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Special Sauce

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Everything posted by Special Sauce

  1. It's surprising Harmony Gold hasn't gone into bankruptcy. How do they even make any money? The only thing they have worth anything is Macross and they don't seem to be doing much with it anyway.
  2. What's the deal with Tamashii Nations? How are they associated with Bandai and why do they get all these exclusives?
  3. I feel like it's been made as difficult as possible to be able to get anything from this franchise. Toys, movies, tv series etc. All because of the stupid legal nonsense. I don't think I've ever been into something that was made so difficult to try and enjoy. I'm still sticking with it, just wish it was easier.
  4. So I've only been able to see the original Macross movie, some of the robotech tv series and Macross Plus. I've seen none of the others but want to. What are my options, if any? Any streaming platforms that have them?
  5. Yes, that would be good as well.
  6. It would be great if it comes as a set with the grey visor VF-1J since a lot of people probably missed out on the original release, myself included
  7. One of my favorite designs (The Ozma itself). I feel though that I prefer the sleeker look of the super packs as opposed to the armor sets. I only have an armor set for my VF-31S and that thing is ridiculously big. It looks cool but maybe a little too busy for me.
  8. Such a great toy. Have to get mine out to play around with it. I need to get a nice display cabinet for him and the others I have.
  9. Such a great toy. Have to get mine out to play around with it. I need to get a nice display cabinet for him and the others I have.
  10. I'm trying to narrow it down to what it is and it does seem like it's the quality of the plastic used. Because they're a larger company they probably source their plastic from different suppliers to satisfy their needs. So it would make sense that some parts yellow while others do not.
  11. There are several methods you can use to try and clean them up. Using cleaning solutions using peroxide and water or a mixture of vinegar, baking soda and water can work on yellowed plastic. I haven't tried it myself since I don't have any that are yellow yet. Styrofoam is a petroleum based product which when heated can release toxic gases. I imagine the combo of a hot attic or direct sunlight would releases some of the petroleum gases of the Styrofoam which would cause the yellowing. It would probably take some time for that to happen unless you're talking about some extreme heat. Styrofoam also degrades must faster than plastic. Could explain why you see a lot of yellowing in the DX line because they're packaged in Styrofoam. Of course I'm just spit balling but it makes sense to me.
  12. Must be a reaction to some kind of oils. Could be the Styrofoam packaging.
  13. Were they exposed to sunlight too much?
  14. Were they exposed to sunlight too much?
  15. Which YF-29 model was that? Did you buy it new or used? I'm just trying to narrow down if it's just sunlight that makes this happen. I'll probably still get the VF-25F renewal because I feel it's a pretty sharp looking Valk. Especially in fast packs.
  16. How many DX pre-orders are there each year approximately? Doesn't seem like too many.
  17. Have a question that I'm not sure anyone can answer but I figured I'd give it a shot. I want to get a VF-25F renewal version still sealed if I can. I know that the white parts can become yellowed when exposed to sunlight, but have any ever yellowed even when NOT exposed to sunlight? I'm just worried if I get one still sealed that it'll be yellowed anyway from sitting in the box so long sealed up (something about the styrofoam emitting gases causing a chemical reaction) . I know the toy came out a long time ago and I've seen some people claim that it can happen. I just don't want to pay a premium price for an already yellowed toy. So I guess I'm asking what are the chances that would happen or has it to happened to any of you?
  18. The Fighter mode of that looks great. I'd consider getting one just based on that alone.
  19. That's a good idea. I might try that out. I can always test it on something else to get the hang of it
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