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Special Sauce

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Everything posted by Special Sauce

  1. Seems like there are pros and cons to each version.
  2. Not sure if it's ok to post this question here but it is kinda pose related. Would the old Yamato stands with the different adapters that came with them work with the newer Arcadia Valks. the Macross Zero specifically? I've got one of the chrome/silver ones and wondered if it was worth keeping if it can't be used on those valks.
  3. What's the general consensus on which is better? Renewal or Revival? I have renewals of the VF-25S and 25F. I have the fast pack sets for them too. Wasn't sure if it was worth buying the new 25F set with everything included unless it was made better.
  4. I've seen the armor sets go for between $150-$200
  5. Can't read the description but I imagine being that cheap it was used, maybe not even in good shape
  6. Anyone know what a Yamato 1/60 VF1S Low Vis factory sealed goes for these days?
  7. Nice. Hopefully I am able to get one some day so that if I have to adjust the joints it'll be easy.
  8. Was it a pain in the a$$ getting to the screws to loosen them?
  9. I love reading that other collectors do some of the same things that I do. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in my freaky toy collecting.
  10. Little stuff like that doesn't bother me that much. But I guess with what they cost there should be better QC for stuff like that. I worry more about breakage and the moveable pieces working properly. Also fit and finish.
  11. These storage pics are incredible. Are you guys able to display any of these? Seems like too many to really be able to display effectively unless you have them all over the house/apartment 😄. Which I'd be all for doing but doesn't seem like a good idea
  12. Congrats on your score. It's a beautiful Valk. I love mine.
  13. Gotcha, thanks for the clarifiaction 👍
  14. So this new reissue is worse than the original release? I'm asking because I considered trying to get a PF version.
  15. There's definitely hope then, fingers crossed.
  16. Great shot!
  17. It seems like they save their Premium Finish versions for the more popular hero Valks, like Roy's, Hikaru, Isamu etc. Though the did do the Elintskeer so I suppose there's a possibility they'd do a PF for this one.
  18. Can't wait to get this. It's been a while since I bought a Yamato/Arcadia Valk.
  19. That don't look bad to me either. Honestly most people wouldn't even notice or care about that. But for the price I understand why you would want it to fit nice and tight.
  20. Sucks for the CA buyers but looks like it saves the rest some $$. But we're all in the same boat if we buy from a retailer in our home state.
  21. I'm asking wiseass because others have been saying you get charged tax anyways. A lot of online companies from other states are doing it. Why would I bother checking myself if others have already done so? What you're saying is contradicting that, that's why I questioned it.
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