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  1. Save

    Macross Books

    Here is the information on the Max dojinishi. Tittle: MAX おくずけ Circle: スタジオ パルサー / Studio Pulsar Date: 1983/11/13 Pages: 228 from front to back cover all black and white. Features: packed with production douga, episode storyboards, and character setting scans. There are also a hand full of fan art of characters as well. Not sure what the original price was but I paid about $60.00 for it.
  2. That would be me. I sent the request on behalf of the doujinshi circle that created it. It is a doijinshi a fan puplished comic / fanzine. It was sold at Comiket and didn't even come close to selling out. So there are a few dojinshi exporters that are looking to carry it for online sales. Since it is still in stock the circle doesn't want high res scans of it online until they are out of the stock.
  3. Yacolog's review is up!
  4. Ishiguro had officially confirmed it was never going to happen at the Megazone 23rd anniversary event in early 2007. He didn't mention anything about MF because at the time BW wanted the production of MF to be kept a secret. He also said at the same event it was changed from Omegazone23 because of fear of law suite from Omega watches which were popular in Japan at that time. Not much was made for the Megazone23 reboot other than preliminary designs and a treatment for pitching the show. Ishiguro said it was turned down left and right because well it's not moe. It's great he tried to go back but has since moved on to Titania not a moe show but it does cater to the BL girls of current Japan.
  5. They are in and apparently the box is a bit smaller. I do like the box art for Beagles Ride Armor.
  6. Save

    Macross Books

    I recently picked up the Max doujinshi, it is full of douga and character setting scans (no mecha). There is some fan art but most of it is scanned production art work. Printed in 1983 and really thick. I'll put up all the detailed info later tonight.
  7. Send me the left over cake PLEASE, you can't get a descent cake in Japan.
  8. It says Present Corner. Looks like some kind of mail away for a chance to win a few items. If you can get me the whole scan of the Japanese I can tell you what the prizes where. One prize from what I can tell is a poster I guess the picture is the poster.
  9. OK here you go! I will put more details in a blog post later tonight here is the link to our Flickr sets, enjoy! More pictures of other toys will be uploaded later as well.
  10. Just to wet your taste buds. Need some time and will get up the rest.
  11. The power suit was originally made for the Special Starship Troopers 3 JP DVD box. Yamato must have been approached to make it since that was sometime last year. As far as I know Starship Troopers doesn't have any following.
  12. I actually have the Hobby Base Repttu kit vf-2SS and it is not cast from that one that is for sure. The head is a different sculpt as well and all the other parts are not the same size or shape. The Repttu kit is a bit smaller than this kit, this kit is actually non-scale even though it says 1/100 since it is in a anime pose. I'll get you the HK address. I'm guessing this kit was made back in the early 90's and back then most fan licensed or unlicensed kits had pretty badly illustrated instructions.
  13. Almost perfect list. I would actually take out Brett Ratner X-Men: The Last Stand is not great movie by any means but it has more action than X 1 & 2 combined. I love Money Talks. I would add. Indy 4 Spielberg Superman Returns Bryan Singer I would take out
  14. Well I don't have time to build and paint it, if anybody is interested in it here on MW pm me.
  15. Found this kit at Liberty in Akihabara this past week? Looks like it was sold in Japan but it shows that it was made in HK. Documentation is written in bad Japanese no Big West licensing sticker but BW copyright is written by hand. It is in a anime magic like poser, kind of weird. Head sculpt is nice. Anybody here ever seen it before completed?
  16. A super hot 1/8 pvc figure of Ishtar that can glow in the dark.
  17. Save

    Surprise! Fan Racer

    Doesn't this topic belong over at Model kits. Anyways if you are on the side of supporting Yamato and want one pm me. I will talk with Tokyo Hunter on a price.
  18. Nope is it basically an official dojinshi with art by all the people who worked on the show. There is some unused designs which is cool but it is mostly character stuff.
  19. I saw somebody wearing the music jacket at the launch event and it was hideously ugly.
  20. Save

    VF-2SS site

    Yes issue 21 has this !!!! About time!!!!
  21. SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Ahh I think Over-Drive has proven their customer service well in the short time they have been around. A simple miss packaging due to over whelming orders of the Mac F Ichiban Kuji goods, which took two days of straight packing to ship in and outside of Japan. Just so you know today they moved into a new building so a response might take a bit they should be up and running by Monday since tomorrow is Friday.
  23. Yes and no. Watching some Japanese movies can help especially with pronunciation but it is a film with actors. These actors are not acting like typical Japanese people in daily life even in simple dramas. I work in a Japanese office and it is nothing like how it was in Shall We dance or Densha Otoko. Every place is different and certain phrase are used in totally different meanings than in the books. I wish people acted more like actors in Japanese films, the only ones that ever act different are Japanese that have lived at least 7 months in other countries and went back to Japan with a different view of people and the world. Still studying of any sort will work to different degrees, hope you reach what ever goal you have set.
  24. Well here is my point of view about learning Japanese. Just about everybody that has studied Japanese before living in Japan quickly finds out what you have learned is almost useless in present day formal and informal speaking. It works well for reading simple signs and meeting people for the first time (though you sound like somebody 45+ years old), but even then nobody in Japan will speak even close to the way it is taught in foreign learning Japanese book. The fastest way to learn Japanese while living in Japan for guys is to get a Japanese girlfriend. Plus side is that you learn decent conversational Japanese fairly quickly with out having to ready many books, but the down side is you talk like a girl. Still keep up with studying it can help with building a good foundation, if you are looking to become fluent. This guy really sums up what "some" Japanese think of foreigners that try to speak Japanese.
  25. If Takashi ever posted here he would say "HAHAHA........................ NO." How you doing jenius? Don't be a stranger never hear from you anymore.
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