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Everything posted by Invid99

  1. I can see the good comparison between the Glaug and Gamo/Enforcer. So the Grabu and Ligaa are more the expendable foot soldiers like the Regult. Ghoss are equal to the Nousjadeul-ger and Quaedluun-Rau.
  2. If we taking the official size scale of the Invid, then they will be like this when confronting the Zentraedi:
  3. Cool! But I would prefer a scale size like this:
  4. Ah okey, but it seems in the comics the scale of the Invid are bigger than their official heights. But would be fun to see Zentraedi fighting against crab-sizes mecha with firepower lol.
  5. True what you say, but in the Robotech world it seems the Invid are bigger than what they were as Inbit in Mospeada. Here is a page from Robotech the graphic novel. You can see the Shocktrooper is the same size as a Zentraedi soldier, like I wrote I wanted them to be.
  6. In the movie Sentinel, the Invid soldiers seems to be much larger than humans unlike in the original series Mospeada, where they are slightly taller than the tallest man. The Eager scout are bigger too. I agree, the Invid needs to be bigger than what they are in Mospeada, but I wouldn't make them bigger than any of the Zentraedi units. Like the Invid Shocktrooper, I would enlarge them to the same size as a Zentraedi soldier. Same with the Eager crab scout, but a bit smaller than the Shocktrooper. While the Commander and Enforcer will be taller than a Zentraedi grunt and same size as a VF-1 Battleoid. Despite the size difference, the Invid could still pull up a fight because of them swarming in huge numbers and more agile than Zentraedi mecha.
  7. Yes true, but don't the Invid rely on swarming their enemies despite being smaller?
  8. I've always been fascinated how similar both factions are. Both has insectoid, organic looking mecha, colorful paintjobs and they reminds me of long distance cousins. There are some snippets of them fighting each other in the Robotech comics, but I would like one dedicated a plot just being about them two going at each others.
  9. If we ever get a remastered SDFM series with additional new scenes, I hope they remove the uneven drawings of the Nousj suits, for example in the episode 31 ''Satan Dolls'' where Quamzin and his men attack the town. Quamzin uses the green-red color suit and the rest the fully green ones. But during the attack, the colors just blend in with each other. I hope the official colors will like in the picture I uploaded. They don't need their own repainted UN colors like the light blue. The other Zentraedi mecha didn't get one, so I don't see why the Nousjadeul should have either.
  10. I like the design a lot and I wished the original SDFM Nousjadeul-ger suit was similar to it. The original Nousjadeul-ger design always bugged me.
  11. If we first take a look at the Reguld pod variants, they have a set of missile launchers attached to them without removing any mechanics of the standard ones. But with the Glaug Power Up, the legs are removed. Can it be seen as a different mecha than just a variant of the Glaug?
  12. Would you be excited or very worried? The man made Transformers popular and huge box office numbers.
  13. What do people think? Many artists are doing retro 80's sound nowadays, so it does have it's appeal?
  14. Found a great site that analyzed vehicles and events from SDFM. Here are some screenshot mostly of Zentraedis. Here is the site: https://superdimensionalanalysis.com/a-robotech-macross-photo-essay/
  15. I don't know if this was intentionally done. But I notice that almost all the mechanics that are classified as ''Pods'' has a cyclops visior. Except for the re-entry landing craft.
  16. I get that, but if were to put the mechanics that has arms and legs, then the Gnerl and Landingcraft cannot be put in the category of mobile suits? Or can we call a car and motorbikes for mobile suits too? Quel-Quallie scout ship and the Salvage ship have more in common with a Queadluun-rau than a car?
  17. If the show kept the storyline from SDFM pretty much the same, except for the japanese character names changed into english, no Mospeada & Southern Cross involvement and the title is Starship Macross. Would the show have appealed to western audience like ''R'' show did?
  18. lol I agree, does look like a diving suit. I think the Boddole color theme looks better
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