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Everything posted by Save

  1. That is funny since I've never said I was here to be accepted by some, most or all whether they be Japanese, Australian or Martian. The only thing I try not to do is be an asshat regardless of what country (or forum) I'm in that even goes for my own. In my case it seems to work like a charm.
  2. Didn't You try that method and from reading your posts it was a complete failure, you just left out the part about going home jaded with your tail between your legs.
  3. Most region 2 anime DVDs don't even have Japanese hearing impaired subs so I don't think spending money on English subs is going to happen anytime soon even if HG folded. Most expat communities don't watch anime.
  4. Seto is this what became of the Culture Park project?
  5. Since you say you are fluent in Japanese, did you ever just try telling them that carrying on in such a way is not proper? If I was Japanese and you called me Chinese in response to a Gaijin comment; I would have walked away thinking you proved my point. Do you have any constructive tales?
  6. Sorry to hear your time in Japan went so badly. For me it is not the same case 2005 to present. I've had to deal with the whole Gaijin thing from time to time, but I'm bigger than that and I can roll with the punches. I too unfortunately have had to put a very small percent of strangers in check, but it is not fun nor something to brag about.
  7. Tenjin did the sketch for Graham, but he brought the both of us a cool gift.
  8. We have gone full circle; the same can be said for most of us that 25 years ago that we didn't know the difference between Macross, Southern Corss & Mospeada.............. well you know where I going with this.
  9. Earlier this month Graham was in Tokyo and we had a Macross World Nomikai in Akasaka. Tokyo Hunter, two Dimension Diver circle members, Renato and myself all meet up for a small drinking gathering and Tenjin Hidetaka was a surprise guest. Tenjin was awesome he even took us over to Big West earlier that afternoon. I had also invited T-Rex but unfortunately he was unable to make it. The turn out was great, there was even a Ninja magic show. Over the years I've ran into a number of MW members that come to Japan on holiday / business or are presently living here, and I would like to try to put together small gatherings here in Tokyo from time to time. RuskiiVFaussie will be here in July so there we will definitely be a meet up then. When these gatherings occur I will also invite some Japanese Macross fans to join along, and if possible have different surprise guests from past and present Macross productions (no promises though). Stay tuned for the next get together.
  10. I'm getting tired of the whole Astro Plan X Robotech spoofs. You known it's getting out of hand when you get facebook group invites for Robotech Astro Plan. Seriously, KNOCK IT OFF!
  11. Looks like T-REX is gearing up for Summer Wonder Fest with an SD Inbit. What do you guy's think? Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
  12. DD-cups, false advertising those are padded B cups at best.
  13. I'm with you on that. That video looked like a bad Team Fortress mod cut scene.
  14. Save

    1/48 Fast Packs?

    I can get 1/48 fast packs no problem for 10,000yen not including shipping. Hit me up is anybody needs some.
  15. Carl's contributions to Robotech helped open the eyes of people who thought animation was just for kids. You did good Carl, thank you for all your efforts.
  16. Renato actually everybody leaves Tokyo during Golden Week the subways and trains are pretty much empty all day. Everybody goes to the beaches in Chiba or to Kansai with their family's. It is usually the most quite week in Tokyo except for the day before the end of Golden Week when everybody comes back and the highways are backed up. Wow all the advise mostly given other than Nakano to me personally is a was of time. Yamashiro the shop near Ueno has nothing of interest and they all sell everything above retail. Sakuraya hobby is closed there is nothing left for anime fans in Shinjuku besides their merchandise was over priced. Akihabara is only un-impressive if you don't know your way around, anybody visiting Akiba shouldn't waste time in Animate unless you are a local picking up your pre-ordered merchandise or a Jump comics fan. Keep away from chain stores like Kiddyland, Animate, Gamers and Kotobukiya you can find a better selection else where and in some places save up to 50%. Best days to shop in Akihabara are Mondays and Thursdays Liberty stores opens at 10:30am Mandarake opens at noon. Monday and Thursday are the usual restocking days for most stores. Most Tokyo based "TOY FLIPPERS" have regular jobs so they don't make it to Akiba till after 7pm Mon-Fri or come early Sat and Sun. Only come to Akihabara on the weekends for light shopping, sight seeing and picture taking. The side walks are packed with locals and tourists and if you are carrying bags of 1/48s you are not going to make it very far with out damages. Yes you will see Maids "Do Not Take Their Pictures" ask first if they gesture it is OK then go for it, if they say no "Do Not Sneak a Picture" it is RUDE. You also can not take pictures in toy shops. Why you ask, it is just the rules so follow them and don't get caught being a jackass foreigner. Stay away from Yodobashi Camera biggest waste of time EVER. Every anime area closes at 8pm Akiba, Nakano and Otome Road. I've meet so many people who show up at 7:30 thinking they have till 10 to shop. Most importantly NEVER buy the first thing you see, unless it is so rare you would give your right hand for it because some where else you will find it cheaper. Shibuya Mandarake in my opinion is the best for vintage collectors and it is Macross friendly, and the Moe type of goods are not really stocked there. If you want me to show you around it will cost you a lunch, and I hate Mc Donalds.
  17. Well who ever takes on the task of setting up the con I'm here to help. I've already collected some stuff for the con and have made a few new contacts here in Tokyo that could lead to some cool things. ruskiiVFaussie keep me updated on what's going on for Mac Con Australia. Unfortunately our "mutual friend" here isn't really communicating with me these days so I don't know what kind of plans you have for a Tokyo meet up.
  18. I only hope series #4 has the Vf-2ss with SAP.
  19. Just picked up a sealed CM's Fuke for 2000yen at Mandarake, score big time. Now I have all the collection figures.
  20. I love your guys Podcasts but this one was a little lite. I figured you guys would say allot more.
  21. See you Thursday Renato.
  22. AHH HAA........... so this is way there is always a bid war when I'm trying to win something.
  23. HIP HIP......... On a side note Codename Robotech actually aired on Friday March 1st in Southern California, then the series started the following Monday March 4th 1985.
  24. First time I've heard of that. Where did you hear that? Just about every shop that carries them still has them in stock maybe aside from HLJ. There is even a few Japanese sites trying to sell off their remaining stock this month before tax season. Well I finally bit the bullet and got a Aoshima Tread Stick Ver., and I have to say as much as it looks good it's wanky has hell. The midsection always unfolds when you arch it back to much, and it has no possibility do to that. In bomber mode the legs keep dropping out of place a the slightest touch because the locking mechanism or lack of is useless due to the weight of the lower legs. I think over all CM's did a better job "on the tread".
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