mospeada like, but it was never made into an anime just a series of stories in hobby magazines back in the 80's. Lots of good info on it here.
  14. It's the Double Chance Campaign, every time you buy a ticket for the prize you can then go online and enter for a special prize using the code on the ticket. The Code Geass Double Chance was a resin kit of the C.C figure but it came with an extra character that the figure was missing. Looks like the blurred Double Chance is Ranka and Sheryl. Not sure if they are resin kits or repaints. Looks like they will be shown at the Tokyo Anime Fair in about 2 weeks.
  15. Well the real thing that it is named after has a stinger on the end of it.
  16. Somebody being a roommate would not constitute people having the same or no other opinion. That rationale would have me believe that family members that work together would do the same thing. All you guys play nice. In 2005 I saw about 35 min of SC animatics in a hotel room next to anime expo. The unnamed who showed me still loves and supports RT to this day and no matter what I've said many times most of the times he agreed and some times in the past he even asked me to post his views as my own to keep him out of retaliations way he still spends most of his time supporting RT. Even he knows it had problems but kept a very tight lip, but that was what two years ago so even what I'm replying with is pointless text. SC could have been worse watch the Death of Superman now that was bad. I listened to that podcast too it was mostly about inner office rivalry and not really about Harmony Gold.
  17. Looks like it was a blast, there is one thing you can't get at a Japanese launch event and that is MEMO's carne asada. Man I'm hungry.
  18. Animage 1984 June 84 issue with Macross / Votoms Joint Book and Giant Gorg Book supplements Oct 84 issue with Minmay Did You See Love Book supplement and Lupin poster Dec 84 issue with Macross Goodbye Book supplement
  19. Didn't even think of posting mags, good idea. I picked these up at the Mandarake in Fukuoka. I would have bought more but these things are heavy. Animage 1983 March 83 issue with Macross Collection supplement May 83 issue with Macross Gal's Book supplement June 83 issue with Lupin supplement & Macross double sided poster July 83 issue with Macross trump card deck and case Oct 83 issue with Orgus Guide Book supplement
  20. The Night Sabers have Mellowlink's back Moonlight Rambler style. Yamamto put less effort in the three after Priss was released. The arms and torso just come detached with the slightest touch. The Booma is a great fig I must say.
  21. Taken at Hobby Complex GK Vol.1 March 1st. Yamato Booth.
  22. Animate (Akihabara) has them they are down to about 15 boxes of the Chanmery but plenty of the sweets.
  23. I got one but they have not shipped them yet only the VF-1A Max has shipped. I know somebody that sent in 30 entries and only won one. Good thing I'm not a 1/48 collector so this ones a keeper.
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