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Everything posted by Save

  1. I watched all of Mac 7 minus Dynamite. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had the finish from start to end. I think I'm finally ready for Dynamite, so I plan to watch it soon. Mac 7 was all about the music, the animation was just so so it made the mecha less interesting. Pretty much all the same mecha are in Frontier and I think they all look great rendered in 3D. Battle Frontier and the Macross 7 are pretty much identical but man it looked horrible drawn but in 3D amazing. I actually don't buy Valks that much so the crappy story line wouldn't be my reason for not buying. On thing is for sure you don't put a mouth on a Valk. BOMBA!!!!
  2. Looks like the word MOLD keeps getting tossed around. I'm pretty sure there is no MOLD. The sample shown at TAF was not made from a MOLD it was cut out with the use of CAD. I'm pretty sure there is no MOLD to hand over to anybody concerning the Fuke.
  3. American Ninja was the Ninja series that killed Ninja movies in the 80's. I'm a huge Sho Kosugi fan so I'll see it even though I hate these kinds of cg action fighting movies. At least the head Ninja lord is actually Japanese.
  4. troyness the link has nothing to do with you, again it was a response to the head sculpt which I used as to toss in a spoon full of reality of the current small company Japanese toys market. You might have replied to my post, but again it had nothing to do with you as an individual in the first place.
  5. Well there you have it folks, I've tried raising waring signs not to wait for price drops and if so the end of the line wouldn't be far behind. If you haven't got them yet now is the time to at least get them while some still have them in stock. An amazing toy, but released at the worse time. Still I will see what Beagle will have to say at Wonder Festival this weekend, that is if they even show up to the show. So far from what I know the line was canceled just a few weeks ago. The person heading the Ride Armor development then left Beagle since that was one main reason he joined the company. The individual actually had worked for Yamato toys prior to joining Beagle. Is the line truly dead, nobody knows. Let's hope for the best.
  6. SDCC Preview night is over any news from the front lines?
  7. I don't care what fans don't know about just as much as I don't care about fans thank think they know everything.
  8. Yamato was not at the show, there were two other companies there that have the same name but totally different types of product.
  9. You are correct Sir. That is the actual one that is looked over by BW, once approved all the mass produced ones are based on it. We used Jasonc's Minmay for a review and it was given to me as a thank you and under the condition it is never to be sold and must stay with the owner of the reviewed doll. I know she is in good hands!!
  10. Oh just rub it in! The one set back to living in Japan is all that great bad fast food!!!!
  11. Are you serious see my signature. Got banned in less than 48 hours. July 7, 2004 - 8:32:00 PM - July 9, 2004 - 4:30:34 PM
  12. MAN!!! I had no intention on going, but I guess now I will head down there.
  13. Man that CM's show was a big mess, when they put out the Mospeada trading figures Yellow's head was on backwards, I had to tell them to fix it. The Legioss set is already out but most shops didn't bother to sell it. The only place I know that has it for sale is Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara, since they have the money to burn on stock that will never sell nor will they ever drop the price. See CM's amazing repackaging HERE!
  14. Just picked up the Wonder Festival catalog and Beagle has purchased booth space. This is only the second time they attended WF and last time they only had a standard table booth. This year looks like they reserved two tables. WF starts on the last day of SDCC.
  15. The news BAD or good isn't Licensing based so I think the conversation needs to be moved to the proper thread here.
  17. Registered members will be put in a lotto and each member can enter for two tickets per day. At the end of the month the members who won tickets will be sent a confirmation email. What ever tickets are left or not paid for by the members will be put on sale to the general public. So far all the Frontier based concerts all sold out in less than 2 min so at least this way more fans can get ahold of tickets than scalpers. I thought it was interesting that Mari will be there since in 2008 she said no more Macross.
  18. I just applied for two tickets for both days, fan club members have first dibs but it is lottery based.
  19. Save

    Macross Books

    Here is apacket size hard cover promo book I picked up for with some really good CG still shots.
  20. Added some more, Pencilboard.Net does have allot. I'm still guessing there are some other there they don't have.
  21. Will be posting up a few more later. I actually do know what they are made for but when I first saw them I just thought they were over sized trading cards. Just noticed I spelled Shitajiki wrong.
  22. He is still waiting for his Wonder Fest booth confirmation, plus I hope Tastsunoko grants him the one day sales license, because if not he can't sell them. In the past recent years Tastsunoko has not been granting Mospeada one day licenese to kit builders. The guys selling Mospeada stuff said that they never get a response from Tatsunoko, and most of the time the licenses are not granted till the week of WF or even the night before.
  23. Macross Cake!!! My kingdon for some American Macross Cake! The one thing Macross that comes from America that is 100 fold better than what could come out of Japan!
  24. It's available now at Over-Drive! Megazone23 - Fesatival Times Vol.0 (Megazone23 23rd Aniversary Book) Ginrai, thanks for uploading the podcast it worked.
  25. Just checked one out in the shops new compact size and no window flap, Yamamto has seen the light.
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