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Everything posted by Save

  1. PAworks is sending me to Otakon to manage their 15th Anniversary booth this coming weekend. Are there any Macross meet ups planned during the convention? I should have more free time than I did when I was sent to AX so, if there is anybody here going come by the booth or let's plan a gathering.
  2. I'll submit your code for you since you'll be in Tokyo. If your number gets pulled then it's your ticket. Either way, yeah, we can all hand out.
  3. Everyone, thanks for all the help. Yes, we need the SANKYO presents 戦術音楽ユニット ワルキューレ 1st LIVE in Zepp "Walkure Attack!" voucher number only. Thanks again.
  4. You're asking a dead man.
  5. The code is basically a raffle number you enter online for a chance to win a ticket to the SOLD OUT Walkure concert in September. If you don't have a use for it, I know a handful of fans here that didn't get tickets. Most of the SpeakerPODcast members got their tickets except Egan and a few Japanese fans we know are still trying to get a ticket. Seto kindly donated his code recently, fingers crossed. Anyways, if you or anybody else here would like to donate their code we could use them to help their chances. Of course no good deed goes unrewarded. Anyone who donates their code whether it's a winner or not, I will help them obtain any Macross item (no proxy fee) they are looking for or purchase any limited concert goods for them while at the concert. PM me for details, deadline to submit the codes is this coming Friday (Thursday US).
  6. Thoughts?
  7. No, that wasn't what I was referring to. That's just a fan prop. Legioss, yes. Ride Armor, maybe next winter WF.
  8. By the way, there could be an international release announcement or prototype displayed during SDCC since it's going on the same week as WF.
  9. Evolution Toys teaser image on their official site. New non-scale Mospeada Legioss will be shown during Summer Wonder Festival. It's BACK, or is it?!
  10. Yeah, that belongs to me Tochiro didn't even give me credit.
  11. I'll be working the pAworks booth in the Entertainment Hall, so stop on by. I hope we can all manage a meet up during the con, maybe a late dinner. Actually most of the SeakerPODcast are here for AX, minus Tochiro.
  12. The con didn't write that, it's what Satelight's PR has on file as his most recent bio. I'll see if it can be updated once they are back from Beijing Comic Con.
  13. It's about time AX let the cat out of the bag. They held off way too long on getting the announcement out, being that there is less then a month till AX. See you all there!!!
  14. Every tweet and FB post both by HG and the convention organizers have all been deleted in the past 24hours.
  15. Unusual for Macross indeed. There hasn't been anything in the most recent Japanese print or social media outlets that has given anyone I know that impression. Is there a transcript of that particulate show floating around somewhere?
  16. You're correct, that was me. I especially wanted to make sure that was mentioned since I had seen your post prior to recording. The proof is in the Tweet Pudding: https://twitter.com/giantrobo/status/732136172953034752
  17. Yep! Tokyo based SpeakerPODcast members Gwyn, Renato, Egan and myself were all there since 9am. We'll cover the main highlights in this week's GERTALK MacrossΔ Ep.7 SPOILERCAST!
  18. 100% agree, he is a space Heathcliff, I think that's what Renato was thinking in the latest GERTALK Episode of the SpeakerPodcast but he ended up comparing it to Garfield.
  19. For the life of me, I don't know why so many would want Rinko Kikuchi as the Major.
  20. Well, I and I'm fairly certain another member here already knows this, actually a newer ride armor has been developed in the past four years. All I can say about it, is, LIMBO. Fingers crossed. Sure thing, not many here in Japan that care enough about Mospeada to get the word out, or ask them pesky fanboy questions to Japanese staffers. You can always hope someone else opens their mouth first, if that happens I'll chime in with what I know.
  21. Well, Miyazawa Mokei has come and gone, and the Legioss was a no-show. It will however, be shown at this summer's WF. I was told a few very interesting things, but I've been asked to keep a lid on it for the time being.
  22. Dare I say,... "MOSPEADA is BACK". Remember what happened last time someone here said to be on the lookout just before an event. Tune in next week, maybe.
  23. Sorry, guys. With Delta and the spring Ohanami parties and drinking... lots of drinking, I was too busy to get back here sooner. The poster is from AnimeV August 1992 Vol.80. The poster is double-sided, Ishtar one and something called Cyber Formula (J/K). Poster is folded about 51cm x 36cm. This same art work resurfaced when Mac II was released on Bluray. Big West use it to make small runs of official merchandise, like an iPhone 5S cover, Art card and train/subway pass sticker. Even though it was a small run all can still be purchased, except for the art card. The magazine isn't too hard to find, but most of the time it's missing from the magazine. Last time I picked one up it was 400 yen at Mandarake, but they usually don't sell their magazines online.
  24. That photo was taken at Evolution Toy's Private Exhibition Gathering on Saturday April 2nd in Akihabara. It was a small invite only show for industry members and limited toy press, like Dengeki Online, prohibited photos probably will not surface. Why? Smaller companies exhibiting at events such as Miyazawa Mokei have said that their pre-order sales have taken a dive over the past three years. They believe it's because of mock-ups and prototypes are being mistaken for a finished product, so they are cracking down and only allowing photos of paint masters or printed details to be taken.
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