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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hey thanks. I was not looking for the orthographic of the Invader for myself, but rather for a good mate of mine. I could have sworn someone did a 3d model of one, and posted the views of her, but any links I've come across have been broken.
  2. Masterful work as always my friend
  3. HA!!! I came to this forum to help you out with a VA-3 Orthos... And you are already here. Excellent work so far mate!
  4. Hey mates, I am brand new here, and just wanted to share some art I drew up (normally I am known as a Star Trek artist, but I have done many subjects). I also need some help: Does anyone have, or can direct me to any orthographic drawings of the VA-3 Invader? Thanks in advance mates! You can check out more of my stuff at my DA page: https://www.deviantart.com/atolmazel
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