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Everything posted by Robin-11

  1. Not very popular but still a great movie!
  2. I laways thought that armors on the predators were not that relevant. I think their skins must be extremely thick and can barely be pierced by present firearms(i think in the first movie he was wounded by a 5.56 cal, from what i remember) I would be really surprised if now predators can be killed by weapons made out of rocks(to my knowledge most of the weapons NA used were built with rocks and did not have any blades. Again, i might be wrong though). Maybe they will throw in some shaman powers in order to track down and weaken the predator? That would be kind of cool.
  3. That's a ctually my point. To my knowledge the answer would be No. At all. NA were not using traps to hunt(or at least not very sofisticated) and did not develope that kind of technology . Their warfare technology was very primitive and would be completely useless against a predator. At the contrary Dutch after spending several years behind the enemy lines in the jungle was probably able to conquer the perfect knowledge in order to beat the predator. But then again my knowledge on the subiject is superficial so i might be wrong. Plus, we saw just a couple of trailers so things might be quite different from what we are expecting. In any case i think that direction that they are going so far(little girl who hunts down and kills a predator) doesn't make sense at all and those trailers look like a parody to me. Hope i m wrong though.
  4. I agree with you but i think you are being even too kind(of course it's just a trailer so let's wait and see...). I think what a Predator movie needs is a great antagonist that really feels like can take down the alien both with his body and with his mind. And that's the reason why the first two movies work(the first one better than the second). Besides, Dutch was a former Macv sog, so if there was somebody who could take down a predator it was him. Also,according to my knowledge of the native indians culture they seemed to be good hunters but they were weapons were very rudimentary, nothing that could hurt a creature like a predator. Correct if i am wrong here. my knowledge of the topic is really shallow.
  5. That's too bad I really hoped i could get my hands on those decals, they would really make the difference on my GBP VF-1J. Anyway, can i get on your waiting list for this set of decals? Time is not a problem for me at this point, since i have had my GBP like that for over 15 years i think i can wait few more months.
  6. Oh my God, they look really beautiful!!! Are they still available for purchase??
  7. Although i didn't have the chance(I mean money) to buy the Bandai GBP i still like my Yamato one. A lot. Luckily enough it's one of the valks from Yamato that didn't yellow a bit. I actually would love to buy the Bandai version too. The only think that i really don't like about it are the giant hands. Also, i'd kill for having a set of waterslide decals for the Yammie one.
  8. Honestly, not fair. That yamato is panel lined and very well too, i'd add. Also waterslide decals have been applied, if i m not mistaken. I mean, it looks really beautiful! I wish i had one like yours...Although i am not a big fan of the shade of orange yamato used...too vibrant(same problem i have with the Ostrich).
  9. Honestly when i read RESERVATION CANCELLATION i thought it was all over. I m really glad it's not though and i hope i will be able to get my PF very soon...it's one of my favourite VF(well, YF in this case).
  10. So, does this mean we still have some chances to see the release of the Premium finish YF-19???
  11. I agree 100% and i would also love to see a VF-0D in a cannon fodder color scheme. I really loved that grey we had a glimpse of in the oav and the old promotional images.
  12. I guess we are really screwed then 😅
  13. Bryger...october... It seems like Bandai is one the few companies being able to avoid delays these days.
  14. Exactly. I don't remember Bandai ever doing something like this for a Macross toy....what about the CF VF-25 from Macross frontier?
  15. It's on mine too! First position actually! I do have one concern though...Bandai is probably going to print the number of the aircraft(well, the variable fighter) pretty much all over the piece...that would make it kinda weird to have more than in your collection. I hope bandai finds a way to give us some freedom and let us choose to apply different numbers to every single VF.
  16. To me the real problem with this movie is that, very likely, the first one is going to look more actual than the second chapter...
  17. Yamato made, in the 1/48 scale, only the DYRL version of Roy while Bandai has released only the SDFM of our beloved Skull leader. I guess it depends on which one you feel more attached to...in any case, Bandai VFs are clearly better under pretty much every aspect although i still love my yamatos and i won't be replacing them with the new ones(i promised myself i will only buy the versions that yamato never released). Despite everything i think that the silhouette on fighter mode on the Yamatos is still the best among all the others VF-1 toys.
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