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Everything posted by Save

  1. I was referring to you saying I should have broke it in three parts intentionally, not be be confused with toys breaking.
  2. No they are not greedy. As a collector outside of Japan and that you are not in the actual "Japanese Small to Mid-Size" toy company industry you have no real clue of costs or any other facts to claim Yamato or any other company is greedy. As far as breaking it goes......... lame . Many are also forgetting in Japan there are plenty of other model kits that are the same price or even higher. I've see stuff at Shizuoka Hobby that was insanely priced.
  3. It's not that kind of clubM, Yellow Submarine hobby kit "resin" you are only seeing the end of the name of the material used. It is basically hybrid plastic but in industrial terms it is called Polyurethane Resin.
  4. ........but don't forget the Mega Hobby Event Version! On sale in two weeks exclusive only to the event in Akihabara.
  5. Yep that is the price. That is what I was told while visiting the their office then they said "Hey you want to transform it.", even though I was poo scared of breaking it there was no way I would have said no. The designer assisted me with the transformation, thank god. The thing is heavy and it technically isn't a Toy it is more of an advanced model kit made of a plastic like compound used for automobiles similar to ABS but it should not break like ABS does. Obviously a limited run in the 100 or less range produced depending on actual orders. That's all I can say for now, I'll chime in with more when more official information is out.
  6. Rescue Me Mave Chan. The anime actually address the current trend with anime fans in Japan, well the anime is about 4 years old so I guess they forecasted the trend. As usual badly dubbed scene at 7:28.
  7. OK that even made me bust out laughing. :lol: :lol: What's really funny is that I was at the Yamato office on Friday and they had put up a whole new entrance wall, guess that's where the Kool-Aid Man busted in from.
  8. I was going to try to attend the even but it was in the middle of the day no way to get out of work so I didn't try to get tickets. Best places to check for the cool stuff is at cube shops.
  10. That's not from Crossover Live that was from yesterday's presentation of Ferver Macross Pachinko event held at a hotel in Odaiba.
  11. If I would have known there was a Macross 2 surprise guest I would have traded you for sure!!! I love that song. Did they show Macross 2 animation before Kasahara-san's performance? There was a video and music montage for Plus prior to the performance of Voices. Yeah that was great! Quamzin part was a little different the second night he said something about the Tokyo Auto Show. I want to go, are tickets on sale yet? I have to hear "Try Again" since they didn't perform it at Crossover. I was hoping they would perform it with Ozma video footage behind them on the screens.
  12. Thanks VFTF1, there is no reason for me to add any points you covered it well.
  13. That pic was during 0-G love as you notice we are all upside down.
  14. I'm thinking of seeing at Wald 9 in Shinjuku. They will put it in decent size theater if it is being show in Ropongi I would imagine it was be in a smaller one.
  15. Those are posters for the Pachinko game, has nothing to do with Yamamto's SDF-1. OPPS forgot to put the blog link with MORE PICTURES!!!!
  16. You guys need something to talk about, here....................................
  17. In no way does the interview make him mean, at least he is being honest about how he feels about the current state of the anime industry. If anything people should respect his personal view I'm sure his comrades in the industry do. At least he watched Frontier in its entirety before trashing it, which is more than I can say for a good percentage of Macross fans.
  18. Mari spoke about his death on the second day of the concert before singing DYRL. She end the song in tears.
  19. .........when you keep having to explain why you have a Minmay poster on the wall and why it is hung upside down.
  20. もういちど Love you!!!!!!! Man I would have rather gone to the first night, still Voices and Wanna be an Angel was pretty amazing. RIP Kazuhiko Katoh
  21. Somebody link me to a good face palm image, I really need one right now.
  22. Bless you kind sir.
  23. Sorry been a bit busy will sort the ticket out for you and pm you back soon.
  24. I don't know why they don't ship SAL. It is a big risk if the payment is via paypal. So many buyers ask for SAL and they know the chances of the package getting lost is high. These buyers always say if anything happens they will take lose, but every time they start a paypal claim and the sender is out the money since SAL has no tracking. This month it finally happened to Tokyo Hunter and now he no longer offers SAL. Last weekend was a three day weekend in Japan, no mail went out or moved for three days.
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