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Everything posted by Save

  1. Guess I should have posted this sooner. At tomorrows Comicket the follow up volume to the Megazone23 Dojinshi will be sold. If you happen to live in Japan and are going please stop by, the booth number is ほ‐24a (Ho-24a). If you are not able to make it and would like me to pick one up for you pm me ASAP. Last time I spoke to the circle they didn't have a special interview for this volume. It will be mostly fan art (Including my self) and a short story. "Megazone23 Anniversary Book Festival Times Vol.1" 48 pages black and white 1,000 yen Participants R-AREA 魚谷 潤 Adrian Lozano きみづか 葵 ギムレット 佐伯 ゆずる 正太 トーマス107 Tomson 中村 征太郎 ナンディ小菅 原 健一郎 廣田 恵介 ぷぅ めがってぃ Yacolog Also you can get the Megazone23 Anniversary Festival Times Book Vol.0 with Ishigoro interview and production art from the rejected MZ23 reboot anime at Over-Drive! Megazone23 - Fesatival Times Vol.0 (Megazone23 23rd Anniversary Book)
  2. Nope they do not reply unless the part comes in.
  3. There is no website link they emailed the people who purchased the figures directly. You will need to send it back to the person who bought it for you then they will have to send it back.
  4. Basically if you live in Japan you send it back and bill to receiver. Send in the original box but keep the hat, sunglasses, and the extra legs and arms parts. It has to be sent back within the period of 8/20-9/18, no replacement accepted after 9/18. The figures with replaced parts will be sent back to after 10/1.
  5. BAD NEWS if your Megahouse Sheryl has been shipped to you, it has been RECALLED. Her black shorts leave really bad non-removable black marks on the lower soft plastic body. Megahouse is taking them back to replace with new shorts and replacing the torso. I'll post pics of mine it looks really bad.
  6. Oh come one the original Japanese version isn't the easiest thing to watch. As far as design goes the show is tops, but how the show actually played out was a bit boring. I rather watch the RT version which even I'm more fond of.
  7. So how much would you guys pay for this now? Mospeada Complete Art Works review is up.
  8. Mospeada Complete Works Book Review is up. Excuse the bad writing it is almost 5am, will edit it later. Going to bed need sleep. I think I answer all your questions, all but the shrink wrapped one.
  9. Yacolog has some pics, plus Tread is out. The book is filled with secondary characters and hundreds of scene settings.
  10. Just picked up my book today it is filled with line art goodness!!!!
  11. DYRL SUMMER OF 84 just proves how old we all are, even though most of us didn't see it till almost 86. We have finally earned the right to point our finger and the new anime generation and say "In my day......... blah blah blah blah blah".
  12. YES I AGREE WITH YOU!!!, well maybe not on the price but yes. If you ask me if there are ever to be a Inbit release it should be the Gosu first, since it can be made in three different colors. I know the Inbit Eager are more popular especially in Japan but I can totally see everybody including me recreate Tread and Gosu battles on my shelf more than Eagers.
  13. Well it looks like I only won two tickets for the show on the 18th. Will still try to buy tickets for the 17th.
  14. Looks like I won two tickets for both days. WHOO HOO!!!!!
  15. It is already out, I heard that it is just the regular version with the extra parts. You have to put the bigger intakes on yourself.
  16. It has to first go on sale for it to generate interest for a second volume, pre-orders are not going to do it. As far as I know the publisher Shinkigensha has never said anything about a second book. A person here in Japan that says he has a box full of unreleased material said he would approach them if they would be interested. So chances for a second book as of now are, as slim as they could get. Just be happy this one is coming.
  17. Book cover is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Your rational is the reason for your own sadness. (Shakes head)
  19. Did you not read the part where I talked to the team who worked on the Beagle Ride Armor, and that they are pretty bummed. As far as they are concerned the game is over. Give that man a cigar. Stick was a decent seller from the distributor to the retailers. It was just barley an average seller from retailer to the collector (in Japan plus over seas online orders). HLJ has sold out of their stock, but only after they discounted it to move it prior to the end of the tax year here in Japan. Reason they pay more in taxes for what is on the shelf than actually selling the item. If Stick was hot seller distributors would have made orders for more, but nobody was going to them with out of stock orders. As of last month I saw about 4 or 5 boxes (4 in a box) of Stick over at Over-Drive, I'm guess they are still there and haven't moved either. The Fuke I was told was pretty much done as far as the development, CAD and even the final head sculpt the next step would have been to send off to be made into a mold. Molds are expensive as hell and Beagle did the math and the numbers for both Beagle and Toynami did not cover the cost to go further. They also have to take into consideration the scrap rate of each piece, which is very very very high. Beagle owns what was so far made on the Fuke, so the TAF sample (which is not PVC) is sitting in their office. The guy in charge of the development left the company, the people who are at Beagle I would say are not Mospeada fans and are moving on to other products.
  20. For guys new to the part service. Over-Drive does not carry the parts they have to go through channels to request them on your behalf then they have to wait for a response before they can respond back to your request. So if there is nothing to report then there is no reason for them to reply to your request. They also do not guarantee they can get all parts requested, so if you do not get your full order please try not to kick and scream too much. It is a free service so there is no customer service involved, actual product orders have priority over this service. It is a waiting game that only costs you shipping in the end.
  21. I've heard that the Stick / Scott run for Beagle and Toynami is a combined total of about 3,000 not a run of 3,000 just for Toynami. I'm sure that if there was demand for up to 3,000 Beagle could make them for Toynami. I seriously don't think there are 3,000 collectors minus the ones who already purchased theirs willing to fork out money for an additional run, with out QC issues fixed. If any more get made it will be the same as the first release no 2.0's here.
  22. I just imagined and came to this conclusion, considering Yamato keeps away from Tatsunoko products due to their relation ship with Big West if they took over Beagle there would even be less of a chance of it ever being reproduced. The former Yamato person that worked on the Ride Armor wanted to do something that he couldn't do while at Yamato, but he was not the designer I think he headed the development. The designer actually works on contract basis for many companies. Also if Yamato some how did do what you came up with I'm pretty sure there would be no deal with Toynami due to their past dealings. So you wouldn't find either of them for $125- each. Nice catch by the way, that is a sweat deal!
  23. Save

