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Everything posted by Save

  1. Here's your FUKE!!!
  2. Who the hell is this Wizard "JAZZNICK" guy???? HAHAHA. I love how this one discussion thread "HG and Robotech Debates, Keep it all here. Or else." equals Macrossworld as a whole.
  3. In Japan Robotech is only publicly known as an event where students build robots that have to go through some kind of obstacle course. I think they have the Japanese copyright on the name. Robotech.com is accessible as far as bringing it up in a web browser, not sure if the member section can be accessed. Since I was banned long before moving here, I couldn't tell you. The Robotech discussed here only exists in the form of "gray area" imported merchandise, and is known to a small degree to older hardcore anime fans. Somebody did a simplified fan sub for RTSC, but you had to download the file to get it to work with a ripped DVD file. The original series never had any Japanese translation.
  4. LONG's art work was the first thing that indicated the direction of RT was not going to be good. Even as a child I was like "What is this crap".
  5. From the official RT site: As a precocious 15 year-old, Lynn Minmei nonetheless becomes one of the most influential figures of the First Robotech War. YouTube Robotech: The Macross Saga / The Long Wait 8:37 sec in. Welcome to MW Doug. As you say "You have to watch the animation" so what is this then. HG could have left out the underage nudity and kept the blood for the remastered stuff, so I guess they don't have a problem with it as a corporate entity as they say "Watch Robotech for free (legally) online!". Also Marlene is shown at least three times in the buff and in the show she goes from larva to human form so see is actually less than a year old.
  6. Yes it is, so far I'm up to seeing it four times.
  7. Yep and he chooses Misa. I would hardly label the end of 7 a climax. If every thing Basara does is wrapped in mystery how do you know his story has a resolution. The only true resolution in 7 is that Max and Miria don't get divorced. I still have not see Dynamite 7 but have seen the series and movie. I was recently told by a group of Japanese Mac fans that Dynamite 7 is their favorite, only because it was made simply for fan service. True but the deeper character Guld sacrifices himself for his mistake, their friendship and that he truly loves Myung. Thanks to his actions Isamu get's Myung by default even though she is Guld's sloppy seconds. Yet, Alto is a weaker character??? We all watched it for CG Valks and the return of Fokker. Renato just a over a month ago you had told me in Shinjuku that you didn't even finish watching Frontier. If my memory serves me correctly you stopped at episode seven, and that you found nothing in the show of worth to make you finish watching it. I guess you went back and finished otherwise how do you know all the un-tied strings of Alto's character from the series, to base you heavy handed opinion? Alto is a male character designed for female fans (at least 50% of the fan base) not for us. Without his loser Fujoshi element Frontier would have not been a series, it would have been straight to DVD and most likely suffer the same fate as Zero's long drawn out OVA release. So far I've only heard on person say the Movie was great, and simply told me he got exactly what he wanted "Mecha, Nipples and Macross". I have to admit I envy the guy.
  8. I`m wondering if that is the one I had up. Yep it was a great deal, I was lucky to find one dirt cheap so we just doubled the price.
  9. Yep it is basically a Jump X Macross movie, but better. It is no DYRL but it beats the heck out of a Female Zent guitarist and Basara performing dueling banjos head on in the snow. The Plus movie isn't even a Movie it is just a total re-edit with no more than 3 min (give or take) of additional footage, but great footage I will say. So that being said Frontier is a sold second place as far as a theatrical Macross movie.
  10. Yeah but I'm not a Japanese native so I posted in my native time zone, from when I was actually introduced to the Roy character, so HA! Plus I was the only one who cared to make the thread.
  11. On Space Station Liberty Kevin McKeever says he dose not believe MegaHouse is marking the ride armors anymore.
  12. I'm only buying VF-2ss out of the box in collector shops. So far I've got about 20 from series 1 and up to 4 with series 2.
  13. Nice! Great covers, was very suprized.
  14. Actually Macross Plus standard rental DVD in Japan has English subs on it (not the recent box set release). My guess is that is it the same subs as the Manga release, but that was authored in a different time. I would have to agree that official subs for Frontier or anything else Macross related does not have a chance of ever being made.
  15. According to Wikipeadia today is the actual day Roy passes away. Farewell Sempai!
  16. I'll be there!! What time you going?
  17. Only if your Japanese listening skills are good.
  18. All I'm going to say is check out this persons blog post.
  19. Well the finale happens inside Island one so there is gravity. Alto does the whole Macross Plus g-force cockpit camera thing and Isamu nose dive last second recovery. So yeah they do it a little bit. It was at the very end once the credits finish.
  20. Yep check games thread for Pachinko.
  21. Wow I didn't really see it that way but now that you mention it............... Frontier Movie Review is UP!!!
  22. 1) TV stock footage is great on the big screen. The new footage is even better as the camera lens is different and they look like they tower over the audience. 2) Yes it's the main Valk in the end fight, and people think the VF-2SS single cannon is lame. 3) Yes and no, the cannon can rotate 360 and take out the big Vajra in one shot. 4) Nope no sight of it. 5) Quarter has some new heavy gun turrets, fleet ships have more detail that's about it. Vajra have a new main ship, and a new Vajra insect. 6) You mean like Saturn rings type stuff?
  23. If you want to know who the Ranka is click here.
  24. I'm a bit mixed on if was good or just so so. Ranka's character is allot better in the movie version, allot less silly elements. Yep the first half is basically the Deculture Edition 2.0, then the rest is a mash up of the fist half of the series. Since the movie screen is bigger the camera angles make the Valks look huge unless it stock footage being used, yet the Destroids get bitch slapped all over the place. In the short clip of part two they show a VF-1 with fast backs in what looks to be in a Fire Valk color scheme raising on the launch pad. Renato & Alex for this movie I will admit there plenty of what you guys call "Front & or Rear". No he does not,
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