    SCOOP thread!

    Yamato had a sample motor cycle Roy themed helmet at Wonder Festival today. No Pictures were allowed, they want to gauge if there is any interest on it so I would guess the lisensing is not set in stone yet. It looked pretty cool, but since I don't ride motorcycles it was just neat to look at.
  24. Wow lot of positive thinking going on about could have should have and what to do now. Well I just got back from Wonder Festival and as far as I can see it is over, "The door is closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter's gettin' hard, and the Jellooooo-'s gigglin". I do hope I'm 100% dead wrong. Beagle booth had nothing just one Bastard anime prototype figure on display and the rest of the stuff was stock they were trying to get rid of and none of them were Ride Armors. I was going to ask what happened but I could tell the one guy at the booth was not going to comment so I didn't bother. I was able to meet the team who developed the Ride Armor at another booth. They are pretty bummed about the whole thing, and it does not look like any thing will go forward from here. I did manage to get a set of the Ride Armor saddle bags and as soon as I have time I will put pics up. They were molded in green and look nice! Sold out in the first 30 min. There was also a guy selling Inbit mecha resin kit that came with a mini Rei. Guess Tastunoko is starting to give the one day licenses, but at the last minuet, he would have made more but the notice of approval was late. All were sold out in the first hour. CM's had the painted trading figures out but no release date listed. As for Megahouse there was nothing about their Ride Armors at all shown, looks like that is a dead end too. Still it is Megahouse "Bandai" if they want to they could do it with out a second thought but I guess they could care less about Mospeada. Well I wish you guys state side luck on getting Toynami to step in.
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